1,052 research outputs found

    A Framework for Explicit Model Predictive Control using Adjustable Robust Optimization and Economic Optimization of an Industrial-Scale Sulfuric Acid Plant

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    Optimization plays an important role in the operation of chemical engineering systems. Due to their typical size, different optimization tools and techniques are required to improve the efficiency in process operations. In this thesis, a mathematical tool is developed to address the issue of optimal control for linear systems under uncertainty. Also, a comprehensive plant model describing the behaviour of an industrial-scale Sulphuric Acid plant is developed to assist in identification of the optimal operating conditions under uncertainty Model predictive control (MPC) is considered an attractive strategy for the optimal control of complex chemical engineering systems. Conventional MPC involves solving an optimization problem online to determine the control actions that minimize a performance criterion function. The high computational expense associated with conventional MPC may make its application challenging for large-scale systems. Explicit MPC has been developed to solve the optimization problem offline. In this work, adjustable robust optimization (ARO) is used to obtain the explicit solution to the MPC optimization problem offline for discrete-time linear time invariant systems with constraints on inputs and states. In the robust model formulation an uncertain additive time-varying error is introduced to account for model uncertainty resulting from plant-model mismatch caused by un-measurable disturbances or process nonlinearities. The explicit solution is an optimal time-varying sequence of feedback control laws for the control inputs parameterized by the system’s states. The control laws are evaluated in a time-varying manner when the process is online using state measurements. This study shows that the resulting control laws ensure the implemented control actions maintain the system states within their feasible region for any realizations of the uncertain parameter within the uncertainty set. Three case studies are presented to demonstrate the proposed approach and to highlight the benefits and limitations of this method. The optimal operating condition to which an optimal controller will drive a large industrial-scale plant is identified using a different set of tools. In this thesis, an industrial-scale sulfuric acid plant is considered. The production of sulfuric acid is an important process due to its many applications and its use as a mitigation strategy for Sulphur dioxide (SO2). The reactor of the sulfuric acid plant has been the focus of many studies, and thus there has been very limited works in the literature that have analyzed the complete sulfuric acid plant. In this work, the flowsheet for an industrial-scale sulfuric acid plant with scrubbing tower is presented. The model is developed in Aspen Plus V8.8 and it is validated using historical data from an actual industrial plant. A sensitivity analysis was carried out, followed by optimization using two alternative objective functions: maximization of plant profitability or productivity. The optimization was extended to consider uncertainty in key operating and economic parameters. The results show that changes could be made in the current optimal operating condition of the plant to improve the annual profit of the process

    Molecular evidence for Mycobacterium bovis infection in wild Chilean hawk (Accipiter chilensis)

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    The present study reports a case of tuberculosis in a juvenile Chilean hawk (Accipiter chilensis). Granulomas were identified in the liver, intestine and mesentery. Several of these granulomas contained acid-fast bacilli suggesting a mycobacterial infection through ingestion. Molecular diagnosis detected Mycobacterium bovis as etiological agent. Whether M. bovis infection in this Chilean hawk represents a risk for other wildlife, livestock or humans remains to be determined

    Modelo económico-matemático para planificar la estrategia del transporte en empresas azucareras

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    Para garantizar en empresas azucareras, eficaz planificación del transporte de la caña una vez cortada, hasta los centros de recepción (grúas tradicionales, centros de acopio o estaciones de limpieza), se utilizó la modelación económico- matemática y un software para su implementación. Con estas aplicaciones dis- minuyen los costos promedios diarios —a nivel de planificación— en el orden del 4 %, en comparación con sistemas tradicionales, que suelen ser empíricos y no permiten considerar todas las variantes de transportación, limitación que ocasiona mayores costos, desaprovechamiento de la jornada laboral y por consiguiente demora por encima de las 12 horas para que la materia prima llegue a la industria, tardanza que implica pérdida de frescura. Ese tiempo puede disminuir a 9 horas con el propuesto modelo matemático de programación en enteros y el software creado al efecto, abreviación influyente en la calidad del producto final pues la materia prima llega con mayor contenido de azúcar

    Is the effectivity of copper ions treatment of milk enough to block Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in calves?

