60 research outputs found

    Longitudinal response functions of 3H and 3He

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    Trinucleon longitudinal response functions R_L(q,omega) are calculated for q values up to 500 MeV/c. These are the first calculations beyond the threshold region in which both three-nucleon (3N) and Coulomb forces are fully included. We employ two realistic NN potentials (configuration space BonnA, AV18) and two 3N potentials (UrbanaIX, Tucson-Melbourne). Complete final state interactions are taken into account via the Lorentz integral transform technique. We study relativistic corrections arising from first order corrections to the nuclear charge operator. In addition the reference frame dependence due to our non-relativistic framework is investigated. For q less equal 350 MeV/c we find a 3N force effect between 5 and 15 %, while the dependence on other theoretical ingredients is small. At q greater equal 400 MeV/c relativistic corrections to the charge operator and effects of frame dependence, especially for large omega, become more important. In comparison with experimental data there is generally a rather good agreement. Exceptions are the responses at excitation energies close to threshold, where there exists a large discrepancy with experiment at higher q. Concerning the effect of 3N forces there are a few cases, in particular for the R_L of 3He, where one finds a much improved agreement with experiment if 3N forces are included.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    Significant initial results from the environmental measurements experiment on ATS-6

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    The Applications Technology Satellite (ATS-6), launched into synchronous orbit on 30 May 1974, carried a set of six particle detectors and a triaxial fluxgate magnetometer. The particle detectors were able to determine the ion and electron distribution functions from 1 to greater than 10 to the 8th power eV. It was found that the magnetic field is weaker and more tilted than predicted by models which neglect internal plasma and that there is a seasonal dependence to the magnitude and tilt. ATS-6 magnetic field measurements showed the effects of field-aligned currents associated with substorms, and large fluxes of field-aligned particles were observed with the particle detectors. Encounters with the plasmasphere revealed the existence of warm plasma with temperatures up to 30 eV. A variety of correlated waves in both the particles and fields were observed: pulsation continuous oscillations, seen predominantly in the plasmasphere bulge; ultralow frequency (ULF) standing waves; ring current proton ULF waves; and low frequency waves that modulate the energetic electrons. In additon, large scale waves on the energetic-ion-trapping boundary were observed, and the intensity of energetic electrons was modulated in association with the passage of sector boundaries of the interplanetary magnetic field

    Electroproduction of the d* dibaryon

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    The unpolarized cross section for the electroproduction of the isoscalar Jπ=3+J^\pi = 3^+ di-delta dibaryon dd^* is calculated for deuteron target using a simple picture of elastic electron-baryon scattering from the ΔΔ(7D1)\Delta \Delta (^7D_1) and the NN(3S1)NN (^3S_1) components of the deuteron. The calculated differential cross section at the electron lab energy of 1 GeV has the value of about 0.24 (0.05) nb/sr at the lab angle of 10^\circ (30^\circ) for the Bonn B potential when the dibaryon mass is taken to be 2.1 GeV. The cross section decreases rapidly with increasing dibaryon mass. A large calculated width of 40 MeV for d(ΔΔ7S3)d^*(\Delta\Delta ^7S_3) combined with a small experimental upper bound of 0.08 MeV for the dd^* decay width appears to have excluded any low-mass dd^* model containing a significant admixture of the ΔΔ(7S3)\Delta\Delta (^7S_3) configuration.Comment: 11 journal-style pages, 8 figure

    Quadrupole deformation of deuterons and final state interaction in 2H(e,ep)^2 \vec H (e,e'p) scattering on tensor polarized deuterons at CEBAF energies

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    The strength of final state interaction (FSI) between struck proton and spectator neutron in 2H(e,ep)^2\vec{H}(e,e'p) scattering depends on the alignment of the deuteron. We study the resulting FSI effects in the tensor analyzing power in detail and find substantial FSI effects starting at still low missing momentum p_m \gsim 0.9 fm^{-1}. At larger p_m \gsim 1.5 fm^{-1}, FSI completely dominates both missing momentum distribution and tensor analyzing power. We find that to a large extent FSI masks the sensitivity of the tensor analyzing power to models of the deuteron wave function. For the transversely polarized deuterons the FSI induced forward-backward asymmetry of the missing momentum distribution is shown to have a node at precisely the same value of pmp_m as the PWIA missing momentum distribution. The position of this node is not affected by FSI and can be a tool to distinguish experimentally between different models for the deuteron wave function.Comment: 24 pages, figures available from the authors on reques

    Automated Coronal Hole Detection using Local Intensity Thresholding Techniques

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    We identify coronal holes using a histogram-based intensity thresholding technique and compare their properties to fast solar wind streams at three different points in the heliosphere. The thresholding technique was tested on EUV and X-ray images obtained using instruments onboard STEREO, SOHO and Hinode. The full-disk images were transformed into Lambert equal-area projection maps and partitioned into a series of overlapping sub-images from which local histograms were extracted. The histograms were used to determine the threshold for the low intensity regions, which were then classified as coronal holes or filaments using magnetograms from the SOHO/MDI. For all three instruments, the local thresholding algorithm was found to successfully determine coronal hole boundaries in a consistent manner. Coronal hole properties extracted using the segmentation algorithm were then compared with in situ measurements of the solar wind at 1 AU from ACE and STEREO. Our results indicate that flux tubes rooted in coronal holes expand super-radially within 1 AU and that larger (smaller) coronal holes result in longer (shorter) duration high-speed solar wind streams

