279 research outputs found

    Prospective memory functioning among ecstasy/polydrug users: evidence from the Cambridge Prospective Memory Test (CAMPROMPT)

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    Rationale: Prospective memory (PM) deficits in recreational drug users have been documented in recent years. However, the assessment of PM has largely been restricted to self-reported measures that fail to capture the distinction between event-based and time-based PM. The aim of the present study is to address this limitation. Objectives: Extending our previous research, we augmented the range laboratory measures of PM by employing the CAMPROMPT test battery to investigate the impact of illicit drug use on prospective remembering in a sample of cannabis only, ecstasy/polydrug and non-users of illicit drugs, separating event and time-based PM performance. We also administered measures of executive function and retrospective memory in order to establish whether ecstasy/polydrug deficits in PM were mediated by group differences in these processes. Results: Ecstasy/polydrug users performed significantly worse on both event and time-based prospective memory tasks in comparison to both cannabis only and non-user groups. Furthermore, it was found that across the whole sample, better retrospective memory and executive functioning was associated with superior PM performance. Nevertheless, this association did not mediate the drug-related effects that were observed. Consistent with our previous study, recreational use of cocaine was linked to PM deficits. Conclusions: PM deficits have again been found among ecstasy/polydrug users, which appear to be unrelated to group differences in executive function and retrospective memory. However, the possibility that these are attributable to cocaine use cannot be excluded

    Disrupted Functional Connectivity with Dopaminergic Midbrain in Cocaine Abusers

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    Background: Chronic cocaine use is associated with disrupted dopaminergic neurotransmission but how this disruption affects overall brain function (other than reward/motivation) is yet to be fully investigated. Here we test the hypothesis that cocaine addicted subjects will have disrupted functional connectivity between the midbrain (where dopamine neurons are located) and cortical and subcortical brain regions during the performance of a sustained attention task. Methodology/Principal Findings: We measured brain activation and functional connectivity with fMRI in 20 cocaine abusers and 20 matched controls. When compared to controls, cocaine abusers had lower positive functional connectivity of midbrain with thalamus, cerebellum, and rostral cingulate, and this was associated with decreased activation in thalamus and cerebellum and enhanced deactivation in rostral cingulate. Conclusions/Significance: These findings suggest that decreased functional connectivity of the midbrain interferes with the activation and deactivation signals associated with sustained attention in cocaine addicts

    Charge Form Factor and Cluster Structure of 6^6Li Nucleus

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    The charge form factor of 6{}^6Li nucleus is considered on the basis of its cluster structure. The charge density of 6{}^6Li is presented as a superposition of two terms. One of them is a folded density and the second one is a sum of 4{}^4He and the deuteron densities. Using the available experimental data for 4{}^4He and deuteron charge form factors, a good agreement of the calculations within the suggested scheme is obtained with the experimental data for the charge form factor of 6{}^6Li, including those in the region of large transferred momenta.Comment: 12 pages 5 figure

    Measurement of GEp/GMp in ep -> ep to Q2 = 5.6 GeV2

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    The ratio of the electric and magnetic form factors of the proton, GEp/GMp, was measured at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) using the recoil polarization technique. The ratio of the form factors is directly proportional to the ratio of the transverse to longitudinal components of the polarization of the recoil proton in the elastic epep\vec ep \to e\vec p reaction. The new data presented in this article span the range 3.5 < Q2 < 5.6 GeV2 and are well described by a linear Q2 fit. Also, the ratio QF2p/F1p reaches a constant value above Q2=2 GeV2.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures Added two names to the main author lis

    The Structure of Hyperalkaline Aqueous Solutions Containing High Concentrations of Gallium - a Solution X-ray Diffraction and Computational Study

