397 research outputs found

    Black-Hole Mass and Growth Rate at High Redshift

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    We present new H and K bands spectroscopy of 15 high luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at redshifts 2.3-3.4 obtained on Gemini South. We combined the data with spectra of additional 29 high-luminosity sources to obtain a sample with 10^{45.2}<\lambda L_{\lambda}(5100A)<10^{47.3} ergs/sec and black hole (BH) mass range, using reverberation mapping relationships based on the H_beta method, of 10^{8.8}-10^{10.7} M_sun. We do not find a correlation of L/L_Edd with M_BH but find a correlation with \lambda L_{\lambda}(5100A) which might be due to selection effects. The L/L_Edd distribution is broad and covers the range ~0.07-1.6, similar to what is observed in lower redshift, lower luminosity AGNs. We suggest that this consistently measured and calibrated sample gives the best representation of L/L_Edd at those redshifts and note potential discrepancies with recent theoretical and observational studies. The lower accretion rates are not in accord with growth scenarios for BHs at such redshifts and the growth times of many of the sources are longer than the age of the universe at the corresponding epochs. This suggests earlier episodes of faster growth at z>~3 for those sources. The use of the C IV method gives considerably different results and a larger scatter; this method seems to be a poor M_BH and L/L_Edd estimator at very high luminosity.Comment: 8 pages (emulateapj), 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    An Over-Massive Black Hole in a Typical Star-Forming Galaxy, 2 Billion Years After the Big Bang

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    Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and their host galaxies are generally thought to coevolve, so that the SMBH achieves up to about 0.2 to 0.5% of the host galaxy mass in the present day. The radiation emitted from the growing SMBH is expected to affect star formation throughout the host galaxy. The relevance of this scenario at early cosmic epochs is not yet established. We present spectroscopic observations of a galaxy at redshift z = 3.328, which hosts an actively accreting, extremely massive BH, in its final stages of growth. The SMBH mass is roughly one-tenth the mass of the entire host galaxy, suggesting that it has grown much more efficiently than the host, contrary to models of synchronized coevolution. The host galaxy is forming stars at an intense rate, despite the presence of a SMBH-driven gas outflow.Comment: Author's version, including the main paper and the Supplementary Materials (16+21 pages, 3+3 figures

    [O III]λ5007\lambda 5007 and X-ray Properties of a Complete Sample of Hard X-ray Selected AGNs in the Local Universe

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    We study the correlation between the [O III]λ5007\lambda 5007 and X-ray luminosities of local Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs), using a complete, hard X-ray (>10>10 keV) selected sample in the Swift/BAT 9-month catalog. From our optical spectroscopic observations at the South African Astronomical Observatory and the literature, a catalog of [O III]λ5007\lambda 5007 line flux for all 103 AGNs at Galactic latitudes of b>15|b|>15^\circ is complied. Significant correlations with intrinsic X-ray luminosity (LXL_{\rm X}) are found both for observed (L[O III]L_{\rm [O~III]}) and extinction-corrected (L[O III]corL_{\rm [O~III]}^{\rm cor}) luminosities, separately for X-ray unabsorbed and absorbed AGNs. We obtain the regression form of L[O III]L_{\rm [O~III]} L210  keV1.18±0.07\propto L_{\rm 2-10\; keV}^{1.18\pm0.07} and L[O III]corL_{\rm [O~III]}^{\rm cor} L210  keV1.16±0.09\propto L_{\rm 2-10\; keV}^{1.16\pm0.09} from the whole sample. The absorbed AGNs with low (<<0.5\%) scattering fractions in soft X-rays show on average smaller L[O III]/LXL_{\rm [O~III]}/L_{\rm X} and L[O III]cor/LXL_{\rm [O~III]}^{\rm cor}/L_{\rm X} ratios than the other absorbed AGNs, while those in edge-on host galaxies do not. These results suggest that a significant fraction of this population are buried in tori with small opening angles. By using these L[O III]L_{\rm [O~III]} vs. LXL_{\rm X} correlations, the X-ray luminosity function of local AGNs (including Compton thick AGNs) in a standard population synthesis model gives much better agreement with the [O III]λ5007\lambda 5007 luminosity function derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey than previously reported. This confirms that hard X-ray observations are a very powerful tool to find AGNs with high completeness.Comment: 14 pages including 11 figures and 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ. In this manuscript, the observed 14-195 keV luminosities in Table 1 have been corrected to be exactly the same as in the original Swift/BAT 9-month catalog. Accordingly, Figures 2(a) and 3(a) and a part of Tables 2 and 3 have been updated. The changes from the previous version are small and do not affect the tex

    Successor-Invariant First-Order Logic on Classes of Bounded Degree

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    We study the expressive power of successor-invariant first-order logic, which is an extension of first-order logic where the usage of an additional successor relation on the structure is allowed, as long as the validity of formulas is independent on the choice of a particular successor. We show that when the degree is bounded, successor-invariant first-order logic is no more expressive than first-order logic