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    Milk is an important transmission route of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) for dairy calves. Given its resistance to pasteurization, alternative milk treatments are needed to control MAP transmission via milk. The present study reports the evaluation of a novel milk decontamination treatment based on copper ions as a means of preventing infection in dairy calves. Ten newborn calves were assigned to one of two experimental groups (n=5) which were studied for 1 year. The first group was fed milk naturally contaminated with MAP and the second one received the same milk but after being treated with copper ions. In both groups, milk MAP load was estimated. The progression of the infection was monitored monthly and at the end of the study, calves were euthanised, and tissue samples were examined both grossly and by histopathology. The treatment of milk with copper ions significantly reduced the number of viable MAP. Faecal shedding of MAP was observed in both study groups, but the calves fed naturally contaminated milk began to shed MAP earlier. Only calves fed copper-treated milk showed histopathological evidence consistent with MAP infection. The latter offers more questions than answers, and maybe the presence of a more tolerant and virulent MAP strain could be the final answer to this situation


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    En el presente trabajo se resumen presupuestos teóricos y metodológicos necesarios para dirigir la tutoría como forma de organización en la Licenciatura en educación, especialidad Lenguas Extranjeras en la Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas “Pepito Tey” de Las Tunas. Los autores parten de la consideración de que la tutoría tanto en la universidad como en la microuniversidad se hacen complejas en esta especialidad porque los tutores deben propiciar desde el inicio de la formación el desarrollo de las habilidades, conocimientos y valores que permitan a los futuros docentes transitar de estudiantes de la lengua extranjera a profesores que dirigirán el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de su especialidad, desde la integración armónica del sistema de influencias educativas. Por tanto, a partir de la consideración de diferentes conceptualizaciones acerca de la implementación y relevancia de la tutoría en la formación de profesionales en el mundo universitario y las experiencias de Cuba de desarrollar un modelo integral de esta, los autores defienden la idea de promover una tutoría de carrera como un tipo de tutoría que relaciona los contextos de la formación, los objetivos y contenidos integradores del currículo, las fases del proceso tutorial y las particularidades del tutorado y el tutor para generar una acción tutorial que contribuya a la formación integral de los estudiantes

    A beam-beam monitoring detector for the MPD experiment at NICA

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    The Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) is to be installed at the Nuclotron Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). Its main goal is to study the phase diagram of the strongly interacting matter produced in heavy-ion collisions. These studies, while providing insight into the physics of heavy-ion collisions, are relevant for improving our understanding of the evolution of the early Universe and the formation of neutron stars. In order to extend the MPD trigger capabilities, we propose to include a high granularity beam-beam monitoring detector (BE-BE) to provide a level-0 trigger signal with an expected time resolution of 30 ps. This new detector will improve the determination of the reaction plane by the MPD experiment, a key measurement for flow studies that provides physics insight into the early stages of the reaction. In this work, we use simulated Au+Au collisions at NICA energies to show the potential of such a detector to determine the event plane resolution, providing further redundancy to the detectors originally considered for this purpose namely, the Fast Forward Detector (FFD) and the Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL). We also show our results for the time resolution studies of two prototype cells carried out at the T10 beam line at the CERN PS complex.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Updated to published version with added comments and correction

    Evolución de las temperaturas y precipitaciones en las capitales de Castilla y León en el período 1961-2006

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    El presente trabajo analiza la evolución temporal de las principales variables climáticas (temperaturas y precipitaciones) en las 9 capitales provinciales de Castilla y León durante el período 1961-2006. La distribución regular de los observatorios invita a considerar los resultados obtenidos como indicativos de la tendencia del conjunto del territorio regional. Los resultados muestran que las temperaturas medias anuales han experimentado un aumento significativo, especialmente a partir de 1973, con un incremento promedio de 0,043º C por año, debido sobre todo al comportamiento de las temperaturas medias de las máximas. Los meses de marzo y junio han sido los más sensibles a estos cambios. En el caso de las precipitaciones, la mayoría de las series reflejan una tendencia negativa, aunque éstas no sean estadísticamente significativas. Febrero ha sido el mes en el que el descenso de la lluvia ha sido más claro

    Métodos y criterios económicos de evaluación de proyectos de inversiones industriales

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    Se analizan criterios y métodos principales de evaluación económica y financiera de proyectos industriales en países en vías de desarrollo. Se analiza el valor actual neto,  la  tasa  interna de  rendimiento, el período de  recuperación y otros índices de efectividad económica interna y externa de las inversiones industriales. Aparecen las fórmulas generales para la determinación de esos indicadores. En  los proyectos  industriales, donde el objetivo principal de su producción sea incrementar las exportaciones o la sustitución de importaciones, además de los criterios de efectividad económica interna, siempre deben determinarse los principales  índices e  indicadores de efectividad externa en divisas, conjuntamente con los índices de eficiencia interna