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    Highly concentrated alkaline NaOH/Ga(OH)3 solutions with 1.18 M Ga(III)T 2.32 M and 2.4 M NaOHT 4.9 M (where the subscript T denotes total or analytical concentrations) have been prepared and investigated by solution X-ray diffraction and also by ab initio quantum chemical calculations. The data obtained are consistent with the presence of only one predominant Ga(III)-bearing species in these solutions, that is the tetrahedral hydroxo complex Ga(OH)4–. This finding is in stark contrast to that found for Al(III)-containing solutions of similar concentrations, in which, besides the monomeric complex, an oxo-bridged dimer was also found to form. From the solution X-ray diffraction measurements, the formation of the dimeric (OH)3Ga–O–Ga(OH)32– could not unambiguously be shown, however, from the comparison of experimental IR, Raman and 71Ga NMR spectra with calculated ones, its formation can be safely excluded. Moreover, higher mononuclear stepwise hydroxo complexes, like Ga(OH)63–, that have been claimed to exist by others in the literature, was not possible to experimentally detect in these solutions with any of the spectroscopic techniques used

    To respond or not to respond - a personal perspective of intestinal tolerance

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    For many years, the intestine was one of the poor relations of the immunology world, being a realm inhabited mostly by specialists and those interested in unusual phenomena. However, this has changed dramatically in recent years with the realization of how important the microbiota is in shaping immune function throughout the body, and almost every major immunology institution now includes the intestine as an area of interest. One of the most important aspects of the intestinal immune system is how it discriminates carefully between harmless and harmful antigens, in particular, its ability to generate active tolerance to materials such as commensal bacteria and food proteins. This phenomenon has been recognized for more than 100 years, and it is essential for preventing inflammatory disease in the intestine, but its basis remains enigmatic. Here, I discuss the progress that has been made in understanding oral tolerance during my 40 years in the field and highlight the topics that will be the focus of future research

    Corrida em esteira e exercícios de força: efeitos agudos da ordem de realização sobre a hipotensão pós-exercício

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    Este estudo analisou as respostas de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) após duas sessões de exercício concorrente realizado em diferentes ordens [aeróbio-força (AF), e força-aeróbio (FA)]. Quinze indivíduos normotensos foram submetidos a duas sessões de exercício realizadas em dias distintos na seguinte sequência AF e FA. A PAS e PAD foram medidas antes e a cada 15 min durante 60 min de recuperação pós-exercício. Houve hipotensão pós-exercício (HPE) para PAS, aos 30 min (-7,4 mmHg), 45 min (-12,14 mmHg) e 60 min (-15,14 mmHg) de recuperação na sessão AF. Já na FA houve HPE apenas aos 60 min (-8,34 mmHg) de recuperação. A variação da PAS e PAD entre as sessões revelou HPE maior aos 15 min, 45 min e 60 min na PAS; e aos 45 min na PAD comparando-se AF a FA. A realização de exercício aeróbio antes do de força resultou em maior HPE para adultos jovens

    Planck intermediate results. XLI. A map of lensing-induced B-modes

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    The secondary cosmic microwave background (CMB) BB-modes stem from the post-decoupling distortion of the polarization EE-modes due to the gravitational lensing effect of large-scale structures. These lensing-induced BB-modes constitute both a valuable probe of the dark matter distribution and an important contaminant for the extraction of the primary CMB BB-modes from inflation. Planck provides accurate nearly all-sky measurements of both the polarization EE-modes and the integrated mass distribution via the reconstruction of the CMB lensing potential. By combining these two data products, we have produced an all-sky template map of the lensing-induced BB-modes using a real-space algorithm that minimizes the impact of sky masks. The cross-correlation of this template with an observed (primordial and secondary) BB-mode map can be used to measure the lensing BB-mode power spectrum at multipoles up to 20002000. In particular, when cross-correlating with the BB-mode contribution directly derived from the Planck polarization maps, we obtain lensing-induced BB-mode power spectrum measurement at a significance level of 12σ12\,\sigma, which agrees with the theoretical expectation derived from the Planck best-fit Λ\LambdaCDM model. This unique nearly all-sky secondary BB-mode template, which includes the lensing-induced information from intermediate to small (10100010\lesssim \ell\lesssim 1000) angular scales, is delivered as part of the Planck 2015 public data release. It will be particularly useful for experiments searching for primordial BB-modes, such as BICEP2/Keck Array or LiteBIRD, since it will enable an estimate to be made of the lensing-induced contribution to the measured total CMB BB-modes.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures; Accepted for publication in A&A; The B-mode map is part of the PR2-2015 Cosmology Products; available as Lensing Products in the Planck Legacy Archive http://pla.esac.esa.int/pla/#cosmology; and described in the 'Explanatory Supplement' https://wiki.cosmos.esa.int/planckpla2015/index.php/Specially_processed_maps#2015_Lensing-induced_B-mode_ma

