218 research outputs found

    Passive heat stress reduces circulating endothelial and platelet microparticles

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    NEW FINDINGS: What is the central question of this study? Does passive heat stress of +2°C oesophageal temperature change concentrations of circulating arterial endothelial- and platelet-derived microparticles in healthy adults? What is the main finding and its importance? Concentrations of circulating endothelial- and platelet-derived microparticles were markedly decreased in heat stress. Reductions in circulating microparticles might indicate favourable vascular changes associated with non-pathological hyperthermia. Interest in circulating endothelial- and platelet-derived microparticles (EMPs and PMPs, respectively) has increased because of their potential pathogenic role in vascular disease and as biomarkers for vascular health. Hyperthermia is commonly associated with a pro-inflammatory stress but might also provide vascular protection when the temperature elevation is non-pathological. Circulating microparticles might contribute to the cellular adjustments and resultant vascular impacts of hyperthermia. Here, we determined whether circulating concentrations of arterial EMPs and PMPs are altered by passive heat stress (+2°C oesophageal temperature). Ten healthy young men (age 23 ± 3 years) completed the study. Hyperthermia was achieved by circulating ∼49°C water through a water-perfused suit that covered the entire body except the hands, feet and head. Arterial (radial) blood samples were obtained immediately before heating (normothermia) and in hyperthermia. The mean ± SD oesophageal temperature in normothermia was 37.2 ± 0.1°C and in hyperthermia 39.1 ± 0.1°C. Concentrations of circulating EMPs and PMPs were markedly decreased in hyperthermia. Activation-derived EMPs were reduced by ∼30% (mean ± SD; from 61 ± 8 to 43 ± 7 microparticles μl-1 ; P < 0.05) and apoptosis-derived EMPs by ∼45% (from 46 ± 7 to 23 ± 3 microparticles μl-1 ; P < 0.05). Likewise, circulating PMPs were reduced by ∼75% in response to hyperthermia (from 256 ± 43 to 62 ± 14 microparticles μl-1 ). These beneficial reductions in circulating EMPs and PMPs in response to a 2°C increase in core temperature might partly underlie the reported vascular improvements following therapeutic bouts of physiological hyperthermia.This study was funded through a Canadian Research Chair and an NSERC Discovery grant held by P.N.A. and a National Institutes of Health award (HL107715 to C.A.D.). A.R.B. is funded through an NSERC postdoctoral fellowship. D.F. is funded through the Swiss National Science Foundation. J.D. is funded by the Woolf Fisher Trust (New Zealand)

    Impacts of climate change on plant diseases – opinions and trends

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    There has been a remarkable scientific output on the topic of how climate change is likely to affect plant diseases in the coming decades. This review addresses the need for review of this burgeoning literature by summarizing opinions of previous reviews and trends in recent studies on the impacts of climate change on plant health. Sudden Oak Death is used as an introductory case study: Californian forests could become even more susceptible to this emerging plant disease, if spring precipitations will be accompanied by warmer temperatures, although climate shifts may also affect the current synchronicity between host cambium activity and pathogen colonization rate. A summary of observed and predicted climate changes, as well as of direct effects of climate change on pathosystems, is provided. Prediction and management of climate change effects on plant health are complicated by indirect effects and the interactions with global change drivers. Uncertainty in models of plant disease development under climate change calls for a diversity of management strategies, from more participatory approaches to interdisciplinary science. Involvement of stakeholders and scientists from outside plant pathology shows the importance of trade-offs, for example in the land-sharing vs. sparing debate. Further research is needed on climate change and plant health in mountain, boreal, Mediterranean and tropical regions, with multiple climate change factors and scenarios (including our responses to it, e.g. the assisted migration of plants), in relation to endophytes, viruses and mycorrhiza, using long-term and large-scale datasets and considering various plant disease control methods

