19 research outputs found
Pathogenetic Effects of Bacteria of the Genus <i>Desulfovibrio</i>. Experimental Study. Part One: Iron Metabolism
The aim of the work was to study specific systemic effect of sulfate-reducing bacteria of the genus Desulfovibrio on organism systems through creating an experimental model of intragastric bacterial invasion against the background of dysbiotic conditions of rodent gastrointestinal tract. Materials and methods. The experimental study was conducted on Wistar rats. Intestinal dysbiosis was modeled with the help of antibiotics, amoxicillin and metronidazole. Typical strain Desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. desulfuricans VKM B-1799T was used as an infectious agent. Results and discussion. As a result of the experiment performed, during the period of acute infection (on day 15 of the experiment), a direct correlation between the concentration of the injected D. desulfuricans VKM B-1799T bacteria suspension and the serum iron level was observed: the higher the infectious agent dose, the lower the serum iron concentration. During the phase of remote effects (day 38 of the experiment), the inverse correlation between the concentrations of D. desulfuricans VKM B-1799T in the intestines of rodents was revealed: when the concentration of the infecting agent increased from 103 CFU/g and higher, the iron level decreased from 43.5 μmol/l to 38.5 μmol/l. When comparing the level of transferrin and unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC), an increase in those parameters was observed in all groups of rats both during the period of acute infection and the period of long-term effects, and the percentage of transferrin iron saturation decreased, indicating the occurrence of iron deficiency against the background of exposure to the infectious agent. Intestinal dysbiosis promotes colonization by opportunistic flora, including Desulfovibrio sp. Changes in the iron metabolism markers in experimental animals against the background of D. desulfuricans VKM B-1799T infestation above 103 CFU/g and the ability of this microorganism to bind iron into an unavailable form suggest that the bacteria Desulfovibrio sp. are one of the key etiological factors of iron deficiency anemia
Молекулярный фенотип клеток крови, ассоциированный с прогрессированием трижды негативного рака молочной железы
Introduction. triple negative breast cancer is an aggressive clinical phenotype characterized by poor prognosis. immune system plays an important role in the development, treatment response, and progression of solid tumor. The search for immune-related markers associated with the prediction of treatment efficacy and disease prognosis, and based on the use of high-resolution molecular techniques, is a promising area of research, the results of which can be translated into clinical practice. Case description. The molecular profile of blood mononuclear cells in a 48-year-old female patient with histologically proven triple negative breast cancer (estrogen Receptor – 0; progesteron Receptor – 0; Her2/neu – 0; gata-3 – 0, androgen Receptor – 0 and Ki67 – 70 %) was described. The patient did not response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with 4 cycles of paclitaxel + carboplatin followed by 2 cycles of adriamycin + cyclophosphamide. The patient underwent surgery. disease progression (pelvic bone metastases) occurred 2 months after surgery. The features of blood lymphocytes and monocytes associated with a lack of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and disease progression were described.Conclusion. This clinical case demonstrates that sequencing of peripheral blood mononuclear cells can be used as a method for identifying predictive markers of therapy efficacy and developing personalized treatments for patients with triple negative breast cancer.Актуальность. Трижды негативный подтип рака молочной железы характеризуется агрессивным течением и неблагоприятным прогнозом. Компоненты иммунной системы как непосредственные участники патогенеза играют роль в развитии, ответе на терапию и прогрессировании этой нозологии. Поиск маркеров иммунных клеток, ассоциированных с предсказанием эффективности лечения и прогнозом заболевания, основанный на применении молекулярных методов высокого разрешения, является перспективным направлением поискового исследования, результаты которого можно транслировать в клиническую практику. Описание клинического случая. Представлен первый опыт описания молекулярного профиля мононуклеарных клеток крови пациентки с трижды негативным раком молочной железы. Опухоль: инвазивная карцинома неспецифического типа с экспрессией: estrogen Receptor – 0; progesteron Receptor – 0; Her2/neu – 0; gata-3 – 0, androgen Receptor – 0, Ki67 – 70 % опухолевых клеток. Отмечено отсутствие ответа на неоадъювантную химиотерапию по схеме: 4 цикла «паклитаксел + + карбоплатин», с последующими 2 курсами АС (адриамицин + циклофосфан). Пациентке проведено оперативное лечение, через 2 мес после которого выявлены метастазы в кости таза. У пациентки описаны особенности лимфоцитов и моноцитов крови, которые могут быть ассоциированы с отсутствием ответа на неоадъювантную химиотерапию и прогрессированием заболевания.Заключение. Представленное клиническое наблюдение показывает, что метод секвенирования мононуклеарных клеток периферической крови можно использовать в качестве поискового для обнаружения предиктивных маркеров эффективности терапии и создания персонифицированной системы лечения пациенток с трижды негативным раком молочной железы
