22 research outputs found

    Underground Environment Aware MIMO Design Using Transmit and Receive Beamforming in Internet of Underground Things

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    In underground (UG) multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO), the transmit beamforming is used to focus energy in the desired direction. There are three different paths in the underground soil medium through which the waves propagates to reach at the receiver. When the UG receiver receives a desired data stream only from the desired path, then the UG MIMO channel becomes three path (lateral, direct, and reflected) interference channel. Accordingly, the capacity region of the UG MIMO three path interference channel and degrees of freedom (multiplexing gain of this MIMO channel requires careful modeling). Therefore, expressions are required derived the degrees of freedom of the UG MIMO interference channel. The underground receiver needs to perfectly cancel the interference from the three different components of the EM-waves propagating in the soil medium. This concept is based upon reducing the interference the undesired components to minimum at UG receiver using the receive beamforming. In this paper, underground environment aware MIMO using transmit and receive beamforming has been developed. The optimal transmit beamforming and receive combin- ing vectors under minimal inter-component interference constraint are derived. It is shown that UG MIMO performs best when all three component of the wireless UG channel are leveraged for beamforming. The environment aware UG MIMO technique leads to three-fold performance improvements and paves the wave for design and development of next generation sensor-guided irrigation systems in the field of digital agriculture

    On the Security of Carrier Phase-based Ranging

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    Multicarrier phase-based ranging is fast emerging as a cost-optimized solution for a wide variety of proximity-based applications due to its low power requirement, low hardware complexity and compatibility with existing standards such as ZigBee and 6LoWPAN. Given potentially critical nature of the applications in which phase-based ranging can be deployed (e.g., access control, asset tracking), it is important to evaluate its security guarantees. Therefore, in this work, we investigate the security of multicarrier phase-based ranging systems and specifically focus on distance decreasing relay attacks that have proven detrimental to the security of proximity-based access control systems (e.g., vehicular passive keyless entry and start systems). We show that phase-based ranging, as well as its implementations, are vulnerable to a variety of distance reduction attacks. We describe different attack realizations and verify their feasibility by simulations and experiments on a commercial ranging system. Specifically, we successfully reduced the estimated range to less than 3 m even though the devices were more than 50 m apart. We discuss possible countermeasures against such attacks and illustrate their limitations, therefore demonstrating that phase-based ranging cannot be fully secured against distance decreasing attacks

    Soil Moisture and Permittivity Estimation

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    The soil moisture and permittivity estimation is vital for the success of the variable rate approaches in the field of the decision agriculture. In this chapter, the development of a novel permittivity estimation and soil moisture sensing approach is presented. The empirical setup and experimental methodology for the power delay measurements used in model are introduced. Moreover, the performance analysis is explained that includes the model validation and error analysis. The transfer functions are reported as well for soil moisture and permittivity estimation. Furthermore, the potential applications of the developed approach in different disciplines are also examined

    Signals in the Soil: Underground Antennas

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    Antenna is a major design component of Internet of Underground Things (IOUT) communication system. The use of antenna, in IOUT, differs from traditional communication in that it is buried in the soil. Therefore, one of the main challenges, in IOUT applications, is to establish a reliable communication. To that end, there is a need of designing an underground-specific antenna. Three major factors that can impact the performance of a buried antenna are: (1) effect of high soil permittivity changes the wavelength of EM waves, (2) variations in soil moisture with time affecting the permittivity of the soil, and (3) difference in how EM waves propagate during aboveground (AG) and underground (UG) communications. For the third challenge above, it is to be noted that lateral waves are dominant component in EM during UG2UG communication and suffer lowest attenuation as compared to other, direct and reflected, components. Therefore, antennas used for over-the-air (OTA) communication will not be suitable for UG communication because of impedance mismatch. This chapter focuses on developing a theoretical model for understanding the impact of soil on antenna by conducting experiments in different soil types (silty clay loam, sandy, and silt loam soil) and indoor testbed. The purpose of the model is to predict UG antenna resonance for designing efficient communication system for IOUT. Based on the model a wideband planar antenna is designed considering soil dispersion and soil–air interface reflection effect which improves the communication range five times from the antennas designed only for the wavelength change in soil. Furthermore, it also focuses on developing an impedance model to study the effect of changing wavelength in underground communication. It is also discussed how soil–air interface and soil properties effect the return loss of dipole antenna

    Signals in the Soil: An Introduction to Wireless Underground Communications

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    In this chapter, wireless underground (UG) communications are introduced. A detailed overview of WUC is given. A comprehensive review of research challenges in WUC is presented. The evolution of underground wireless is also discussed. Moreover, different component of UG communications is wireless. The WUC system architecture is explained with a detailed discussion of the anatomy of an underground mote. The examples of UG wireless communication systems are explored. Furthermore, the differences of UG wireless and over-the-air wireless are debated. Different types of wireless underground channel (e.g., In-Soil, Soil-to-Air, and Air-to-Soil) are reported as well

