2,782 research outputs found

    Anthropic Bound on Dark Radiation and its Implications for Reheating

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    We derive an anthropic bound on the extra neutrino species, Ξ”Neff\Delta N_{\rm eff}, based on the observation that a positive Ξ”Neff\Delta N_{\rm eff} suppresses the growth of matter fluctuations due to the prolonged radiation dominated era, which reduces the fraction of matter that collapses into galaxies, hence, the number of observers. We vary Ξ”Neff\Delta N_{\rm eff} and the positive cosmological constant while fixing the other cosmological parameters. We then show that the probability of finding ourselves in a universe satisfying the current bound is of order a few percents for a flat prior distribution. If Ξ”Neff\Delta N_{\rm eff} is found to be close to the current upper bound or the value suggested by the H0H_0 tension, the anthropic explanation is not very unlikely. On the other hand, if the upper bound on Ξ”Neff\Delta N_{\rm eff} is significantly improved by future observations, such simple anthropic consideration does not explain the small value of Ξ”Neff\Delta N_{\rm eff}. We also study simple models where dark radiation consists of relativistic particles produced by heavy scalar decays, and show that the prior probability distribution sensitively depends on the number of the particle species.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; V2: Added references; V3: Published version, Added the anthropic bound on the number of neutrino flavor

    Isocurvature Perturbations of Dark Energy and Dark Matter from the Swampland Conjecture

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    We point out that the recently proposed Swampland conjecture on the potential gradient can lead to isocurvature perturbations of dark energy, if the quintessence field acquires large quantum fluctuations during high-scale inflation preferred by the conjecture. Also, if the quintessence field is coupled to a dark sector that contains dark matter, isocurvature perturbation of dark matter is similarly induced. Both isocurvature perturbations can be suppressed if the quintessence potential allows a tracker solution in the early Universe. We find that a vector field of mass ≲O(1)\lesssim {\cal O}(1) meV is an excellent dark matter candidate in this context, not only because the right abundance is known to be produced by quantum fluctuations during high-scale inflation without running afoul of isocurvature bounds, but also because its coupling to the quintessence does not spoil the flatness of the potential.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure; (v2) minor changes, Fig. 1 adde

    Diphoton excess from hidden U(1) gauge symmetry with large kinetic mixing

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    We show that the 750 GeV diphoton excess can be explained by introducing vector-like quarks and hidden fermions charged under a hidden U(1) gauge symmetry, which has a relatively large coupling constant as well as a significant kinetic mixing with U(1)Y_Y. With the large kinetic mixing, the standard model gauge couplings unify around 101710^{17} GeV, suggesting the grand unified theory without too rapid proton decay. Our scenario predicts events with a photon and missing transverse momentum, and its cross section is related to that for the diphoton excess through the kinetic mixing. We also discuss other possible collider signatures and cosmology, including various ways to evade constraints on exotic stable charged particles. In some cases where the 750 GeV diphoton excess is due to diaxion decays, our scenario also predicts triphoton and tetraphoton signals.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures; figures update

    Adiabatic suppression of the axion abundance and isocurvature due to coupling to hidden monopoles

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    The string theory predicts many light fields called moduli and axions, which cause a cosmological problem due to the overproduction of their coherent oscillation after inflation. One of the prominent solutions is an adiabatic suppression mechanism, which, however, is non-trivial to achieve in the case of axions because it necessitates a large effective mass term which decreases as a function of time. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we provide an analytic method to calculate the cosmological abundance of coherent oscillation in a general situation under the adiabatic suppression mechanism. Secondly, we apply our method to some concrete examples, including the one where a string axion acquires a large effective mass due to the Witten effect in the presence of hidden monopoles.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figure

    Suppressing the QCD Axion Abundance by Hidden Monopoles

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    We study the Witten effect of hidden monopoles on the QCD axion dynamics, and show that its abundance as well as isocurvature perturbations can be significantly suppressed if there is a sufficient amount of hidden monopoles. When the hidden monopoles make up a significant fraction of dark matter, the Witten effect suppresses the abundance of axion with the decay constant smaller than 101210^{12} GeV. The cosmological domain wall problem of the QCD axion can also be avoided, relaxing the upper bound on the decay constant when the Peccei-Quinn symmetry is spontaneously broken after inflation.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur
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