    Cellular and molecular changes and immune response in the intestinal mucosa during Trichinella spiralis early infection in rats

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    Background:: The main targets of the host's immune system in Trichinella spiralis infection are the adult worms (AW), at the gut level, and the migrant or newborn larvae (NBL), at systemic and pulmonary levels. Most of the studies carried out in the gut mucosa have been performed on the Payer's patches and/or the mesenteric lymph nodes but not on the lamina propria, therefore, knowledge on the gut immune response against T. spiralis remains incomplete. Methods: This study aimed at characterizing the early mucosal immune response against T. spiralis, particularly, the events taking place between 1 and 13 dpi. For this purpose, Wistar rats were orally infected with muscle larvae of T. spiralis and the humoral and cellular parameters of the gut immunity were analysed, including the evaluation of the ADCC mechanism exerted by lamina propria cells. Results: A marked inflammation and structural alteration of the mucosa was found. The changes involved an increase in goblet cells, eosinophils and mast cells, and B and T lymphocytes, initially displaying a Th1 profile, characterised by the secretion of IFN-γand IL-12, followed by a polarization towards a Th2 profile, with a marked increase in IgE, IgG1, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 levels, which occurred once the infection was established. In addition, the helminthotoxic activity of lamina propria cells demonstrated the role of the intestine as a place of migrant larvae destruction, indicating that not all the NBLs released in the gut will be able to reach the muscles. Conclusions: The characterization of the immune response triggered in the gut mucosa during T. spiralis infection showed that not only an effector mechanism is directed toward the AW but also towards the NBL as a cytotoxic activity was observed against NBL exerted by lamina propria cells.Fil: Saracino, María Priscila. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni; ArgentinaFil: Vila, Cecilia Celeste. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni; ArgentinaFil: Cohen, Melina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni; ArgentinaFil: Gentilini, Maria Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni; ArgentinaFil: Falduto, Guido Hernán. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni; ArgentinaFil: Calcagno, Marcela Adriana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni; ArgentinaFil: Roux, Estela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas; ArgentinaFil: Venturiello, Stella Maris. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni; ArgentinaFil: Malchiodi, Emilio Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni; Argentin

    Proteomic analysis of urine in medication-overuse headache patients: possible relation with renal damages

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    Medication-overuse headache (MOH) is a chronic disorder associated with overuse of analgesic drugs, triptans, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or other acute headache compounds. Various epidemiologic investigations proved that different drug types could cause nephrotoxicity, particularly in chronic patients. The aim of the present work was to analyze, by a proteomic approach, the urinary protein profiles of MOH patients focusing on daily use of NSAIDs, mixtures and triptans that could reasonably be related to potential renal damage. We selected 43 MOH patients overusing triptans (n = 18), NSAIDs (n = 11), and mixtures (n = 14), for 2–30 years with a mean daily analgesic intake of 1.5 ± 0.9 doses, and a control group composed of 16 healthy volunteers. Urine proteins were analyzed by mono-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified by mass spectrometry analysis. Comparing the proteomic profiles of patients and controls, we found a significantly different protein expression, especially in the NSAIDs group, in which seven proteins resulted over-secreted from kidney (OR = 49, 95% CI 2.53–948.67 vs. controls; OR = 11.6, 95% CI 0.92–147.57 vs. triptans and mixtures groups). Six of these proteins (uromodulin, α-1-microglobulin, zinc-α-2-glycoprotein, cystatin C, Ig-kappa-chain, and inter-α-trypsin heavy chain H4) were strongly correlated with various forms of kidney disorders. Otherwise, in mixtures and in triptans abusers, only three proteins were potentially associated to pathological conditions (OR = 4.2, 95% CI 0.33–53.12, vs. controls). In conclusion, this preliminary proteomic study allowed us to define the urinary protein pattern of MOH patients that is related to the abused drug. According with the obtained results, we believe that the risk of nephrotoxicity should be considered particularly in MOH patients who abuse of NSAIDs