777 research outputs found

    Monotonically improving limit-optimal strategies in finite state decision processes

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    In every finite-state leavable gambling problem and in every finite-state Markov decision process with discounted, negative or positive reward criteria there exists a Markov strategy which is monotonically improving and optimal in the limit along every history. An example is given to show that for the positive and gambling cases such strategies cannot be constructed by simply switching to a "better" action or gamble at each successive return to a state. Key words and phrases: gambling problem, Markov decision process, strategy, stationary strategy, monotonically improving strategy, limit-optimal strategy

    Novel CP-violating Effects in B decays from Charged-Higgs in a Two-Higgs Doublet Model for the Top Quark

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    We explore charged-Higgs cp-violating effects in a specific type III two-Higgs doublet model which is theoretically attractive as it accommodates the large mass of the top quark in a natural fashion. Two new CP-violating phases arise from the right-handed up quark sector. We consider CP violation in both neutral and charged B decays. Some of the important findings are as follows. 1) Large direct-CP asymmetry is found to be possible for B+- to psi/J K+-. 2) Sizable D-anti-D mixing effect at the percent level is found to be admissible despite the stringent constraints from the data on K-anti-K mixing, b to s gamma and B to tau nu decays. 3) A simple but distinctive CP asymmetry pattern emerges in decays of B_d and B_s mesons, including B_d to psi/J K_S, D+ D-, and B_s to D_s+ D_s-, psi eta/eta^prime, psi/J K_S. 4) The effect of D-anti-D mixing on the CP asymmetry in B+- to D/anti-D K+- and on the extraction of the angle gamma of the unitarity triangle from such decays can be significant.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures, section V.A revised, version to appear in PR

    Benford's law predicted digit distribution of aggregated income taxes: the surprising conformity of Italian cities and regions

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    The yearly aggregated tax income data of all, more than 8000, Italian municipalities are analyzed for a period of five years, from 2007 to 2011, to search for conformity or not with Benford's law, a counter-intuitive phenomenon observed in large tabulated data where the occurrence of numbers having smaller initial digits is more favored than those with larger digits. This is done in anticipation that large deviations from Benford's law will be found in view of tax evasion supposedly being widespread across Italy. Contrary to expectations, we show that the overall tax income data for all these years is in excellent agreement with Benford's law. Furthermore, we also analyze the data of Calabria, Campania and Sicily, the three Italian regions known for strong presence of mafia, to see if there are any marked deviations from Benford's law. Again, we find that all yearly data sets for Calabria and Sicily agree with Benford's law whereas only the 2007 and 2008 yearly data show departures from the law for Campania. These results are again surprising in view of underground and illegal nature of economic activities of mafia which significantly contribute to tax evasion. Some hypothesis for the found conformity is presented.Comment: 18 pages, 5 tables, 4 figures, 61 references, To appear in European Physical Journal

    Neutral top-pion and lepton flavor violating processes

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    In the context of topcolor-assisted techicolor(TC2) models, we study the contributions of the neutral top-pion πt0\pi^{0}_{t} to the lepton flavor violating(LFV) processes liljγl_{i}\to l_{j}\gamma and liljlklll_{i}\to l_{j}l_{k}l_{l}. We find that the present experimental bound on μeγ\mu\to e\gamma gives severe constraints on the free parameters of TC2TC2 models. Taking into account these constraints, we consider the processes liljlklll_{i}\to l_{j}l_{k}l_{l} generated by top-pion exchange at the tree-level and the one loop level, and obtain Br(μ3e)2.87×1014Br(\mu\to 3e)\simeq 2.87\times 10^{-14}, 1.1×1015Br(τ3e)Br(τ2eμ)4.4×10151.1\times 10^{-15}\leq Br(\tau\to 3e)\simeq Br(\tau\to 2e\mu)\leq 4.4 \times 10^{-15} , 3.1×1015Br(τ2μe)Br(τ3μ)1.5×10143.1\times 10^{-15} \leq Br(\tau\to 2\mu e)\simeq Br(\tau\to 3\mu)\leq 1.5 \times 10^{-14} in most of the parameter space.Comment: latex files,16 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Observation of the screening signature in the lateral photovoltage of electrons in the Quantum Hall regime

