49 research outputs found

    Population genomics of sub-Saharan Drosophila melanogaster: African diversity and non-African admixture

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    (ABRIDGED) We report the genome sequencing of 139 wild-derived strains of D. melanogaster, representing 22 population samples from the sub-Saharan ancestral range of this species, along with one European population. Most genomes were sequenced above 25X depth from haploid embryos. Results indicated a pervasive influence of non-African admixture in many African populations, motivating the development and application of a novel admixture detection method. Admixture proportions varied among populations, with greater admixture in urban locations. Admixture levels also varied across the genome, with localized peaks and valleys suggestive of a non-neutral introgression process. Genomes from the same location differed starkly in ancestry, suggesting that isolation mechanisms may exist within African populations. After removing putatively admixed genomic segments, the greatest genetic diversity was observed in southern Africa (e.g. Zambia), while diversity in other populations was largely consistent with a geographic expansion from this potentially ancestral region. The European population showed different levels of diversity reduction on each chromosome arm, and some African populations displayed chromosome arm-specific diversity reductions. Inversions in the European sample were associated with strong elevations in diversity across chromosome arms. Genomic scans were conducted to identify loci that may represent targets of positive selection. A disproportionate number of candidate selective sweep regions were located near genes with varied roles in gene regulation. Outliers for Europe-Africa FST were found to be enriched in genomic regions of locally elevated cosmopolitan admixture, possibly reflecting a role for some of these loci in driving the introgression of non-African alleles into African populations

    Protein Profile Changes during Porcine Oocyte Aging and Effects of Caffeine on Protein Expression Patterns

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    It has been shown that oocyte aging critically affects reproduction and development. By using proteomic tools, in the present study, changes in protein profiles during porcine oocyte aging and effects of caffeine on oocyte aging were investigated. By comparing control MII oocytes with aging MII oocytes, we identified 23 proteins that were up-regulated and 3 proteins that were down-regulated during the aging process. In caffeine-treated oocytes, 6 proteins were identified as up-regulated and 12 proteins were identified as down-regulated. A total of 38 differentially expressed proteins grouped into 5 regulation patterns were determined to relate to the aging and anti-aging process. By using the Gene Ontology system, we found that numerous functional gene products involved in metabolism, stress response, reactive oxygen species and cell cycle regulation were differentially expressed during the oocyte aging process, and most of these proteins are for the first time reported in our study, including 2 novel proteins. In addition, several proteins were found to be modified during oocyte aging. These data contribute new information that may be useful for future research on cellular aging and for improvement of oocyte quality

    Effects of wind, relative humidity, leaf movement and colony age on dispersal of conidia of Uncinula necator, causal agent of grape powdery mildew

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    A wind tunnel was designed to study the effect of wind, relative humidity, leaf movement and colony age on dispersal of conidia of #Uncinula necator$. Wind speed as low as 2.3 m/s instantaneously triggered dispersal of conidia from fixed leaf discs of 18-day-old infections. Conidia were observed on sporulating leaf discs even after exposure to 17 m/s wind. The fraction of conidia dispersed at a given wind speed increased with colony age from 12 to 24 days. Conidia of 27-day-old colonies were less easily dispersed. No gradient of maturation of conidia along the conidial chain was observed, suggesting that even newly formed conidia were able to germinate after dispersal. Germination of dispersed conidia decreased slightly with greater colony age. Both wind and simulted raindrops caused dispersal of conidia from infected leaves. Leaf movement at wind speed of 3.5-4 m/s increased dispersal, and the first impact of three simulated raindrops caused release of 53% of the total conidia dispersed. Relative humidity had no effect on dispersal of conidia at different wind speeds. (Résumé d'auteur

    Partial short-read sequencing of a highly inbred Iberian pig and genomics inference thereof

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    Despite dramatic reduction in sequencing costs with the advent of next generation sequencing technologies, obtaining a complete mammalian genome sequence at sufficient depth is still costly. An alternative is partial sequencing. Here, we have sequenced a reduced representation library of an Iberian sow from the Guadyerbas strain, a highly inbred strain that has been used in numerous QTL studies because of its extreme phenotypic characteristics. Using the Illumina Genome Analyzer II (San Diego, CA, USA), we resequenced ∼1% of the genome with average 4 × depth, identifying 68 778 polymorphisms. Of these, 55 457 were putative fixed differences with respect to the assembly, based on the genome of a Duroc pig, and 13 321 were heterozygous positions within Guadyerbas. Despite being highly inbred, the estimate of heterozygosity within Guadyerbas was ∼0.78 kb(−1) in autosomes, after correcting for low depth. Nucleotide variability was consistently higher at the telomeric regions than on the rest of the chromosome, likely a result of increased recombination rates. Further, variability was 50% lower in the X-chromosome than in autosomes, which may be explained by a recent bottleneck or by selection. We divided the whole genome in 500 kb windows and we analyzed overrepresented gene ontology terms in regions of low and high variability. Multi organism process, pigmentation and cell killing were overrepresented in high variability regions and metabolic process ontology, within low variability regions. Further, a genome wide Hudson–Kreitman–Aguadé test was carried out per window; overall, variability was in agreement with neutral expectations