10 research outputs found
Early respiratory viral infections in infants with cystic fibrosis
BACKGROUND: Viral infections contribute to morbidity in cystic fibrosis (CF), but the impact of respiratory viruses on the development of airway disease is poorly understood. METHODS: Infants with CF identified by newborn screening were enrolled prior to 4 months of age to participate in a prospective observational study at 4 centers. Clinical data were collected at clinic visits and weekly phone calls. Multiplex PCR assays were performed on nasopharyngeal swabs to detect respiratory viruses during routine visits and when symptomatic. Participants underwent bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and a subset underwent pulmonary function testing. We present findings through 8.5 months of life. RESULTS: Seventy infants were enrolled, mean age 3.1 ± 0.8 months. Rhinovirus was the most prevalent virus (66%), followed by parainfluenza (19%), and coronavirus (16%). Participants had a median of 1.5 viral positive swabs (range 0-10). Past viral infection was associated with elevated neutrophil concentrations and bacterial isolates in BAL fluid, including recovery of classic CF bacterial pathogens. When antibiotics were prescribed for respiratory-related indications, viruses were identified in 52% of those instances. CONCLUSIONS: Early viral infections were associated with greater neutrophilic inflammation and bacterial pathogens. Early viral infections appear to contribute to initiation of lower airway inflammation in infants with CF. Antibiotics were commonly prescribed in the setting of a viral infection. Future investigations examining longitudinal relationships between viral infections, airway microbiome, and antibiotic use will allow us to elucidate the interplay between these factors in young children with CF
Associação de bronquiolite obliterante pós-infecciosa e hemossiderose pulmonar na infância Postinfectious bronchiolitis obliterans accompanied by pulmonary hemosiderosis in childhood
Descreve-se uma apresentação rara de bronquiolite obliterante associada a hemossiderose pulmonar, em paciente de nove anos com sintomas respiratórios persistentes iniciados após episódio de bronquiolite aguda grave aos sete meses. Após o episódio agudo, apresentou sintomas respiratórios persistentes, piorando significativamente aos sete anos, quando começou a apresentar dificuldade respiratória em pequenos esforços. A tomografia computadorizada de tórax demonstrou achados compatÃveis com bronquiolite obliterante. A biópsia pulmonar a céu aberto demonstrou numerosos macrófagos corados com hemossiderina, além dos achados compatÃveis com bronquiolite obliterante. O diagnóstico de hemossiderose pulmonar pode estar ocasionalmente associado a bronquiolite obliterante em crianças com seqüela pós-viral grave.<br>In the present report, we describe an unusual presentation of post-infectious bronchiolitis obliterans accompanied by pulmonary hemosiderosis in a nine-year-old boy with persistent respiratory symptoms subsequent to an episode of acute bronchiolitis occurring at the age of seven months. After the episode, the persistent respiratory symptoms worsened significantly, and, by the age of seven, the patient began to have difficulty breathing after minimal exertion. Computed tomography of the chest presented findings consistent with bronchiolitis obliterans. Open lung biopsy revealed numerous hemosiderin-laden macrophages, as well as other findings consistent with bronchiolitis obliterans. Pulmonary hemosiderosis can occasionally be accompanied by bronchiolitis obliterans in children with severe sequelae after an episode of viral infection
Clinical profile of recurrent community-acquired pneumonia in children
Background: The aim of this case-control study was to analyse the clinical characteristics of children with recurrent community-acquired pneumonia (rCAP) affecting different lung areas (DLAs) and compare them with those of children who have never experienced CAP in order to contribute to identifying the best approach to such patients.Methods: The study involved 146 children with 652 episodes of radiographically confirmed CAP in DLA in a single year (or 653 episodes in any time frame) with radiographic clearing of densities between occurrences, and 145 age- and gender-matched controls enrolled in Milan, Italy, between January 2009 and December 2012. The demographic and clinical characteristics of the cases and controls were compared, and a comparison was also made between the cases with rCAP (i.e. 643 episodes) and those with highly recurrent CAP (hrCAP: i.e. >3 episodes).Results: Gestational age at birth (p = 0.003), birth weight (p = 0.006), respiratory distress at birth (p < 0.001), and age when starting day care attendance (p < 0.001) were significantly different between the cases and controls, and recurrent infectious wheezing (p < 0.001), chronic rhinosinusitis with post-nasal drip (p < 0.001), recurrent upper respiratory tract infections (p < 0.001), atopy/allergy (p < 0.001) and asthma (p < 0.001) were significantly more frequent. Significant risk factors for hrCAP were gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD; p = 0.04), a history of atopy and/or allergy (p = 0.005), and a diagnosis of asthma (p = 0.0001) or middle lobe syndrome (p = 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis, adjusted for age and gender, showed that all of the risk factors other than GERD and wheezing were associated with hrCAP.Conclusions: The diagnostic approach to children with rCAP in DLAs is relatively easy in the developed world, where the severe chronic underlying diseases favouring rCAP are usually identified early, and patients with chronic underlying disease are diagnosed before the occurrence of rCAP in DLAs. When rCAP in DLAs does occur, an evaluation of the patients' history and clinical findings make it possible to limit diagnostic investigations
PTEN regulates cilia through Dishevelled
Cilia are hair-like cellular protrusions important in many aspects of eukaryotic biology. For instance, motile cilia enable fluid movement over epithelial surfaces, while primary (sensory) cilia play roles in cellular signalling. The molecular events underlying cilia dynamics, and particularly their disassembly, are not well understood. Phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) is an extensively studied tumour suppressor, thought to primarily act by antagonizing PI3-kinase signalling. Here we demonstrate that PTEN plays an important role in multicilia formation and cilia disassembly by controlling the phosphorylation of Dishevelled (DVL), another ciliogenesis regulator. DVL is a central component of WNTsignalling that plays a role during convergent extension movements, which we show here are also regulated by PTEN. Our studies identify a novel protein substrate for PTEN that couples PTEN to regulation of cilia dynamics and WNT signalling, thus advancing our understanding of potential underlying molecular etiologies of PTEN-related pathologies