    Magnetic induction-based positioning in distorted environments

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    Ferrous and highly conductive materials distort lowfrequency magnetic fields and can significantly increase magnetoinductive positioning errors. In this paper, we use the image theory in order to formulate an analytical channel model for the magnetic field of a quasi-static magnetic dipole positioned above a perfectly conducting half-space. The proposed model can be used to compensate for the distorting effects that metallic reinforcement bars (rebars) within the floor impose on the magnetic field of a magnetoinductive transmitter node in an indoor single-story environment. Good agreement is observed between the analytical solution and numerical solutions obtained from 3-D finite-element simulations. Experimental results indicate that the image theory model shows improvement over the free-space dipole model in estimating positions in the distorted environment, typically reducing positioning errors by 22% in 90% of the cases and 26% in 40% of the cases. No prior information on the geometry of the metallic distorters was available, making this essentially a "blind” technique

    Reducing Magneto-Inductive Positioning Errors in a Metal-Rich Indoor Environment

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    Ferrous objects distort magnetic fields and can significantly increase magneto-inductive positioning errors in indoor environments. In this work, we use image theory in order to formulate an analytical channel model for the magnetic field of a quasi-static magnetic dipole positioned above a perfectly conducting half-space. The proposed model can be used to compensate for the distorting effects that metallic reinforcement bars (rebars) impose on the magnetic field of a magneto-inductive transmitter node in an indoor environment. Good agreement is observed between the analytical solution and numerical solutions obtained from 2-D finite element simulations when the transmitter node is located more than 0.4 m above the distorters. Experimental results indicate that the image theory model shows significant improvement over the free space dipole model in estimating position along the normal to the plane of the rebars, typically reducing positioning errors by 36% in 90% of the cases

    Underground, incrementally deployed magneto-inductive 3-D positioning network

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    Underground mines are characterized by a network of intersecting tunnels and sharp turns, an environment which is particularly challenging for RF-based positioning systems due to extreme multipath, non-line-of-sight propagation and poor anchor geometry. Such systems typically require a dense grid of devices to enable 3-D positioning. Moreover, the precise position of each anchor node needs to be precisely surveyed, a particularly challenging task in underground environments. Magneto-inductive positioning, which provides 3-D position and orientation from a single transmitter and penetrates thick layers of soil and rock without loss, is a more promising approach, but so far has only been investigated in simple point-to-point contexts. In this paper, we develop a novel magneto-inductive positioning approach to cover an extended underground 3-D space with unknown geometry using a rapidly deployable anchor network. Key to our approach is that the position of only a single anchor needs to be accurately surveyed – the positions of all secondary anchors are determined using an iterative refinement process using measurements obtained from receivers within the network. This avoids the particularly challenging and time intensive task in an underground environment of accurately surveying the positions of all the transmitters. We also demonstrate how measurements obtained from multiple transmitters can be fused to improve localization accuracy. We validate the proposed approach in a man-made cave, and show that with a portable system that took 5 minutes to deploy, we were able to provide accurate through-the-earth location capability to nodes placed along a suite of tunnels

    Impact of rocks and minerals on underground magneto-inductive communication and localization

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    In this paper, we analyze the effect of different underground materials on very-low and low frequency magnetic fields used in the contexts of magneto-inductive localization and communication applications, respectively. We calculate the attenuation that these magnetic fields are subject to while passing through most common rocks and minerals. Knowing the attenuation properties is crucial in the design of underground magneto-inductive communication systems. In addition, we provide means to predict the distortions in the magnetic field that impair localization systems. The proposed work offers basic design guidelines for communication and localization systems in terms of channel path-loss, operation frequencies and bandwidth. For the sake of the reproducibility of the results, we provide the raw data and processing source code to be used by the two research communities

    Distortion rejecting magneto-inductive three-dimensional localization (MagLoc)

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    Localization is a research area that, due to its overarching importance as an enabler for higher level services, has attracted a vast amount of research and commercial interest. For the most part, it can be claimed that GPS provides an unparalleled solution for outdoor tracking and navigation. However, the same cannot yet be said about positioning in GPS-denied or challenged environments, such as indoor environments, where obstructions such as floors and walls heavily attenuate or reflect high-frequency radio signals. This has led to a plethora of competing solutions targeted toward a particular application scenario, yielding a fragmented solution landscape. In this paper, we present a fresh approach to 3-D positioning based on the use of very low frequency (kHz) magneto-inductive (MI) fields. The most important property of MI positioning is that obstacles such as walls, floors, and people that heavily impact the performance of competing approaches are largely “transparent” to the quasi-static magnetic fields. MI has a number of challenges to robust operation that distort positions, including the presence of ferrous materials and sensitivity to user rotation. Through signal processing and sensor fusion across multiple system layers, we show how we can overcome these challenges. We showcase its highly accurate 3-D positioning in a number of environments, with positioning accuracy below 0.8 m even in heavily distorted areas