686 research outputs found

    Iteration Method to Derive Exact Rotation Curves from Position-Velocity Diagrams of Spiral Galaxies

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    We present an iteration method to derive exact rotation curves (RC) of spiral galaxies from observed position-velocity diagrams (PVD), which comprises the following procedure. An initial rotation curve, RC0, is adopted from an observed PV diagram (PV0), obtained by any simple method such as the peak-intensity method. Using this rotation curve and an observed radial distribution of intensity (emissivity), we construct a simulated PV diagram (PV1). The difference between a rotation curve obtained from this PV1 and the original RC (e.g., difference between peak-intensity velocities) is used to correct the initial RC to obtain a corrected rotation curve, RC1. This RC1 is used to calculated another PVD (PV2) using the observed intensity distribution, and to obtain the second iterated RC (RC2). This iteration is repeated until PVii converges to PV0, so that the differences between PVii and PV0 becomes minimum. Finally RCii is adopted as the most reliable rotation curve. We apply this method to some observed PVDs of nearby galaxies, and show that the iteration successfully converges to give reliable rotation curves. We show that the method is powerful to detect central massive objects.Comment: To appear in ApJ.Letters, 5 pages Latex with 4 figure

    A selective role for neuronal activity regulated pentraxin in the processing of sensory-specific incentive value

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    Neuronal activity regulated pentraxin (Narp) is a secreted neuronal product which clusters AMPA receptors and regulates excitatory synaptogenesis. Although Narp is selectively enriched in brain, its role in behavior is not known. As Narp is expressed prominently in limbic regions, we examined whether Narp deletion affects performance on tasks used to assess motivational consequences of food-rewarded learning. Narp knock-out (KO) mice were unimpaired in learning simple pavlovian discriminations, instrumental lever pressing, and in acquisition of at least two aspects of pavlovian incentive learning, conditioned reinforcement and pavlovian-instrumental transfer. In contrast, Narp deletion resulted in a substantial deficit in the ability to use specific outcome expectancies to modulate instrumental performance in a devaluation task. In this task, mice were trained to respond on two levers for two different rewards. After training, mice were prefed with one of the two rewards, devaluing it. Responding on both levers was then assessed in extinction. Whereas control mice showed a significant preference in responding on the lever associated with the nondevalued reward, Narp KO mice responded equally on both levers, failing to suppress responding on the lever associated with the devalued reward. Both groups consumed more of the nondevalued reward in a subsequent choice test, indicating Narp KO mice could distinguish between the rewards themselves. These data suggest Narp has a selective role in processing sensory-specific information necessary for appropriate devaluation performance, but not in general motivational effects of reward-predictive cues on performance

    Simplifying intensity-modulated radiotherapy plans with fewer beam angles for the treatment of oropharyngeal carcinoma.

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    The first aim of the present study was to investigate the feasibility of using fewer beam angles to improve delivery efficiency for the treatment of oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) with inverse-planned intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IP-IMRT). A secondary aim was to evaluate whether the simplified IP-IMRT plans could reduce the indirect radiation dose. The treatment plans for 5 consecutive OPC patients previously treated with a forward-planned IMRT (FP-IMRT) technique were selected as benchmarks for this study. The initial treatment goal for these patients was to deliver 70 Gy to > or = 95% of the planning gross tumor volume (PTV-70) and 59.4 Gy to > or = 95% of the planning clinical tumor volume (PTV-59.4) simultaneously. Each case was re-planned using IP-IMRT with multiple beam-angle arrangements, including four complex IP-IMRT plans using 7 or more beam angles, and one simple IMRT plan using 5 beam angles. The complex IP-IMRT plans and simple IP-IMRT plans were compared to each other and to the FPIMRT plans by analyzing the dose coverage of the target volumes, the plan homogeneity, the dose-volume histograms of critical structures, and the treatment delivery parameters including delivery time and the total number of monitor units (MUs). When comparing the plans, we found no significant difference between the complex IP-IMRT, simple IP-IMRT, and FP-IMRT plans for tumor target coverage (PTV-70: p = 0.56; PTV-59.4: p = 0.20). The plan homogeneity, measured by the mean percentage isodose, did not significantly differ between the IP-IMRT and FP-IMRT plans (p = 0.08), although we observed a trend toward greater inhomogeneity of dose in the simple IP-IMRT plans. All IP-IMRT plans either met or exceeded the quality of the FP-IMRT plans in terms of dose to adjacent critical structures, including the parotids, spinal cord, and brainstem. As compared with the complex IP-IMRT plans, the simple IP-IMRT plans significantly reduced the mean treatment time (maximum probability for four pairwise comparisons: p = 0.0003). In conclusion, our study demonstrates that, as compared with complex IP-IMRT, simple IP-IMRT can significantly improve treatment delivery efficiency while maintaining similar target coverage and sparing of critical structures. However, the improved efficiency does not significantly reduce the total number of MUs nor the indirect radiation dose

    The ARCHIPELAGO Archaeological Isotope Database for the Japanese Islands

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    ARCHIPELAGO is an archaeological and historical database of land and sea food resources utilised in the Japanese Islands. Here we present a dataset of human bone and hair carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes measurements from Japanese archaeological sites covering the time span from the Upper Palaeolithic to the mid-nineteenth century. Reflecting the results of over 30 years of research, the dataset contains 1476 entries and covers the entire Japanese archipelago, although the data are more highly concentrated in coastal regions.(1) Overview Context - Spatial coverage (2) Methods Steps Sampling strategy Quality control Constrains (3) Dataset description (4) Bayesian modelling of direct human radiocarbon measurements (5) Reuse potentia