Чувствительность и специфичность спирометрических показателей при скрининговом исследовании респираторной функции
The data on COPD spread in various regions are extremely inconsistent. One of", the most accessible methods to define the COPD prevalence is screening. Spirometry is a gold standard for COPD detection. The purpose of the present research was to study sensitivity and specificity of spirometry in diagnosing COPD. We examined 3 129 persons aged 17 to 80 yrs. (1 867 males and 1 262 females), pensioners and workers of various enterprises at the Kemerovo city. A great number of persons with reduced respiratory function parameters were found during the screening. After more detailed examination the diagnosis of COPD was verified in 5.4 % of the males and 1.1 % of the females. The disease was detected more often in drivers, railway workers and healthcare workers. According to the screening results the most sensitive diagnostic criterion was FEV1 < 80 % and the most specific parameter was FEV1 / FVC < 70 %. Being highly specific PEF < 80 % had low sensitivity. The increase in PEF higher than 90 °%o enhanced its sensitivity up to 88.6 % and its drop less than 70 % augmented its specificity up to 95.5 %o. The results allow to recommend the PEF < 70 % parameter as a diagnostic criterion of COPD in everyday outpatient work and PEF < 90 % as an indication for more detailed examination.Данные о распространенности хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ) в различных регионах крайне противоречивы. Одним из наиболее доступных методов определения распространенности заболевания является скрининг. Целью исследования является определение чувствительности и специфичности инструментальных методов диагностики ХОБЛ, используемых в процессе скрининга. Обследованы 3 129 мужчин и женщин в возрасте от 17 до 80 лет (1 867 мужчин и 1 262 женщины) — работники различных предприятий и пенсионеры г. Кемерово. На скрининге выявляется высокий процент лиц со сниженными показателями бронхиальной проходимости. Диагноз ХОБЛ верифицирован у 5,4 % мужчин и 1,1 % женщин. Заболевание чаще всего встречается у водителей и работников железнодорожного транспорта. Наиболее чувствительным диагностическим критерием ХОБЛ по результатам скрининга является ОФВ1 <80 %, а наиболее специфичным — ОФВ1 / ФЖЕЛ < 70 %. ПСВ <80 % при высокой специфичности имеет низкую чувствительность. Увеличение критерия до ПСВ <90 % повышает чувствительность теста, а снижение до ПСВ < 70 % увеличивает его специфичность. Это позволяет рекомендовать для повседневной работы амбулаторной службы использование в качестве диагностического критерия ХОБЛ уровень ПСВ < 70 % от должных величин, а уровень ПСВ <90 % как показание для дообследования
Trends of the Major Porin Gene (ompF) Evolution: Insight from the Genus Yersinia
OmpF is one of the major general porins of Enterobacteriaceae that belongs to the first line of bacterial defense and interactions with the biotic as well as abiotic environments. Porins are surface exposed and their structures strongly reflect the history of multiple interactions with the environmental challenges. Unfortunately, little is known on diversity of porin genes of Enterobacteriaceae and the genus Yersinia especially. We analyzed the sequences of the ompF gene from 73 Yersinia strains covering 14 known species. The phylogenetic analysis placed most of the Yersinia strains in the same line assigned by 16S rDNA-gyrB tree. Very high congruence in the tree topologies was observed for Y. enterocolitica, Y. kristensenii, Y. ruckeri, indicating that intragenic recombination in these species had no effect on the ompF gene. A significant level of intra- and interspecies recombination was found for Y. aleksiciae, Y. intermedia and Y. mollaretii. Our analysis shows that the ompF gene of Yersinia has evolved with nonrandom mutational rate under purifying selection. However, several surface loops in the OmpF porin contain positively selected sites, which very likely reflect adaptive diversification Yersinia to their ecological niches. To our knowledge, this is a first investigation of diversity of the porin gene covering the whole genus of the family Enterobacteriaceae. This study demonstrates that recombination and positive selection both contribute to evolution of ompF, but the relative contribution of these evolutionary forces are different among Yersinia species
Physical development indices in premature children from the Voronezh Region
Anthropometric measurements at birth reflect the characteristics of fetal development and largely determine the harmonious development in the later years of the child’s life. A total of physical development charts were studied in newborn infants (904 girls and 928 boys) born at 22 to 36 weeks’ gestation over 2009–2013. Indicators, such as weight, height, head circumference, chest circumference, and weight/height ratio (Quetelet index), were determined. The findings were used to compile sigma tables and physical development charts for premature babies born in the city of Voronezh and its region. The given illustrative graphs are of great importance for assessing the health status of children at birth and in subsequent years. The physical development charts can be used not only by physicians, but also by parents, teachers, and social workers