    Photo-production of Nucleon Resonances and Nucleon Spin Structure Function in the Resonance Region

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    The photo-production of nucleon resonances is calculated based on a chiral constituent quark model including both relativistic corrections H{rel} and two-body exchange currents, and it is shown that these effects play an important role. We also calculate the first moment of the nucleon spin structure function g1 (x,Q^2) in the resonance region, and obtain a sign-changing point around Q^2 ~ 0.27 {GeV}^2 for the proton.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Structure and Rotation of the Solar Interior: Initial Results from the MDI Medium-L Program

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    The medium-l program of the Michelson Doppler Imager instrument on board SOHO provides continuous observations of oscillation modes of angular degree, l, from 0 to approximately 300. The data for the program are partly processed on board because only about 3% of MDI observations can be transmitted continuously to the ground. The on-board data processing, the main component of which is Gaussian-weighted binning, has been optimized to reduce the negative influence of spatial aliasing of the high-degree oscillation modes. The data processing is completed in a data analysis pipeline at the SOI Stanford Support Center to determine the mean multiplet frequencies and splitting coefficients. The initial results show that the noise in the medium-l oscillation power spectrum is substantially lower than in ground-based measurements. This enables us to detect lower amplitude modes and, thus, to extend the range of measured mode frequencies. This is important for inferring the Sun's internal structure and rotation. The MDI observations also reveal the asymmetry of oscillation spectral lines. The line asymmetries agree with the theory of mode excitation by acoustic sources localized in the upper convective boundary layer. The sound-speed profile inferred from the mean frequencies gives evidence for a sharp variation at the edge of the energy-generating core. The results also confirm the previous finding by the GONG (Gough et al., 1996) that, in a thin layer just beneath the convection zone, helium appears to be less abundant than predicted by theory. Inverting the multiplet frequency splittings from MDI, we detect significant rotational shear in this thin layer. This layer is likely to be the place where the solar dynamo operates. In order to understand how the Sun works, it is extremely important to observe the evolution of this transition layer throughout the 11-year activity cycle

    Nuclear Anapole Moments

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    Nuclear anapole moments are parity-odd, time-reversal-even E1 moments of the electromagnetic current operator. Although the existence of this moment was recognized theoretically soon after the discovery of parity nonconservation (PNC), its experimental isolation was achieved only recently, when a new level of precision was reached in a measurement of the hyperfine dependence of atomic PNC in 133Cs. An important anapole moment bound in 205Tl also exists. In this paper, we present the details of the first calculation of these anapole moments in the framework commonly used in other studies of hadronic PNC, a meson exchange potential that includes long-range pion exchange and enough degrees of freedom to describe the five independent SPS-P amplitudes induced by short-range interactions. The resulting contributions of pi-, rho-, and omega-exchange to the single-nucleon anapole moment, to parity admixtures in the nuclear ground state, and to PNC exchange currents are evaluated, using configuration-mixed shell-model wave functions. The experimental anapole moment constraints on the PNC meson-nucleon coupling constants are derived and compared with those from other tests of the hadronic weak interaction. While the bounds obtained from the anapole moment results are consistent with the broad ``reasonable ranges'' defined by theory, they are not in good agreement with the constraints from the other experiments. We explore possible explanations for the discrepancy and comment on the potential importance of new experiments.Comment: 53 pages; 10 figures; revtex; submitted to Phys Rev

    Solar Coronal Plumes

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    Polar plumes are thin long ray-like structures that project beyond the limb of the Sun polar regions, maintaining their identity over distances of several solar radii. Plumes have been first observed in white-light (WL) images of the Sun, but, with the advent of the space era, they have been identified also in X-ray and UV wavelengths (XUV) and, possibly, even in in situ data. This review traces the history of plumes, from the time they have been first imaged, to the complex means by which nowadays we attempt to reconstruct their 3-D structure. Spectroscopic techniques allowed us also to infer the physical parameters of plumes and estimate their electron and kinetic temperatures and their densities. However, perhaps the most interesting problem we need to solve is the role they cover in the solar wind origin and acceleration: Does the solar wind emanate from plumes or from the ambient coronal hole wherein they are embedded? Do plumes have a role in solar wind acceleration and mass loading? Answers to these questions are still somewhat ambiguous and theoretical modeling does not provide definite answers either. Recent data, with an unprecedented high spatial and temporal resolution, provide new information on the fine structure of plumes, their temporal evolution and relationship with other transient phenomena that may shed further light on these elusive features

    Review of Coronal Oscillations - An Observer's View

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    Recent observations show a variety of oscillation modes in the corona. Early non-imaging observations in radio wavelengths showed a number of fast-period oscillations in the order of seconds, which have been interpreted as fast sausage mode oscillations. TRACE observations from 1998 have for the first time revealed the lateral displacements of fast kink mode oscillations, with periods of ~3-5 minutes, apparently triggered by nearby flares and destabilizing filaments. Recently, SUMER discovered with Doppler shift measurements loop oscillations with longer periods (10-30 minutes) and relatively short damping times in hot (7 MK) loops, which seem to correspond to longitudinal slow magnetoacoustic waves. In addition, propagating longitudinal waves have also been detected with EIT and TRACE in the lowest density scale height of loops near sunspots. All these new observations seem to confirm the theoretically predicted oscillation modes and can now be used as a powerful tool for ``coronal seismology'' diagnostic.Comment: 5 Figure