2,548 research outputs found

    Globalization and Emissions in Europe

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    This paper examines the impact of five globalization variables on sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions in Europe from 1980-2000 in the framework of one empirical model. The spatial autoregressive regression model is estimated using 2SLS. The five variables of interest are trade, foreign direct investment, neighboring countries wealth, cross-border pollution and participation in international environmental treaties. I then omit each of the globalization effects one at a time and find that omitted variable bias would be significant for four of the globalization variables, the exception being neighbors' wealth.globalization, environment, spatial econometrics

    Globalization and Emissions in Europe

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    This paper examines the impact of five globalization variables on sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions in Europe from 1980-2000 in the framework of one empirical model. The spatial autoregressive regression model is estimated using 2SLS. The five variables of interest are trade, foreign direct investment, neighboring countries wealth, cross-border pollution and participation in international environmental treaties. I then omit each of the globalization effects one at a time and find that omitted variable bias would be significant for four of the globalization variables, the exception being neighbors' wealth.globalization; environment; spatial econometrics

    Uno Liivaku, VÀike soveti keele sÔnaraamat

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    Koiran aistien aivoperusta

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    Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena on yhdistÀÀ tietoa koiran aistien aivoperustasta yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi. Koiran aistien aivokuorialueet pystytÀÀn suurin piirtein paikantamaan, mutta tiedossa on paljon aukkoja, eikÀ kaikkia aisteja ole juurikaan koottu yhteen. Lemmikeihin kÀytetÀÀn yhÀ enemmÀn aikaa, joten koiranomistajien ja elÀinlÀÀkÀreiden tarve ymmÀrtÀÀ koiran kokemuksia maailmasta kasvaa. Tutkielman onkin tarkoitus myös nÀyttÀÀ tutkijoille, mitÀ asioita olisi vielÀ tutkittava lisÀÀ. Aistimus syntyy, kun tieto ÀrsykkeestÀ saapuu aistinelimestÀ koiran aivokuorelle. Aistimus ei ole suora kuva ympÀristöstÀ, vaan tietoa muokataan sekÀ isoaivokuorella ettÀ muualla aivoissa. Aivokuorella aistitieto kulkee ensimmÀiseksi primÀÀrisille projektioaistinalueille, ja aistimusten jatkokÀsittely tapahtuu assosiaatioalueilla. Koiran kuuloaisti on tarkka, sillÀ se pystyy havaitsemaan myös ultraÀÀntÀ. Kuuloaistimuksia kÀsitellÀÀn koiran ohimolohkolla. KeskimmÀinen ektosylviaaninen alue on primÀÀrinen kuuloalue, ja sieltÀ kuuloaistimus kulkee muille ektosylviaanisille alueille sekÀ koronaaliselle, suprasylviaaniselle ja sylviaaniselle alueelle. Koiralla on melko hyvÀ hÀmÀrÀ- ja syvyysnÀkö sekÀ dikromaattinen vÀrinÀkö. PrimÀÀrinen nÀköalue sijaitsee takaraivolohkon lateraalipoimussa. JatkokÀsittely tapahtuu takaraivo- ja ohimolohkoilla ektomarginaalisilla, suprasylviaanisilla, spleniaalisilla ja composite-alueilla. Hajuaisti on yksi koiran tÀrkeimmistÀ aisteista, ja siihen liittyvÀt anatomiset rakenteet ovat hyvin kehittyneitÀ. Hajuaistimuksia kÀsitellÀÀn pÀÀasiassa aivojen ventraalipuolella piriformilohkolla ja entorinaalisella alueella. Yhteydet limbiseen jÀrjestelmÀÀn ovat vahvat. Makuaisti ei ole yhtÀ tÀrkeÀ, sillÀ suuri osa siitÀ on todellisuudessa hajun aistimista. Koira aistii viisi perusmakua. Makuaivokuoren sijainnista koiralla ei ole varmuutta, mutta todennÀköisesti se on ohimo-, otsa- tai pÀÀlakilohkolla. Tuntoaistiin kuuluvat kosketus, paine, kipu, vÀrinÀ, kylmÀ ja kuuma. Niiden aistimista koiralla tehostavat tuntokarvat. Tuntoaistimuksia kÀsitellÀÀn koiran pÀÀlakilohkolla sigmoidaali-, koronaali-, suprasylviaanisessa ja ektosylviaanisessa poimussa somatosensorisilla alueilla 1 ja 2. Tasapaino- ja liikeaistimuksia kÀsitellÀÀn lÀhinnÀ ilman tietoista aistimusta koiran pikkuaivoissa, mutta myös isoaivokuorella rekisteröidÀÀn osa ÀrsykkeistÀ. Tasapainoalue sijaitsee pÀÀlakilohkolla, mutta sen tarkemmassa paikassa koiralla on vielÀ epÀselvyyksiÀ. Tutkielmassa on kÀsitelty myös koiran liikeaivokuorta, sillÀ sieltÀ on paljon yhteyksiÀ aistinalueille ja se vaikuttaa koiran kÀyttÀytymiseen. Liikeaivokuori koostuu kahdesta liikealueesta pÀÀlakilohkolla sigmoidaali- ja precruciate-poimuissa. Koiralla on kolme assosiaatioaluetta: kognitiivinen assosiaatioalue pÀÀlaki- ja takaraivolohkolla, tulkitseva assosiaatioalue ohimolohkolla sekÀ otsalohkon assosiaatioalue. Otsalohkon assosiaatioalue on koiralla kehittynein ja tutkituin. Assosiaatioalueilla esimerkiksi yhdistellÀÀn eri aisteihin liittyvÀÀ tietoa, verrataan sitÀ aikaisempiin kokemuksiin ja sovelletaan tuleviin. Koirien aivotutkimusta ovat jarruttaneet tutkimustapojen eettiset ongelmat, mutta teknologian kehitys mahdollistaa nykyisin koiraystÀvÀllisempiÀ tutkimusmenetelmiÀ. Etenkin koiran nÀkö-, maku- ja tasapainoaistin aivoperustassa on vielÀ tutkittavaa

