14 research outputs found

    Jupiter's polar ionospheric flows: measured intensity and velocity variations poleward of the main auroral oval

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    Recent analysis of high-resolution spectra of Doppler-shifted H3+ emission from the auroral/polar regions of Jupiter revealed a complex wind system, with a persistent auroral electrojet and strong anti-sunward flows in a region of lesser intensity centred around the magnetic pole [ Stallard et al., 2001 ]. This region, which we have called the Dark Polar Region (DPR), is re-investigated, transforming the observed line-of-sight velocities into a frame of reference fixed with respect to the magnetic pole. The DPR is shown to include a region essentially stagnant in this frame of reference (the f-DPR). We identify it as a region coupled to open magnetotail field lines. There is also a transition region in which the ion velocity returns to corotation (the r-DPR)

    Auroral Processes at the Giant Planets: Energy Deposition, Emission Mechanisms, Morphology and Spectra

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    Local-time averaged maps of H3+ emission, temperature and ion winds

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    We present Keck-NIRSPEC observations of Saturn's H3+ aurora taken over a period of a month, in support of the Cassini mission's ‘Grand Finale’. These observations produce two-dimensional maps of Saturn's H3+ temperature and ion winds for the first time. These maps show surprising complexity, with different morphologies seen in each night. The H3+ ion winds reveal multiple arcs of 0.5–1 km s−1 ion flows inside the main auroral emission. Although these arcs of flow occur in different locations each night, they show intricate structures, including mirrored flows on the dawn and dusk of the planet. These flows do not match with the predicted flows from models of either axisymmetric currents driven by the Solar Wind or outer magnetosphere, or the planetary periodic currents associated with Saturn's variable rotation rate. The average of the ion wind flows across all the nights reveals a single narrow and focused approximately 0.3 km s−1 flow on the dawn side and broader and more extensive 1–2 km s−1 sub-corotation, spilt into multiple arcs, on the dusk side. The temperature maps reveal sharp gradients in ionospheric temperatures, varying between 300 and 600 K across the auroral region. These temperature changes are localized, resulting in hot and cold spots across the auroral region. These appear to be somewhat stable over several nights, but change significantly over longer periods. The position of these temperature extremes is not well organized by the planetary period and there is no evidence for a thermospheric driver of the planetary period current system. Since no past magnetospheric or thermospheric models explain the rich complexity observed here, these measurements represent a fantastic new resource, revealing the complexity of the interaction between Saturn's thermosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere

    Saturn’s auroral morphology and field-aligned currents during a solar wind compression

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    On 21–22 April 2013, during a coordinated auroral observing campaign, instruments onboard Cassini and the Hubble Space Telescope observed Saturn’s aurora while Cassini traversed Saturn’s high latitude auroral field lines. Signatures of upward and downward field-aligned currents were detected in the nightside magnetosphere in the magnetic field and plasma measurements. The location of the upward current corresponded to the bright ultraviolet auroral arc seen in the auroral images, and the downward current region was located poleward of the upward current in an aurorally dark region. Within the polar cap magnetic field and plasma fluctuations were identified with periods of ∼20 and ∼60 min. The northern and southern auroral ovals were observed to rock in latitude in phase with the respective northern and southern planetary period oscillations. A solar wind compression impacted Saturn’s magnetosphere at the start of 22 April 2013, identified by an intensification and extension to lower frequencies of the Saturn kilometric radiation, with the following sequence of effects: (1) intensification of the auroral field-aligned currents; (2) appearance of a localised, intense bulge in the dawnside (04–06 LT) aurora while the midnight sector aurora remained fainter and narrow; and (3) latitudinal broadening and poleward contraction of the nightside aurora, where the poleward motion in this sector is opposite to that expected from a model of the auroral oval’s usual oscillation. These observations are interpreted as the response to tail reconnection events, initially involving Vasyliunas-type reconnection of closed mass-loaded magnetotail field lines, and then proceeding onto open lobe field lines, causing the contraction of the polar cap region on the night side

    Saturn's equinoctial auroras

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    We present the first images of Saturn's conjugate equinoctial auroras, obtained in early 2009 using the Hubble Space Telescope. We show that the radius of the northern auroral oval is similar to 1.5 degrees smaller than the southern, indicating that Saturn's polar ionospheric magnetic field, measured for the first time in the ionosphere, is similar to 17% larger in the north than the south. Despite this, the total emitted UV power is on average similar to 17% larger in the north than the south, suggesting that field-aligned currents (FACs) are responsible for the emission. Finally, we show that individual auroral features can exhibit distinct hemispheric asymmetries. These observations will provide important context for Cassini observations as Saturn moves from southern to northern summer

    Plasma Flow and Related Phenomena in Planetary Aeronomy

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