    Magnetic fields and gas flows around circumnuclear starbursts

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    Radio continuum observations of barred galaxies revealed strong magnetic fields of >= 50-100 muG in the circumnuclear starbursts. Such fields are dynamically important and give rise to magnetic stress that causes inflow of gas towards the center at a rate of several solar masses per year, possibly along the spiral field seen in radio polarization and as optical dust lanes. This may solve the long-standing question of how to feed active nuclei, and explain the relation between the bolometric luminosity of AGN nuclei and the star-formation rate of their hosts. The strong magnetic fields generated in young galaxies may serve as the link between star formation and accretion onto supermassive black holes. -- Magnetic fields of >= 160 muG strength were measured in the central region of the almost edge-on starburst galaxy NGC 253. Four filaments emerging from the inner disk delineate the boundaries of the central outflow cone of hot gas. Strong Faraday rotation of the polarized emission from the background disk indicates a large-scale helical field in the outflow walls.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. To be published in 'The Central Kiloparsec in Galactic Nuclei - Astronomy at High Angular Resolution 2011', Journal of Physics Conf. Ser., IOP Publishin

    AGN X-ray variability in the XMM-COSMOS survey

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    We took advantage of the observations carried out by XMM in the COSMOS field during 3.5 years, to study the long term variability of a large sample of AGN (638 sources), in a wide range of redshift (0.1<z<3.5) and X-ray luminosity (1041<10^{41}<L(2-10)<1045.5<10^{45.5}). Both a simple statistical method to asses the significance of variability, and the Normalized Excess Variance (σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms}) parameter, where used to obtain a quantitative measurement of the variability. Variability is found to be prevalent in most AGN, whenever we have good statistic to measure it, and no significant differences between type-1 and type-2 AGN were found. A flat (slope -0.23+/-0.03) anti-correlation between σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms} and X-ray luminosity is found, when significantly variable sources are considered all together. When divided in three redshift bins, the anti-correlation becomes stronger and evolving with z, with higher redshift AGN being more variable. We prove however that this effect is due to the pre-selection of variable sources: considering all the sources with available σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms} measurement, the evolution in redshift disappears. For the first time we were also able to study the long term X-ray variability as a function of MBHM_{\rm BH} and Eddington ratio, for a large sample of AGN spanning a wide range of redshift. An anti-correlation between σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms} and MBHM_{\rm BH} is found, with the same slope of the anti-correlation between σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms} and X-ray luminosity, suggesting that the latter can be a byproduct of the former one. No clear correlation is found between σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms} and the Eddington ratio in our sample. Finally, no correlation is found between the X-ray σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms} and the optical variability.Comment: 14 Pages, 13 figures. Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal on December 6, 201

    Genie: A Generator of Natural Language Semantic Parsers for Virtual Assistant Commands

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    To understand diverse natural language commands, virtual assistants today are trained with numerous labor-intensive, manually annotated sentences. This paper presents a methodology and the Genie toolkit that can handle new compound commands with significantly less manual effort. We advocate formalizing the capability of virtual assistants with a Virtual Assistant Programming Language (VAPL) and using a neural semantic parser to translate natural language into VAPL code. Genie needs only a small realistic set of input sentences for validating the neural model. Developers write templates to synthesize data; Genie uses crowdsourced paraphrases and data augmentation, along with the synthesized data, to train a semantic parser. We also propose design principles that make VAPL languages amenable to natural language translation. We apply these principles to revise ThingTalk, the language used by the Almond virtual assistant. We use Genie to build the first semantic parser that can support compound virtual assistants commands with unquoted free-form parameters. Genie achieves a 62% accuracy on realistic user inputs. We demonstrate Genie's generality by showing a 19% and 31% improvement over the previous state of the art on a music skill, aggregate functions, and access control.Comment: To appear in PLDI 201

    Compton Thick AGN in the XMM-COSMOS survey

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    Heavily obscured, Compton Thick (CT, NH>10^24 cm^-2) AGN may represent an important phase in AGN/galaxy co-evolution and are expected to provide a significant contribution to the cosmic X-ray background (CXB). Through direct X-ray spectra analysis, we selected 39 heavily obscured AGN (NH>3x10^23 cm^-2) in the 2 deg^2 XMM-COSMOS survey. After selecting CT AGN based on the fit of a simple absorbed two power law model to the XMM data, the presence of CT AGN was confirmed in 80% of the sources using deeper Chandra data and more complex models. The final sample of CT AGN comprises 10 sources spanning a large range of redshift and luminosity. We collected the multi-wavelength information available for all these sources, in order to study the distribution of SMBH and host properties, such as BH mass (M_BH), Eddington ratio (\lambda_Edd), stellar mass (M*), specific star formation rate (sSFR) in comparison with a sample of unobscured AGN. We find that highly obscured sources tend to have significantly smaller M_BH and higher \lambda_edd with respect to unobscured ones, while a weaker evolution in M* is observed. The sSFR of highly obscured sources is consistent with the one observed in the main sequence of star forming galaxies, at all redshift. We also present optical spectra, spectral energy distribution (SED) and morphology for the sample of 10 CT AGN: all the available optical spectra are dominated by the stellar component of the host galaxy, and a highly obscured torus component is needed in the SED of the CT sources. Exploiting the high resolution Hubble-ACS images available, we conclude that these highly obscured sources have a significantly larger merger fraction with respect to other X-ray selected samples of AGN. Finally we discuss implications in the context of AGN/galaxy co-evolutionary models, and compare our results with the predictions of CXB synthesis models.Comment: Revised version after referee comments. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics on 25 November 2014. 23 pages, 2 tables, 16 figure