57 research outputs found

    Children’s time use in developing countries: Comparative evidence from Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam

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    87 Session: Poster Session: Children and youth IIOrganizer: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP)Children’s time use is an important factor affecting human capital outcomes such as educational attainment and future employment. Thus far, little attention has been paid to how children’s time use varies across and within middle- and low-income countries compared to more economically-advanced countries. In this article, we use comparative survey data to examine children’s time use in four countries with varying degrees of development in the Asian region—the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. We selected children’s time use as the key outcome and, based on previous literature, we hypothesize that child age and gender, and household characteristics influence the organization of children’s daily lives, in particular how they allocate their time between leisure, study (outside school), housework, and work that supplements family income. Using a series of OLS regression models, we find evidence of gendered time allocation, with girls generally more likely to perform housework and devote less time to leisure, while boys generally spend more time working to support the household and more time in leisure. Some of the gendered differences are attenuated within households with higher maternal education. The detailed results suggest nuanced processes differentiating the country samples, and we discuss both their theoretical and practical implications.postprin

    Relationship between the morphology of the foveal avascular zone, retinal structure, and macular circulation in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is an extremely severe and common degenerative disease. The purpose of this study was to quantify the relationship between various parameters including the Foveal Avascular Zone (FAZ) morphology, retinal layer thickness, and retinal hemodynamic properties in healthy controls and patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) with and with no mild DR (MDR) using Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (Spectralis SDOCT, Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Germany) and the Retinal Function Imager (Optical Imaging, Ltd., Rehovot, Israel). Our results showed a higher FAZ area and diameter in MDR patients. Blood flow analysis also showed that there is a significantly smaller venous blood flow velocity in MDR patients. Also, a significant difference in roundness was observed between DM and MDR groups supporting the development of asymmetrical FAZ expansion with worsening DR. Our results suggest a potential anisotropy in the mechanical properties of the diabetic retina with no retinopathy that may trigger the FAZ elongation in a preferred direction resulting in either thinning or thickening of intraretinal layers in the inner and outer segments of the retina as a result of autoregulation. A detailed understanding of these relationships may facilitate earlier detection of DR, allowing for preservation of vision and better clinical outcomes

    Access and Unmet Needs of Orphan Drugs in 194 Countries and Six Areas: a Global Policy Review with Content Analysis

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    Objectives: Three hundred million people living with rare diseases worldwide are disproportionately deprived of in-time diagnosis and treatment compared with other patients. This review provides an overview of global policies that optimize development, licensing, pricing, and reimbursement of orphan drugs. Methods: Pharmaceutical legislation and policies related to access and regulation of orphan drugs were examined from 194 World Health Organization member countries and 6 areas. Orphan drug policies (ODPs) were identified through internet search, emails to national pharmacovigilance centers, and systematic academic literature search. Texts from selected publications were extracted for content analysis. Results: One hundred seventy-two drug regulation documents and 77 academic publications from 162 countries/areas were included. Ninety-two of 200 countries/areas (46.0%) had documentation on ODPs. Thirty-four subthemes from content analysis were categorized into 6 policy themes, namely, orphan drug designation, marketing authorization, safety and efficacy requirements, price regulation, incentives that encourage market availability, and incentives that encourage research and development. Countries/areas with ODPs were statistically wealthier (gross national income per capita = 10 875vs10 875 vs 3950, P < .001). Country/area income was also positively correlated with the scope of the respective ODP (correlation coefficient = 0.57, P < .001). Conclusions: Globally, the number of countries with an ODP has grown rapidly since 2013. Nevertheless, disparities in geographical distribution and income levels affect the establishment of ODPs. Furthermore, identified policy gaps in price regulation, incentives that encourage market availability, and incentives that encourage research and development should be addressed to improve access to available and affordable orphan drugs

    Global biogeography of coral recruitment: tropical decline and subtropical increase

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    Despite widespread climate-driven reductions of coral cover on tropical reefs, little attention has been paid to the possibility that changes in the geographic distribution of coral recruitment could facilitate beneficial responses to the changing climate through latitudinal range shifts. To address this possibility, we compiled a global database of normalized densities of coral recruits on settlement tiles (corals m(-2)) deployed from 1974 to 2012, and used the data therein to test for latitudinal range shifts in the distribution of coral recruits. In total, 92 studies provided 1253 records of coral recruitment, with 77 % originating from settlement tiles immersed for 3-24 mo, herein defined as long-immersion tiles (LITs); the limited temporal and geographic coverage of data from short-immersion tiles (SITs; deployed for 20 degrees latitude). These trends indicate that a global decline in coral recruitment has occurred since 1974, and the persistent reduction in the densities of recruits in equatorial latitudes, coupled with increased densities in sub-tropical latitudes, suggests that coral recruitment may be shifting poleward

    Theoretical basis for interpreting heterodyne chirality-selective sum frequency generation spectra of water

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    Chirality-selective vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy (chiral SFG) has emerged as a powerful technique for the study of biomolecular hydration water due to its sensitivity to the induced chirality of the first hydration shell. Thus far, water O-H vibrational bands in phase-resolved heterodyne chiral SFG spectra have been fit using one Lorentzian function per vibrational band, and the resulting fit has been used to infer the underlying frequency distribution. Here, we show that this approach may not correctly reveal the structure and dynamics of hydration water. Our analysis illustrates that the chiral SFG responses of symmetric and asymmetric O-H stretch modes of water have opposite phase and equal magnitude and are separated in energy by intramolecular vibrational coupling and a heterogeneous environment. The sum of the symmetric and asymmetric responses implies that an O-H stretch in a heterodyne chiral SFG spectrum should appear as two peaks with opposite phase and equal amplitude. Using pairs of Lorentzian functions to fit water O-H stretch vibrational bands, we improve spectral fitting of previously acquired experimental spectra of model beta-sheet proteins and reduce the number of free parameters. The fitting allows us to estimate the vibrational frequency distribution and thus reveals the molecular interactions of water in hydration shells of biomolecules directly from chiral SFG spectra

    Virus-specific antibody secreting cell, memory B-cell, and sero-antibody responses in the human influenza challenge model.

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    BACKGROUND:  Antibodies play a major role in the protection against influenza virus in human. However, the antibody level is usually short-lived and the cellular mechanisms underlying influenza virus-specific antibody response to acute infection remain unclear. METHODS:  We studied the kinetics and magnitude of influenza virus-specific B-cell and serum antibody responses in relation to virus replication during the course of influenza infection in healthy adult volunteers who were previously seronegative and experimentally infected with seasonal influenza H1N1 A/Brisbane/59/07 virus. RESULTS:  Our data demonstrated a robust expansion of the virus-specific antibody-secreting cells (ASCs) and memory B cells in the peripheral blood, which correlated with both the throat viral load and the duration of viral shedding. The ASC response was obviously detected on day 7 post-infection when the virus was completely cleared from nasal samples, and serum hemagglutination-inhibition antibodies were still undetectable. On day 28 postinfection, influenza virus-specific B cells were further identified from the circulating compartment of isotype-switched B cells. CONCLUSIONS: Virus-specific ASCs could be the earliest marker of B-cell response to a new flu virus infection, such as H7N9 in humans