    Growth of Finnish health care service firms

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Fiber amplifiers, directly modulated transmitters and a ring network structure for optical communications

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    The three technologies that are considered the key elements in building a metropolitan area optical network are studied in this thesis. They are optical amplification, high-speed low cost transmitters and ring network structures. These studies concentrate on cost reduction of these three technologies thus enabling the use of optical networks in small customer base metropolitan areas. The research on optical amplification concentrated first on the solution doping process, at present the most used method for producing erbium doped fiber. It was found that separationing the soot growth and the sintering improved the uniformity of the porous layer. This made the homogeneity of the doping concentration in the fiber core better. The effects of index profile variations that arise from the non-ideal solution doping process were also simulated. In the search for a better doping method a new nanoparticle glass-forming process, the direct nanoparticle deposition, was developed. In this process the doping is done simultaneously with glass formation. Utilizing this new process it was possible to improve the uniformity of the doping resulting in higher usable doping levels and shorter erbium doped fiber lengths in the amplifiers. There were fewer limitations in the amplifier caused by optical non-linearities and polarization mode dispersion since shorter fiber lengths were needed. The double cladding fiber, which avoids the costly coupling of the pump laser into a single mode waveguide, was also studied. This pumping scheme was found to improve the inversion uniformity in the erbium doped fiber core thereby enhancing the power conversion efficiency for the long wavelength band amplifier. In characterizing the erbium doped fiber amplifier the gain and noise figure was measured with a temporal filter setup. It was made of simple, low cost components but yielded accurate measurements since the noise originating from the amplified spontaneous emission was measured at the signal wavelength. In the study of fiber amplifier controlling schemes the input power of the fiber amplifier was successfully used to regulate the pump laser. This feed-forward control scheme provides a simple, low cost control and managment system for the erbium doped fiber amplifier in metropolitan area network applications that require flexible adding and dropping of wavelength channels. The transmitter research focused on the DFB laser due to its simplicity and low cost structure. A solid state Fabry-Perot etalon made from double polished silicon chip was used as a frequency discriminator in the chirp analyser developed for the DFB lasers. This wavelength discriminator did not require repeated calibration or active stabilisation and was controled electrically enabling automatic measurements. The silicon Fabry-Perot etalon was also used for simultaneous spectral filtering and wavelength control of the laser. The usable dispersion limited transmission length was increased when the filter was used in conjunction with the directly modulated distributed feedback laser transmitter. The combination of spatial multiplexing and dense wavelength division multiplexing in ring topology was investigated in the course of the research on the ring network as the feeder part of the metropolitan network. A new way to organize different wavelengths and fibers was developed. This ring network structure was simulated and an experimental ring network built. The results of the studies demonstrated that the same limitations effecting uni-directional ring structures also are the main limitations on the scalability of the spatial and wavelength division multiplexed ring networks based on bi-directional transmission when the node spacing is short. The developed ring network structure demonstrated major cost reductions when compared with the heavy use of wavelength division multiplexing. The node structure was also greatly simplified resulting in less need for different wavelength transmitters in each node. Furthermore the node generated only minor losses for the passing signals thus reducing the need for optical amplification.reviewe

