12 research outputs found

    Prevalence of antibodies against Chlamydophila spp. in herds with bovine abortion of Paraná state, Brazil

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    Chlamydophila abortus é o agente etiológico do aborto epizoótico bovino, cujas manifestações clínicas mais freqüentes são aborto, nascimento de bezerros prematuros e de animais fracos, natimorto e repetição de cio em intervalos irregulares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a prevalência de anticorpos anti-Chlamydophila spp. em fêmeas bovinas de propriedades rurais com histórico de aborto, selecionadas dentro do delineamento amostral do Plano Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e Tuberculose no estado do Paraná. Foram testadas pela prova de fixação de complemento 3.102 amostras de soro de fêmeas bovinas (idade > 24 meses), provenientes de 373 propriedades. Ao total, 44 (1,42%) animais foram positivos com títulos > 32. A prevalência de focos foi de 8,82% (6,15%-12,17%). Animais confinados ou semi-confinados (OR=3.339, P=0.004), propriedade com menos de 35 matrizes (OR=3.339, P=0.017), presença de produtos do aborto na pastagem (OR=2.372, P=0.037) e aluguel de pasto (OR=3.398, P=0.006) foram considerados fatores de risco para Chlamydophila spp. A infecção por Chlamydophila spp. acometeu um número pequeno de animais, oriundos de propriedades com histórico de aborto. A importância deste agente como causa de aborto em bovinos no estado do Paraná, se existir, é muito pequena.Chlamydophila abortus is a recognized cause of bovine epizootic abortion. Abortion, premature birth and weak lamb/calf, stillbirth and repeat breeding in irregular intervals are the most frequent disease manifestations. The complement fixation test is the recommended by the World Organization of Animal Health (OIE) for Chlamydophila spp. serologic diagnosis. The aim of this study was estimate the prevalence of antibodies against Chlamydophila spp. in cattle herds with abortion, selected inside the sampling design of National Program of Control and Erradication of Brucellosis in Paraná state. Serum samples of 3,102 cows (age > 24 months) from 373 herds were analyzed by complement fixation test. Totally, 44 (1.42%) animal were positive with titers > 32. The seroprevalence of Chlamydophila spp. in the herds was 8.82% (6.15%-12.17%). Four variables were associated with seroprevalence for Chlamydophila spp. in the final model of logistic regression: confined or semi-confined breeding (OR=3.339, P=0.004), farms with less than 35 cows (OR=3.339, P=0.017), abortion in the pasture (OR=2.372, P=0.037) and pasture rent (OR=3.398, P=0.006) were risk factors for Chlamydophila spp. This bacterium infected a small number of cattle from herds with abortion in Paraná state. Chlamydophila spp impact as abortion cause is reduced in this state

    Investigation of the possible role of Chlamydophila abortus in reproductive failures in nrazilian herds of domestic ruminants

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    Chlamydophila abortus (C. abortus) infection is related to reproductive failure in domestic ruminants. Although it has not been well characterized worldwide, this pathogen has already been identified in some European countries and in the USA. In Brazil, preliminary studies have shown serological evidence of C. abortus infection in herds with low antibody prevalence. Until now, the identification of C. abortus in biological samples from females presenting reproductive failures has not been described in Brazilian herds of domestic ruminants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of the C. abortus in a collection of abortions from cattle (n=85), sheep (n=12), and goats (n=8), in samples of vaginal mucus from cows (n=13), sheep (n=90), and goats (n­=20), and in semen from sheep (n=10) and goats (n=5). The specimens (n=243) were evaluated using a PCR assay developed to amplify the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic space of C. abortus. A PCR assay with an internal control, which amplifies a fragment from the ND5 gene of bovine mitochondrial DNA, was used in order to evaluate the efficiency of the DNA extraction and of the PCR reaction. All biological samples (n=243) included in this study were negative for C. abortus in the PCR assay. The internal control enabled the amplification of a product from the bovine mitochondrial ND5 gene in all cattle abortion samples (n=85). Given the serological evidence indicating the presence of C. abortus infection in Brazilian herds of domestic ruminants, and considering the wide sampling evaluated, the failure to identify C. abortus in this survey suggests that the frequency of clinical signs in infected animals may be low or even absent.A infecção pela Chlamydophila abortus (C. abortus) em ruminantes domésticos está relacionada com distúrbios reprodutivos. Apesar de ainda pouco estudada em todo o mundo, a infecção já foi identificada em alguns países europeus e também nos EUA. No Brasil, estudos preliminares demonstraram evidências sorológicas da infecção em alguns rebanhos com baixa prevalência de anticorpos. Até o momento ainda não foi possível a identificação de C. abortus a partir de material biológico proveniente de fêmeas com problemas reprodutivos em rebanhos brasileiros. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a presença da C. abortus em uma coleção de abortos bovinos (n=85), ovinos (n=12) e caprinos (n=8), em amostras de muco vaginal bovino (n=13), ovino (n=90) e caprino (n=20), e em sêmen ovino (n=10) e caprino (n=5). As amostras biológicas (n=243) foram avaliadas por meio de técnica de PCR desenvolvida para a amplificação do espaço intergênico 16S-23S RNAr da C. abortus. Um controle interno da reação, que amplifica um fragmento do gene ND5 do DNA mitocondrial de bovino, foi utilizado para a avaliação da eficiência da extração e da amplificação do DNA nas amostras provenientes de abortamento bovino. Todas as amostras biológicas (n=243) incluídas nesse estudo resultaram negativas para a C. abortus na PCR. O controle interno da reação possibilitou a amplificação de um produto do gene ND5 mitocondrial bovino em todas as amostras de aborto bovino (n=85). Apesar de evidências,,sorológicas indicarem a presença da infecção por C. abortus em rebanhos de ruminantes no Brasil, e considerando o número de amostras biológicas avaliadas, a não identificação de C. abortus nesse estudo sugere que a frequência de sinais clínicos nos animais infectados pode ser baixa ou mesmo ausente.FINEPSETIFundação AraucáriaCNP

    [A statistical evaluation of the surgical therapy of TMJ condyle-disk incoordination].

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    Biomechanical pathology of the TMJ occurs most frequently in 4 clinical variants: anterior dislocation of the jaw, reciprocal click, closed lock, osteoarthrotic degeneration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of TMJ surgery, using statistical comparative analysis, in resolving condylo-meniscal incoordination. Eighty-one patients were included in the study who had been treated surgically for various symptoms of condylo-discal incoordination from 1982 to 1989, assessing a series of objective and subjective parameters and making a statistical comparison of results

    Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae seropositivity and the reproductive performance of sows

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    The reproductive performance of 28 sows seropositive to Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae was compared with that of 87 Leptospira sp. seronegative dams belonging to the same herd. Sows were sampled during 1988 to 1993. During this period the herd was not submitted to any kind of intervention (antibiotic therapy, immunoprophylaxis or rodent control). Relative risks (RR) of return to heat, mummified fetuses, stillbirth and weak newborn piglets for infected sows were assessed and the differences in means of total piglets bom per litter, piglets born alive, piglets effectively housed, weaned piglets, stillbirths, mummified fetuses, weak newborn piglets, weight at birth of the piglets effectively housed, weight at 21 days of life and weight at weaning were evaluated. Seropositive dams had a greater risk of having weak newborn piglets (RR = 1.67, 1.02 64 CI 95% 64 2.72) and also of having more weak newborn piglets per litter (P = 0.01). Other variables examined were not different (P \u2aa2 0.05)