1,471 research outputs found

    High temperature expansion applied to fermions near Feshbach resonance

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    We show that, apart from a difference in scale, all of the surprising recently observed properties of a degenerate Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance persist in the high temperature Boltzmann regime. In this regime, the Feshbach resonance is unshifted. By sweeping across the resonance, a thermal distribution of bound states (molecules) can be reversibly generated. Throughout this process, the interaction energy is negative and continuous. We also show that this behavior must persist at lower temperatures unless there is a phase transition as the temperature is lowered. We rigorously demonstrate universal behavior near the resonance.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (3 color, 1 BW), RevTeX4; ver4 -- updated references, changed title -- version accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    The impact of COVID-19 movement restrictions on physical activity in a low-income semi-rural population in Malaysia: a longitudinal study:a longitudinal study

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    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic prompted movement restrictions in countries worldwide, impacting on physical activity (PA), a major non-communicable disease risk factor, and thus may have unintentional long-term health implications. In semi-rural areas of low-middle-income-countries (LMICs), where occupational activity is the main source of PA, changes in PA associated with COVID-19 restrictions are unknown. We investigated the impact of Movement Control Order (MCO) restrictions in a semi-rural region of Malaysia. METHODS: The South East Asia Community Observatory (SEACO) is a dynamic prospective community cohort. We contacted a random sample of 1007 adults (18+) who had previously provided PA data in 2018. We asked about PA during the MCO (March-May 2020) and at the time of interview (June 2020). RESULTS: During the MCO, PA reduced by a mean of 6.7 hours/week (95% confidence interval (CI) = 5.3, 8.0) compared to 2018, with the largest reductions among those in employment. By June, PA was 3.4 hours/week (95% CI = 2.0, 4.8) less than 2018, leaving 34% of adults currently inactive (20% in 2018). Reductions in occupational PA were not replaced with active travel or activity at home. Despite these observed reductions, most participants did not think the MCO had affected their PA. CONCLUSIONS: Movement restrictions are associated with lower PA lasting beyond the period of strict restrictions; such longer-term reductions in PA may have a detrimental impact on health. Future MCOs should encourage people to be active, but may additionally need targeted messaging for those who don’t necessarily realise they are at risk. In particular, policies developed in more affluent countries may not easily translate to LMICs

    Jumble Java Byte Code to Measure the Effectiveness of Unit Tests

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    Jumble is a byte code level mutation testing tool for Java which inter-operates with JUnit. It has been designed to operate in an industrial setting with large projects. Heuristics have been included to speed the checking of mutations, for example, noting which test fails for each mutation and running this first in subsequent mutation checks. Significant effort has been put into ensuring that it can test code which uses custom class loading and reflection. This requires careful attention to class path handling and coexistence with foreign class-loaders. Jumble is currently used on a continuous basis within an agile programming environment with approximately 370,000 lines of Java code under source control. This checks out project code every fifteen minutes and runs an incremental set of unit tests and mutation tests for modified classes. Jumble is being made available as open source

    Peranan Controller dalam USAha Meminimalisasi Risiko Kehilangan Persediaan Barang Dagangan (Studi Kasus pada Toserba Yogya)