    Predictors of Voiding Dysfunction after Mid-urethral Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence

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    Purpose Postoperative voiding dysfunction is a bothersome complication after mid-urethral sling surgery. The current study presents multiple repeated postoperative voiding trials against a urine load of preoperative functional bladder capacity, as estimated by a preoperative frequency volume chart, to identify the relevance of preoperative and immediate factors to the outcome. Methods A total of 180 patients were enrolled from August 2008 to August 2011. Patients received mid-urethral sling surgery with a transobturator tape, with or without concomitant cystocele repair. Patients reported relevant medical histories and a 3-day frequency volume chart and underwent urodynamic studies. After surgery, patients were filled to their maximum bladder capacity as dictated by their frequency volume chart and performed the first voiding trial. Two subsequent voiding trials were performed after natural filling. Failure of any single voiding trial was considered failure. Patients who failed the final voiding trial received intermittent catheterization to follow-up. After screening for relevant factors with the use of univariate analyses, preoperative, surgical, and postoperative factors predicting outcome were estimated by logistic regression analysis. Results The urine load at the voiding trial and the peak flow rate immediately preceding the voiding trial predicted voiding trial success in the multivariate analysis. Urine load and previous trial peak flow rate were relevant when tested against each individual voiding trial. Preoperative and surgical factors, such as age, parity, and concomitant cystocele repair, showed significance in the univariate analysis. Overall, 16.1% of patients who passed the first voiding trial failed on subsequent trials, whereas 36.8% of patients who failed the first voiding trial succeeded. Conclusions Postoperative voiding dysfunction is transient and is associated with the immediate voiding conditions following surgery. Close observation against urine overload in the bladder is important when weaning patients back to normal voiding conditions

    “Only Connect”: Music’s Role in Forster\u27s A Room with a View

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    This essay addresses fragmentation and connection on multiple levels in relation to E.M. Forster’s 1908 novel, A Room with a View. George Emerson, the novel’s Romantic hero, loves Lucy Honeychurch and wishes to connect with her. But Lucy cannot decide to marry George for love until she realizes she loves him, the latter of which is not possible until she connects two fragments of her self. Music – in particular that of Beethoven, Schumann and Wagner – brings Lucy to the brink of connecting her inexperienced social self with her sophisticated and intuitive musical self. Forster’s act of combining aesthetic and literary traditions – Romantic, Victorian and Modernist – invites us to step back and look at fragmentation from two angles. Forster believed that fragmentation in the early twentieth century was caused by modernity’s “absence of social cohesion.” On this level, Forster as a novelist uses Romantic music to accomplish the Modernist goal of connecting the fragments of early twentieth century society. He does this through A Room with a View’s Lucy Honeychurch. In the scope of the novel, I map Lucy’s progression toward connection onto the development of classical music through the nineteenth century: the music she plays drives her toward connecting her two selves. The first section of this paper (“Forster, Romantic Music, and the Novel”) explicates Forster’s use of nineteenth-century classical music in his fiction, focusing on Lucy’s position as an expressive female musician and the influence of Romantic music on Forster’s fiction-writing. Section two (“Lucy’s Obstacles”) sets up Lucy’s personal obstacles at the beginning of A Room with a View, including her struggles with propriety and inability to define her feelings, both of which lead to the divide between how she plays the piano and how she lives her life. In the third section (“The Muddle and its Representatives”), I define the term “muddle” in the context of Forster’s novels, discussing the muddle’s antitheses – the spontaneous or the real – and music’s role in pushing Lucy out of the muddle and toward connecting the fragments of her life. The final section of this essay (“Lucy at the Piano”) addresses Lucy’s innate musical sensibilities and how the specific music she plays is significant for her development as a character. This section builds on the previous sections in its illumination of how music helps connect Lucy’s musical and social selves, bringing her out of the Muddle and into “real life”-the life in which she acknowledges her love for George Emerson

    TraumaperÀisen hengitysvajauksen ensihoito : Koulutusmateriaalia Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin ensihoidon hoitotason yksiköille