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    The lateral photovoltage generated in the plane of a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) by a focused light spot, exhibits a fine-structure in the quantum oscillations in a magnetic field near the Quantum Hall conductivity minima. A double peak structure occurs near the minima of the longitudinal conductivity oscillations. This is the characteristic signature of the interplay between screening and Landau quantization.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Rare Charm Decays in the Standard Model and Beyond

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    We perform a comprehensive study of a number of rare charm decays, incorporating the first evaluation of the QCD corrections to the short distance contributions, as well as examining the long range effects. For processes mediated by the cu+c\to u\ell^+\ell^- transitions, we show that sensitivity to short distance physics exists in kinematic regions away from the vector meson resonances that dominate the total rate. In particular, we find that Dπ+D\to\pi\ell^+\ell^- and Dρ+D\to\rho\ell^+\ell^- are sensitive to non-universal soft-breaking effects in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with R-parity conservation. We separately study the sensitivity of these modes to R-parity violating effects and derive new bounds on R-parity violating couplings. We also obtain predictions for these decays within extensions of the Standard Model, including extensions of the Higgs, gauge and fermion sectors, as well as models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking.Comment: 45 pages, typos fixed, discussions adde

    Direct Top Quark Production at Hadron Colliders as a Probe of New Physics

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    We examine the effect of an anomalous flavor changing chromomagnetic moment which allows direct top quark production (two partons combining into an unaccompanied single top quark in the s-channel) at hadron colliders. We consider both t-c-g and t-u-g couplings. We find that the anomalous charm quark coupling parameter κc/Λ\kappa_c / \Lambda can be measured down to .06TeV1(.009TeV1.06 TeV^{-1}(.009 TeV^{-1}) at the Tevatron with the Main Injector upgrade(LHC). The anomalous up quark coupling parameter κu/Λ\kappa_u / \Lambda can be measured to .02TeV1(.003TeV1.02 TeV^{-1}(.003 TeV^{-1}) at the Tevatron(LHC).Comment: 14 pages, Latex, requires feynm

    Dynamical Left-Right Symmetry Breaking

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    We study a left--right symmetric model which contains only elementary gauge boson and fermion fields and no scalars. The phenomenologically required symmetry breaking emerges dynamically leading to a composite Higgs sector with a renormalizable effective Lagrangian. We discuss the pattern of symmetry breaking and phenomenological consequences of this scenario. It is shown that a viable top quark mass can be achieved for the ratio of the VEVs of the bi--doublet tanβκ/κ\tan\beta\equiv\kappa/\kappa' =~ 1.3--4. For a theoretically plausible choice of the parameters the right--handed scale can be as low as 20TeV\sim 20 TeV; in this case one expects several intermediate and low--scale scalars in addition to the \SM Higgs boson. These may lead to observable lepton flavour violation effects including μeγ\mu\to e\gamma decay with the rate close to its present experimental upper bound.Comment: 51 pages, LaTeX and uuencoded, packed Postscript figures. The complete paper, including figures, is also available via WWW at http://www.cip.physik.tu-muenchen.de/tumphy/d/T30d/PAPERS/ TUM-HEP-222-95.ps.g

    Top-Quark Decay Via the Anomalous Coupling tˉcγ\bar t c \gamma at Hadron Colliders

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    We determine the constraints on the anomalous top-quark coupling associated with the flavor-changing neutral current vertex tˉcγ\bar t c \gamma from the limits on the bb-quark rare decay bsγb\rightarrow s \gamma and non-standard top-quark decays. Based on these constraints, we discuss the experimental observability of the rare decay mode tcγt \rightarrow c \gamma, both at the Fermilab Tevatron with a luminosity-upgrade and at the LHC.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, RevTeX, postscript files available via anonymous ftp: ftp://ucdhep.ucdavis.edu/han/top/ (get paper_top.ps and fig*.ps