5 research outputs found

    Novel LOTUS-domain proteins are organizational hubs that recruit C. elegans Vasa to germ granules

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    We describe MIP-1 and MIP-2, novel paralogous C. elegans germ granule components that interact with the intrinsically disordered MEG-3 protein. These proteins promote P granule condensation, form granules independently of MEG-3 in the postembryonic germ line, and balance each other in regulating P granule growth and localization. MIP-1 and MIP-2 each contain two LOTUS domains and intrinsically disordered regions and form homo- and heterodimers. They bind and anchor the Vasa homolog GLH-1 within P granules and are jointly required for coalescence of MEG-3, GLH-1, and PGL proteins. Animals lacking MIP-1 and MIP-2 show temperature-sensitive embryonic lethality, sterility, and mortal germ lines. Germline phenotypes include defects in stem cell self-renewal, meiotic progression, and gamete differentiation. We propose that these proteins serve as scaffolds and organizing centers for ribonucleoprotein networks within P granules that help recruit and balance essential RNA processing machinery to regulate key developmental transitions in the germ line

    MicroRNA inhibition of translation initiation in vitro by targeting the cap-binding complex eIF4F

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play an important role in gene regulatory networks in animals. Yet, the mechanistic details of their function in translation inhibition or messenger RNA (mRNA) destabilization remain controversial. To directly examine the earliest events in this process, we have developed an in vitro translation system using mouse Krebs-2 ascites cell-free extract that exhibits an authentic miRNA response. We show here that translation initiation, specifically the 5\u2032 cap recognition process, is repressed by endogenous let-7 miRNAs within the first 15 minutes of mRNA exposure to the extract when no destabilization of the transcript is observed. Our results indicate that inhibition of translation initiation is the earliest molecular event effected by miRNAs. Other mechanisms, such as mRNA degradation, may subsequently consolidate mRNA silencing

    Atmospheric pollen and spores in relation to allergy. I

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