    Quarantine for pandemic influenza control at the borders of small island nations

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    Background: Although border quarantine is included in many influenza pandemic plans, detailed guidelines have yet to be formulated, including considerations for the optimal quarantine length. Motivated by the situation of small island nations, which will probably experience the introduction of pandemic influenza via just one airport, we examined the potential effectiveness of quarantine as a border control measure. Methods: Analysing the detailed epidemiologic characteristics of influenza, the effectiveness of quarantine at the borders of islands was modelled as the relative reduction of the risk of releasing infectious individuals into the community, explicitly accounting for the presence of asymptomatic infected individuals. The potential benefit of adding the use of rapid diagnostic testing to the quarantine process was also considered. Results: We predict that 95% and 99% effectiveness in preventing the release of infectious individuals into the community could be achieved with quarantine periods of longer than 4.7 and 8.6 days, respectively. If rapid diagnostic testing is combined with quarantine, the lengths of quarantine to achieve 95% and 99% effectiveness could be shortened to 2.6 and 5.7 days, respectively. Sensitivity analysis revealed that quarantine alone for 8.7 days or quarantine for 5.7 days combined with using rapid diagnostic testing could prevent secondary transmissions caused by the released infectious individuals for a plausible range of prevalence at the source country (up to 10%) and for a modest number of incoming travellers (up to 8000 individuals). Conclusion: Quarantine atthe borders of island nations could contribute substantially to preventing the arrival of pandemic influenza (or at least delaying the arrival date). For small island nations we recommend consideration of quarantine alone for 9 days or quarantine for 6 days combined with using rapid diagnostic testing (if available). © 2009 Nishiura et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.published_or_final_versio

    On the Treatment of Airline Travelers in Mathematical Models

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    The global spread of infectious diseases is facilitated by the ability of infected humans to travel thousands of miles in short time spans, rapidly transporting pathogens to distant locations. Mathematical models of the actual and potential spread of specific pathogens can assist public health planning in the case of such an event. Models should generally be parsimonious, but must consider all potentially important components of the system to the greatest extent possible. We demonstrate and discuss important assumptions relative to the parameterization and structural treatment of airline travel in mathematical models. Among other findings, we show that the most common structural treatment of travelers leads to underestimation of the speed of spread and that connecting travel is critical to a realistic spread pattern. Models involving travelers can be improved significantly by relatively simple structural changes but also may require further attention to details of parameterization

    Fatigue in advanced cancer: a prospective controlled cross-sectional study

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    Uncontrolled studies have reported that fatigue is a common symptom among patients with advanced cancer. It is also a frequent complaint among the general population. Simply asking cancer patients whether or not they feel fatigued does not distinguish between the ‘background’ level of this symptom in the community and any ‘excess’ arising as a result of illness. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of fatigue among palliative care inpatients in comparison with a control group of age and sex-matched volunteers without cancer. In addition, the correlates of fatigue were investigated. The prevalence of ‘severe subjective fatigue’ (defined as fatigue greater than that experienced by 95% of the control group) was found to be 75%. Patients were malnourished, had diminished muscle function and were suffering from a number of physical and mental symptoms. The severity of fatigue was unrelated to age, sex, diagnosis, presence or site of metastases, anaemia, dose of opioid or steroid, any of the haematological or biochemical indices (except urea), nutritional status, voluntary muscle function, or mood. A multivariate analysis found that fatigue severity was significantly associated with pain and dypnoea scores in the patients, and with the symptoms of anxiety and depression in the controls. The authors conclude that subjective fatigue is both prevalent and severe among patients with advanced cancer. The causes of this symptom remain obscure. Further work is required in order to determine if the associations reported between fatigue and pain and between fatigue and dyspnoea are causal or coincidental. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Transmission Selects for HIV-1 Strains of Intermediate Virulence: A Modelling Approach