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    TraumaperĂ€inen hengitysvajaus on seurausta vammautumisesta. Vammapotilaat ovat monimuotoinen potilasryhmĂ€ joiden oireet, löydökset ja hoidon tarve vaihtelevat yksilöllisesti, vammautumiseen johtaneiden tapahtumien sekĂ€ niihin vaikuttaneiden osatekijöiden ominaisuuksien mukaan. TraumaperĂ€isen hengitysvajauksen ensihoito on toimeksiantona toteutettu opinnĂ€ytetyö Keski-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin (KSSHP) ensihoidon osaston kĂ€yttöön. OpinnĂ€ytetyöllĂ€ tuotettiin koulutusmateriaalia traumaperĂ€isen hengitysvajauksen ensihoidosta hoitotasoisten ensihoitajien pienryhmĂ€koulutukseen. Koulutusmateriaalilla tullaan yllĂ€pitĂ€mÀÀn ja edistĂ€mÀÀn hoitotason ensihoitajien ammattitaitoa, ja edistĂ€mÀÀn traumaperĂ€isen hengitysvajauspotilaan hoidon sekĂ€ tutkimisen yhtenĂ€istĂ€mistĂ€ ja laatua KSSHP:n ensihoidon vastuualueella. OpinnĂ€ytetyötĂ€ voidaan soveltaa myös KSSHP:n ulkopuolella. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ selvitettiin mekaanisen vammamekanismin aiheuttaman traumaperĂ€isen hengitysvajauksen mÀÀritelmĂ€, traumaperĂ€iseen hengitysvajaukseen johtavat syyt ja patofysiologia sekĂ€ traumaperĂ€isen hengitysvajauksen tutkiminen, tunnistaminen ja hoitaminen ensihoidossa. OpinnĂ€ytetyö toteutettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Koulutusmateriaali tuotettiin ensihoidon oppaiden, KSSHP:n nykyisten hoitokĂ€ytĂ€nteiden sekĂ€ monipuolisen traumaperĂ€iseen hengitysvajaukseen liittyvĂ€n tutkimustiedon pohjalta. Tutkimustieto kerĂ€ttiin Cinahl, PubMed ja Terveysportti tietokantoja sekĂ€ Google Scholar hakukonetta kĂ€yttĂ€en. Vammapotilaiden monimuotoisuuden vuoksi traumaperĂ€isen hengitysvajauksen hoidosta ei voida antaa yksiselitteisiĂ€ hoito-ohjeita. Ensihoidon pÀÀtehtĂ€vĂ€ on hoitotoimenpitein ostaa potilaalle aikaa ennen sairaalaan pÀÀsyĂ€. Hoitostrategia on aina tilannekohtainen ja perustuu potilaan kliinisen tilan tutkimiseen, oireisiin ja löydöksiin sekĂ€ ympĂ€röiviin olosuhteisiin. TraumaperĂ€isestĂ€ hengitysvajauksesta kĂ€rsivĂ€n potilaan laadukas hoito edellyttÀÀ ensihoidolta ammattitaitoa, kokemusta ja nopeaa pÀÀtöksentekoa.Trauma-induced respiratory distress (TIRD) is a consequence of a trauma. Trauma patients are a diverse group, whose symptoms and need of care vary individually according to the mechanism of the injury and the properties of the different factors affecting it. Pre-hospital management of trauma-induced respiratory distress is a bachelor’s thesis commissioned by Central Finland’s Health Care District’s (CFHCD) emergency medical services (EMS). The thesis was made in order to produce training material about the pre-hospital management of TIRD for the small-group training sessions of paramedics. The material aims to maintain and improve paramedics’ skills and standardize the pre-hospital management and examination of patients with TIRD. The material produced by the thesis can also be used outside the CFHCD. The focus of the thesis was on the definition of TIRD induced by injuries resulting from a mechanical force, the causes leading to it as well as its pathophysiology. Moreover, the examination, identification and management of TIRD in pre-hospital settings were described. The thesis was carried out as a literature review. The resulting training material was based on CFHCD’s current nursing protocols, emergency medicine guidebooks and diverse research material. Data bases, such as Cinahl, PubMed, Terveysportti and Google Scholar were used to collect the research material. As a result of the diversity of patients suffering from traumatic injuries, definitive guidance for the pre-hospital management of TIRD cannot be given. The purpose of EMS is to buy time for the patients’ before transporting them to hospital care. The strategy for pre-hospital care should always be individually decided and it should be based on the assessment of the patient’s condition and prevailing circumstances. Professional skills, fast decision making and experience are necessities for a high-quality pre-hospital management of TIRD
