334 research outputs found

    Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Applied to Ship Steering Control

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    AbstractThe article describes the application of an ant algorithm to optimize parameters of the ship course controller, based on the algorithm of PID control. The ant algorithm is a method of combinatorial optimization, which utilizes the pattern of ants search for the shortest path from the nest to the place where the food is located. The procedure of parameter tuning for the ship course controller was applied to the case when the controller was changing the course of the ship and the integral action was turned off. Tuned parameters of the ship course controller are evaluated by the ant colony algorithm, which makes use of the course error based objective function and a given rudder deflection. The results were compared with equivalent results obtained using a genetic algorithm. Moreover, the effectiveness of PID controller parameter tuning was assessed using the ant colony optimization algorithm

    A study of predictors of environmental behaviour using U.S. samples

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    The purpose of this research was to detennine the relative contribution of eight viriables in predicting responsible environmental behaviour. Scores on the Behaviour Inventory of Environmental Action served as the criterion variable. Multilinear regression analyses were used to determine the performance of each predictor variable and to ascertain the most parsimonious set of variables that predicts environmental behaviour. The following conclusions were drawn: (1) All variables, except belief in/ attitude  toward technology, were significant individual predictors of environmental  behaviour, (2) Stepwise regression showed that the best predictors for all  respondents were skill in using environmental action strategies, level of  environmental sensitivity and perceived knowledge of environmental action  strategies. Profiles of high and low environmentally active groups are  described. Results imply that the three major behaviour predictors (perceived  skill and knowledge of environmental action strategies and level of environmental sensitivity) need to be addressed in curriculum development and instructional practice

    Lichen planus coexisting with diabetes mellitus and hypertension (Grinspan's syndrome) : description of two cases

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    Introduction: Lichen planus is a chronic skin and oral mucosa disease. Coexistence of the oral form of lichen planus with diabetes and hypertension was described for the first time by Grinspan in 1963. Case description: Two cases of the occurrence of lichen planus in patients with diagnosed diabetes and hypertension (Grinspan’s syndrome) are presented. In the first case, diabetes and hypertension treatment were accompanied by lesions in the oral cavity and on the skin of shins. In the other case, lichen planus type lesions were manifested only in the oral cavity. Conclusions: The aetiology of lichen planus remains unclear to some extent. Detailed diagnostics is based on clinical examination, general medical history and histopathological findings. The risk of malignant transformation of oral lichen planus ranges from 0.4 to 5.3% and it regards mainly the erosive form. Regular follow-up visits and oncological vigilance constitute an inseparable part of treatment

    Bruno Tomera

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    Tervishoiu- ja sotsiaalteenused HIVsse nakatunud inimestele ning süstivatele narkomaanidele

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    Üheks Eesti riikliku HIV ja AIDSi strateegia 2006–2015 eesmärgiks on parandada HIVga inimeste elukvaliteeti. HIVsse nakatunute tervishoiuteenuseid osutavad infektsionistid. Riigieelarvest kaetakse kulutused antiretroviirusravimitele ja ravikindlustamata HIV-nakatunute tervishoiuteenustele; patsientidele on nii ravimid kui ka teenused tasuta. Riikliku strateegia raames arendatakse juhtumikorraldussüsteemi HIVga inimestele. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(4):278−28


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    Tepung ampas kelapa merupakan zat organik sisa atau residu perasan kelapa yang santannya telah diambil. Tepung kelapa memiliki kandungan lemak dan protein cukup tinggi, bebas gluten, dan mengandung karbohidrat dapat dicerna yang sangat rendah. Kadar lemak kasar dalam tepung kelapa adalah 7,6664%. Jenis asam lemak dianalisis menggunakan alat Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) dan pengukuran kadar antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH. Asam dodekanoat (asam laurat) merupakan asam lemak yang dominan di dalam tepung kelapa, yaitu 18,25%. Selanjutnya asam oktadekanoat (asam stearat) 14,52%, asam heksadekanoat (asam palmitat) 11,32%, asam oktanoat (asam kaprilat) 10,76%, dan asam dekanoat (asam kaprik) 9,50%. Nilai IC50 dari ekstrak heksana, etil asetat, dan asam askorbat berturut-turut adalah 5.765,11; 5.494,89; dan 7,879 mg.L-1

    HIV-nakkuse ennetamine Eestis

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    HIV-nakkuse ennetamisega on Eestis tegeletud üle 15 aasta. Probleemi mittetunnistamine ning ennetustöö alarahastamine kestis kuni epideemia puhkemiseni 2000. aastal. Tänu välisrahastusele on viimastel aastatel ennetustegevuse maht mitmekordistunud. Käivitunud on ennetavate tegevuste ja nende mõju regulaarne hindamine. Siiski pole HIV-nakkuse levik Eestis veel peatatud. Muret teeb ka järjest suurenev vajadus anti-retroviiruslike ravimite järele. Üha olulisemaks muutub tervishoiutöötajate roll nakkuse diagnoosimisel, ravil, aga ka ennetamisel. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (4): 255-26

    The gut microbiota of people with asthma influences lung inflammation in gnotobiotic mice

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    The gut microbiota in early childhood is linked to asthma risk, but may continue to affect older patients with asthma. Here, we profile the gut microbiota of 38 children (19 asthma, median age 8) and 57 adults (17 asthma, median age 28) by 16S rRNA sequencing and find individuals with asthma harbored compositional differences from healthy controls in both adults and children. We develop a model to aid the design of mechanistic experiments in gnotobiotic mice and show enterotoxigeni