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    Recent data shows that HIV-1 is characterised by variation in viral virulence factors that is heritable between infections, which suggests that viral virulence can be naturally selected at the population level. A trade-off between transmissibility and duration of infection appears to favour viruses of intermediate virulence. We developed a mathematical model to simulate the dynamics of putative viral genotypes that differ in their virulence. As a proxy for virulence, we use set-point viral load (SPVL), which is the steady density of viral particles in blood during asymptomatic infection. Mutation, the dependency of survival and transmissibility on SPVL, and host effects were incorporated into the model. The model was fitted to data to estimate unknown parameters, and was found to fit existing data well. The maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters produced a model in which SPVL converged from any initial conditions to observed values within 100–150 years of first emergence of HIV-1. We estimated the 1) host effect and 2) the extent to which the viral virulence genotype mutates from one infection to the next, and found a trade-off between these two parameters in explaining the variation in SPVL. The model confirms that evolution of virulence towards intermediate levels is sufficiently rapid for it to have happened in the early stages of the HIV epidemic, and confirms that existing viral loads are nearly optimal given the assumed constraints on evolution. The model provides a useful framework under which to examine the future evolution of HIV-1 virulence

    Optogenetic control of Drosophila using a red-shifted channelrhodopsin reveals experience-dependent influences on courtship

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    Optogenetics allows the manipulation of neural activity in freely moving animals with millisecond precision, but its application in Drosophila melanogaster has been limited. Here we show that a recently described red activatable channelrhodopsin (ReaChR) permits control of complex behavior in freely moving adult flies, at wavelengths that are not thought to interfere with normal visual function. This tool affords the opportunity to control neural activity over a broad dynamic range of stimulation intensities. Using time-resolved activation, we show that the neural control of male courtship song can be separated into (i) probabilistic, persistent and (ii) deterministic, command-like components. The former, but not the latter, neurons are subject to functional modulation by social experience, which supports the idea that they constitute a locus of state-dependent influence. This separation is not evident using thermogenetic tools, a result underscoring the importance of temporally precise control of neuronal activation in the functional dissection of neural circuits in Drosophila

    High-intensity exercise to promote accelerated improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness (HI-PACE): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: African Americans have a disproportionate prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes compared with Caucasians. Recent evidence indicates that low cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) level, an independent risk factor for type 2 diabetes, is also more prevalent in African Americans than Caucasians. Numerous studies in Caucasian populations suggest that vigorous exercise intensity may promote greater improvements in CRF and other type 2 diabetes risk factors (e.g., reduction of glucose/insulin levels, pulse wave velocity, and body fat) than moderate intensity. However, current evidence comparing health benefits of different aerobic exercise intensities on type 2 diabetes risk factors in African Americans is negligible. This is clinically important as African Americans have a greater risk for type 2 diabetes and are less likely to meet public health recommendations for physical activity than Caucasians. The purpose of the HI-PACE (High-Intensity exercise to Promote Accelerated improvements in CardiorEspiratory fitness) study is to evaluate whether high-intensity aerobic exercise elicits greater improvements in CRF, insulin action, and arterial stiffness than moderate-intensity exercise in African Americans. Methods/Design: A randomized controlled trial will be performed on overweight and obese (body mass index of 25–45 kg/m2) African Americans (35–65 years) (n = 60). Participants will be randomly assigned to moderate-intensity (MOD-INT) or high-intensity (HIGH-INT) aerobic exercise training or a non-exercise control group (CON) for 24 weeks. Supervised exercise will be performed at a heart rate associated with 45–55% and 70–80% of VO2 max in the MOD-INT and HIGH-INT groups, respectively, for an exercise dose of 600 metabolic equivalents of task (MET)-minutes per week (consistent with public health recommendations). The primary outcome is change in CRF. Secondary outcomes include change in insulin sensitivity (measured via an intravenous glucose tolerance test), skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxidative capacity (via near-infrared spectroscopy), skeletal muscle measurements (i.e., citrate synthase, COX IV, GLUT-4, CPT-1, and PGC1-α), arterial stiffness (via carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity), body fat, C-reactive protein, and psychological outcomes (quality of life/exercise enjoyment). Discussion: The anticipated results of the HI-PACE study will provide vital information on the health effects of high-intensity exercise in African Americans. This study will advance health disparity research and has the potential to influence future public health guidelines for physical activity