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    Pertumbuhan    Perusahaan    saat    ini    berjalan    sangat    cepat,    dan    banyaknya  persaingan  menimbulkan  tantangan  bagi  manajemen.  Hal  ini  membuat  manajemen harus  tetap  dapat  mempertahankan  kelangsungan  Perusahaannya.  Maka  tak  jarang Perusahaan  meninjau  ulang  kebijakan    penetapan    persaingan    dengan    menggunakan  berbagai    macam    cara,    biasanya  dilakukan    dengan    menekan    harga    jual.    Untuk  Perusahaan    yang    bergerak    pada    bidang  retail,  persaingan  harga  sangatlah  penting, dimana  para  pembeli  lebih  mengutamakan  harga  yang    lebih    murah    dengan    kualitas  barang  yang  baik.  Tidak  dipungkiri  Toserba  Yogya bergerak  dalam  bisnis  retail,  agar  dapat    bersaing    dengan    pengusaha    retail    lainnya,    maka  Toserba  Yogya  pun  banyak  melakukan  terobosan  guna  menarik  para  pembeli,  diantaranya  dengan  menjual barang-barang dengan harga yang murah.   Agar dapat menjual produknya dengan harga yang murah, maka penjual pun harus  dapat  menekan  biaya  yang  yang  dikeluarkan,  sehingga  Perusahaan  tidak mengalami kerugian salah satu  komponen  biaya  yang  menjadi  perhatian  manajemen  adalah    biaya    yang    muncul    akibat  terjadinya    kehilangan    barang    dagangan.    Hal    ini  dapat  dicegah  dengan  cara  mengefektifkan pengendalian  intern  pada  Toserba  Yogya  sehingga    kehilangan    barang    dapat    ditekan,    yang  menghasilkan  laba  yang  maksimal pada Perusahaan.  Untuk  menilai  sejauh  mana  peranan  controller  dalam  USAha  meminimalisasi risiko  kehilangan  persediaan  barang  dagangan,  maka  penulis  melakukan  penelitian pada Toserba Yogya  Sunda,  yang  beralamatkan  di  Jalan  Sunda  No.56-62,  dan  Plaza  Yogya    Cimahi,    yang  beralamatkan    di    Jalan    Jendral    H.    Amir    Machmud    No    128.  Perusahaan  ini  merupakan Perusahaan  yang  bergerak  pada  bisnis  retail.  Dalam    penelitian  ini    penulis    menggunakan  metode  analisis  depkritif, dengan  tujuan  untuk  mengetahui  peranan  controller  dalam  USAha  meminimalisasi  risiko    kehilangan    persediaan    barang    dagangan    dalam   pengumpulan    data,  penulis menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 10 orang karyawan Toserba Yogya.  Hasil    dari    jawaban    responden    kemudian    penulis    menyimpulkan    bahwa  controller berperan  dalam  USAha  meminimalisasi  risiko  kehilangan  persediaan  barang  dagangan.  Hal  ini terlihat  dari  hasil  pengujian  melalui  instrumen  kuesioner,  diperoleh  hasil    perhitungan    yang  didapat  dari  hasil  perbandingan  nilai  t  hitung  dengan  nilai  t tabel  pada  taraf  sigifikan  α  =  0,05  dan  dk  =  n-2  adalah  sebesar  2,306.  Ini  berarti bahwa  nilai  t  hitung  (6,63)  >  t  tabel  (2,306)  sehingga    hipotesis  nol  ditolak  dan hipotesis  alternatif  diterima. &nbsp

    Phase Separation in Mixtures of Repulsive Fermi Gases Driven by Mass Difference

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    We show that phase separation must occur in a mixture of fermions with repulsive interaction if their mass difference is sufficiently large. This phenomenon is highly dimension-dependent. Consequently, the density profiles of phase separated 3d mixtures are very different from those in 1d. Noting that the ferromagnetic transition of a spin-1/2 repulsive Fermi gas is the equal mass limit of the phase separation in mixtures, we show from the Bethe Ansatz solution that a ferromagnetic transition will take place in the scattering states when the repulsive interaction passes through resonance and becomes attractive.Comment: 4.5 pages, 2 figures, version accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Running anti-de Sitter radius from QCD-like strings

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    We consider renormalization effects for a bosonic QCD-like string, whose partons have 1/p21/p^{2} propagators instead of Gaussian. Classically this model resembles (the bosonic part of) the projective light-cone (zero-radius) limit of a string on an AdS5{}_5 background, where Schwinger parameters give rise to the fifth dimension. Quantum effects generate dynamics for this dimension, producing an AdS5{}_5 background with a running radius. The projective light-cone is the high-energy limit: Holography is enforced dynamically.Comment: 12 page

    Potential Fire Hazard, Vulnerability and Family Wellbeing of Jatinegara Public House\u27s Residents

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    Public houses usually are a high density residential which leads to fire hazard, poor emergency services, as well as the highly increased of family vulnerability. This study aims to analyze the potential fire hazard, vulnerability, and subjective wellbeing of families living in the Jatinegara public house. The design of this study was cross sectional involving 157 families whom selected by stratified random sampling. The study found that age of wife and attitude towards the hazard of fire had a positive relationship to subjective wellbeing of the family. Social dimension and economic dimensions of vulnerability had a negative relationship with subjective wellbeing. Results of regression analysis found that age of wife and familiy\u27s attitudes toward the fire hazard had a positive effect on subjective wellbeing of the family, while the age of husband, income per capita, social vulnerability, and vulnerability of economic had a negative effect on subjective wellbeing of the family