    Dust penetrated morphology in the high redshift Universe

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    Images from the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) North and South show a large percentage of dusty, high redshift galaxies whose appearance falls outside traditional classification systems. The nature of these objects is not yet fully understood. Since the HDF preferentially samples restframe UV light, HDF morphologies are not dust or `mask' penetrated. The appearance of high redshift galaxies at near-infrared restframes remains a challenge for the New Millennium. The Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) could routinely provide us with such images. In this contribution, we quantitatively determine the dust-penetrated structures of high redshift galaxies such as NGC 922 in their near-infrared restframes. We show that such optically peculiar objects may readily be classified using the dust penetrated z ~ 0 templates of Block and Puerari (1999) and Buta and Block (2001).Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Presented at the conference "The Link between Stars and Cosmology", 26-30 March, 2001, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. To be published by Kluwer, eds. M. Chavez, A. Bressan, A. Buzzoni, and D. Mayya. High-resolution version of Figure 2 can be found at http://www.inaoep.mx/~puerari/conf_puertovallart

    Dust-penetrated morphology in the high-redshift universe: clues from NGC 922

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    Results from the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) North and South show a large percentage of high-redshift galaxies whose appearance falls outside traditional classification systems. The nature of these objects is poorly understood, but sub-mm observations indicate that at least some of these systems are heavily obscured (Sanders 2000). This raises the intriguing possibility that a physically meaningful classification system for high-redshift galaxies might be more easily devised at rest-frame infrared wavelengths, rather than in the optical regime. Practical realization of this idea will become possible with the advent of the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST). In order to explore the capability of NGST for undertaking such science, we present NASA-IRTF and SCUBA observations of NGC 922, a chaotic system in our local Universe which bears a striking resemblance to objects such as HDF 2-86 (z=0.749) in the HDF North. If objects such as NGC 922 are common at high-redshifts, then this galaxy may serve as a local morphological `Rosetta stone' bridging low and high-redshift populations. In this paper we demonstrate that quantitative measures of galactic structure are recoverable in the rest-frame infrared for NGC 922 seen at high redshifts using NGST, by simulating the appearance of this galaxy at redshifts z=0.7 and z=1.2 in rest-frame K'. Our results suggest that the capability of efficiently exploring the rest-wavelength IR morphology of high-z galaxies should probably be a key factor in deciding the final choice of instruments for the NGST.Comment: 7 pages, 12 Figures. Accepted for publication in A&A. Better version of the figures can be found at http://www.inaoep.mx/~puerari/ngs

    Demography, trade and state power: a tripartite model of medieval farming/language dispersals in the Ryukyu Islands

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    Hunter-gatherer occupations of small islands are rare in world prehistory and it is widely accepted that island settlement is facilitated by agriculture. The Ryukyu Islands contradict that understanding on two counts: not only did they have a long history of hunter-gatherer settlement, they also have a very late date for the onset of agriculture, which only reached the archipelago between the 8th and 13th centuries AD. Here, we combine archaeology and linguistics to propose a tripartite model for the spread of agriculture and Ryukyuan languages to the Ryukyu Islands. Employing demographic growth, trade/piracy and the political influence of neighbouring states, this model provides a synthetic yet flexible understanding of farming/language dispersals in the Ryukyus within the complex historical background of medieval East Asia.Introduction Methods Results - Archaeological Approach -- Demographic growth -- Trade/piracy -- State intervention - Linguistic Approach -- Linguistic inferences about the most probable tree structure -- Linguistic inferences about the most probable homeland of Proto-Ryukyuan -- Linguistic inferences about the most probable break-up time of Proto-Kyushu-Ryukyuan -- Inferences about the most probable linguistic outcome of the migration Discussion Conclusion

    Nearly optimal solutions for the Chow Parameters Problem and low-weight approximation of halfspaces

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    The \emph{Chow parameters} of a Boolean function f:{1,1}n{1,1}f: \{-1,1\}^n \to \{-1,1\} are its n+1n+1 degree-0 and degree-1 Fourier coefficients. It has been known since 1961 (Chow, Tannenbaum) that the (exact values of the) Chow parameters of any linear threshold function ff uniquely specify ff within the space of all Boolean functions, but until recently (O'Donnell and Servedio) nothing was known about efficient algorithms for \emph{reconstructing} ff (exactly or approximately) from exact or approximate values of its Chow parameters. We refer to this reconstruction problem as the \emph{Chow Parameters Problem.} Our main result is a new algorithm for the Chow Parameters Problem which, given (sufficiently accurate approximations to) the Chow parameters of any linear threshold function ff, runs in time \tilde{O}(n^2)\cdot (1/\eps)^{O(\log^2(1/\eps))} and with high probability outputs a representation of an LTF ff' that is \eps-close to ff. The only previous algorithm (O'Donnell and Servedio) had running time \poly(n) \cdot 2^{2^{\tilde{O}(1/\eps^2)}}. As a byproduct of our approach, we show that for any linear threshold function ff over {1,1}n\{-1,1\}^n, there is a linear threshold function ff' which is \eps-close to ff and has all weights that are integers at most \sqrt{n} \cdot (1/\eps)^{O(\log^2(1/\eps))}. This significantly improves the best previous result of Diakonikolas and Servedio which gave a \poly(n) \cdot 2^{\tilde{O}(1/\eps^{2/3})} weight bound, and is close to the known lower bound of max{n,\max\{\sqrt{n}, (1/\eps)^{\Omega(\log \log (1/\eps))}\} (Goldberg, Servedio). Our techniques also yield improved algorithms for related problems in learning theory