24 research outputs found

    A prospective study on the natural history of patients with profound combined immunodeficiency: An interim analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Absent T-cell immunity resulting in life-threatening infections provides a clear rationale for hematopoetic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in patients with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). Combined immunodeficiencies (CIDs) and "atypical" SCID show reduced, not absent T-cell immunity. If associated with infections or autoimmunity, they represent profound combined immunodeficiency (P-CID), for which outcome data are insufficient for unambiguous early transplant decisions. // OBJECTIVES: We sought to compare natural histories of severity-matched patients with/without subsequent transplantation and to determine whether immunologic and/or clinical parameters may be predictive for outcome. // METHODS: In this prospective and retrospective observational study, we recruited nontransplanted patients with P-CID aged 1 to 16 years to compare natural histories of severity-matched patients with/without subsequent transplantation and to determine whether immunologic and/or clinical parameters may be predictive for outcome. // RESULTS: A total of 51 patients were recruited (median age, 9.6 years). Thirteen of 51 had a genetic diagnosis of "atypical" SCID and 14 of 51 of CID. About half of the patients had less than 10% naive T cells, reduced/absent T-cell proliferation, and at least 1 significant clinical event/year, demonstrating their profound immunodeficiency. Nineteen patients (37%) underwent transplantation within 1 year of enrolment, and 5 of 51 patients died. Analysis of the HSCT decisions revealed the anticipated heterogeneity, favoring an ongoing prospective matched-pair analysis of patients with similar disease severity with or without transplantation. Importantly, so far neither the genetic diagnosis nor basic measurements of T-cell immunity were good predictors of disease evolution. // CONCLUSIONS: The P-CID study for the first time characterizes a group of patients with nontypical SCID T-cell deficiencies from a therapeutic perspective. Because genetic and basic T-cell parameters provide limited guidance, prospective data from this study will be a helpful resource for guiding the difficult HSCT decisions in patients with P-CID

    Transplantation from a symptomatic carrier sister restores host defenses but does not prevent colitis in NEMO deficiency.

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    NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO) deficiency causes ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency in males, while manifesting as incontinentia pigmenti in heterozygous females. We report a family with NEMO deficiency, in which a female carrier displayed skewed X-inactivation favoring the mutant NEMO allele associated with symptoms of Behçet's disease. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation of an affected boy from this donor reconstituted an immune system with retained skewed X-inactivation. After transplantation no more severe infections occurred, indicating that an active wild-type NEMO allele in only 10% of immune cells restores host defense. Yet he developed inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). While gut infiltrating immune cells stained strongly for nuclear p65 indicating restored NEMO function, this was not the case in intestinal epithelial cells - in contrast to cells from conventional IBD patients. These results extend murine observations that epithelial NEMO-deficiency suffices to cause IBD. High anti-TNF doses controlled the intestinal inflammation and symptoms of Behçet's disease