79 research outputs found

    Orientation in physical reasoning: Determining the edge that would be formed by two surfaces.

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    Leisure, Popular Culture and Memory: The Invention of Dark Age Britain, Wales, England, and Middle-earth in the songs of Led Zeppelin

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    In the period of high modernity, and in the process of establishing the imperial nation-state of Great Britain, historians, archaeologists and enthusiastic amateurs searched high and low for material evidence and primary sources from what was called the Dark Ages. There is a gap in knowledge about this past, and all discussion rests on finding meaning in fading inscriptions, or dark earth, or trusting completely the writings of Bede and Gildas. The search for an identity and history for the nation for Great Britain was based on nationalist beliefs about Englishness, Britishness or Welshness. In the twentieth-century, the problem of Englishness, place and myth led Tolkien to write his Middle-earth stories in his leisure time. At the same time, the problem of Welshness or Britishness saw a growth in interest – in film and books - in Arthurian traditions, and a tourist interest in the Celtic fringe of Britain. In this paper, I show how the songs and album covers of Led Zeppelin, and their film The Song Remains the Same, draw upon both the work of Tolkien and the Arthurian traditions to construct ideas of masculine belonging in some mythological medieval time and place. While this constriction is idiosyncratic to the artists, they are drawing on and justifying the wider problem of England, Wales and Britain in leisure and culture

    Mapping the Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL™) Generic Core Scales onto the Child Health Utility Index–9 Dimension (CHU-9D) Score for Economic Evaluation in Children

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    Background: The Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL™) questionnaire is a widely used, generic instrument designed for measuring health-related quality of life (HRQoL); however, it is not preference-based and therefore not suitable for cost–utility analysis. The Child Health Utility Index–9 Dimension (CHU-9D), however, is a preference-based instrument that has been primarily developed to support cost–utility analysis. Objective: This paper presents a method for estimating CHU-9D index scores from responses to the PedsQL™ using data from a randomised controlled trial of prednisolone therapy for treatment of childhood corticosteroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome. Methods: HRQoL data were collected from children at randomisation, week 16, and months 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48. Observations on children aged 5 years and older were pooled across all data collection timepoints and were then randomised into an estimation (n = 279) and validation (n = 284) sample. A number of models were developed using the estimation data before internal validation. The best model was chosen using multi-stage selection criteria. Results: Most of the models developed accurately predicted the CHU-9D mean index score. The best performing model was a generalised linear model (mean absolute error = 0.0408; mean square error = 0.0035). The proportion of index scores deviating from the observed scores by 13 years) or patient groups with particularly poor quality of life. ISRCTN Registry No: 1664524

    Code cleaning for software defect prediction:A cautionary tale

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    In this paper, we describe our experience of developing a new technique to improve defect prediction (code cleaning) which performed very encouragingly on the first two systems on which we evaluated it (both systems had their origins in one company). Code cleaning also worked well on an additional open source system (Eclipse). But our code cleaning technique then performed disappointingly on all 69 subsequent open source systems on which we evaluated it. Without our round two evaluations on these 69 open source systems we would have published misleading prediction results. We discuss the need for performance evaluations to be performed on carefully selected samples of systems if reliable conclusions are to be drawn

    A mapping study of software code cloning

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    Background: Software Code Cloning is widely used by developers to produce code in which they have confidence and which reduces development costs and improves the software quality. However, Fowler and Beck suggest that the maintenance of clones may lead to defects and therefore clones should be re-factored out. Objective: We investigate the purpose of code cloning, the detection techniques developed and the datasets used in software code cloning studies between the years of 2007 and 2011. This is to analyse the current research trends in code cloning to try and find techniques which have been successful in identifying clones used for defect prediction. Method: We used a mapping study to identify 220 software code cloning studies published from January 2007 to December 2011. We use these papers to answer six research questions by analysing their abstracts, titles and reading the papers themselves. Results: The main focus of studies is the technique of software code clone detection. In the past four years the number of studies being accepted at conferences and in journals has risen by 71%. Most datasets are only used once, therefore the performance reported by one paper is not comparable with the performance reported by another study. Conclusion: The techniques used to detect clones seem to be the main focus of studies. However it is difficult to compare the performance of the detection tools reported in different studies because the same dataset is rarely used in more than one paper. There are few benchmark datasets where the clones have been correctly identified. Few studies apply code cloning detection to defect prediction
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