54 research outputs found

    Ecological and phytosociological characteristics of the association Abieti-Fagetum Ā»pannonicumĀ« Rau{ 1969 prov. on Mt. Medvednica (NW Croatia)

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    The association Abieti-Fagetum Ā»pannonicumĀ« Rau{ 1969 prov. has an invalid name and a still undefined position in a geobotanical and phytosociological sense. In 2000 and 2001 the flora and different habitat factors of 12 plots (50 x 50 m), within the association Abieti- Fagetum s. l. on the central part of Medvednica mountain, were investigated. In all, 119 taxa of vascular plants were recorded. The life form analysis confirmed that Medvednica flora belongs to the moderate continental climate. Canonical correspondence analysis has showed that changes in altitude, pH and inclination have the strongest influence on changes in floristic structure


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    The morphometric traits were determined on the sample of 459 marketable size common carp from the four Croatian fish farms. There traits were analyzed by the classical methods in order to determine the influence of population, scaliness, age and sex on the dressing percentage. The obtained results show the existence of different phenotypes of common carps at Croatian farms, primarily, morphometric differences. However, the sygnificant diferences of dressing percentage among the populations were not registered (p>0.05). The significant difference between the dressing percentages of scaled and mirror carps was not detected (p>0.05), what leads to the conclusion that the scaliness does not influence dressing percentage significantly. The age and sex also, dit not show significant influence on dressing percentage. As the carps were sampled in winter the differences in dressing percentage caused by the different maturation of males and females were excluded.Cyprinidae (Å”aranke) ukupno čine najveću skupinu uzgajanih riba u svijetu, s udjelom u svjetskoj proizvodnji od oko 74%. U Hrvatskoj je Å”aran glavna slatkovodna vrsta i već godinama čini 80% do 90% ukupne proizvodnje. Argumentiranim otklanjanjem predrasuda o Å”aranu kao ribi bijede i teÅ”kih životnih situacija (II. svj. rat), ribi glomaznih dimenzija nepogodnih za pripremu, punoj kostiju i s okusom na ustajalu vodu (V a l l o d , 1995) naglaÅ”ava se i razvoj kontroliranih linija sa standardnim morfoloÅ”kim obilježjima. Uzgoj tako formatiranih riba povećava učinkovitost riboprerađivačke opreme uz jednostavnije oblikovanje postrojenja za filetiranje. U takvoj ponudi odnos iskoristivog dijela ribe i njezine ukupne mase, tj. randman, postaje sve bitnija odrednica njegova daljnjeg komercijalnog iskoriÅ”tavanja. Zato je cilj ovoga rada procjena randmana konzumnih Å”arana u Hrvatskoj. Odabrana je riba s ribnjačarstava u Draganićima (D), Končanici (K), NaÅ”ičkoj Breznici (NB) i Orahovici (G-Grudnjak). I dok se u Draganićima konzumni Å”aran proizvodi u dvogodiÅ”njem pogonu, na ostalim trima ribnjačarstvima primjenjuje se tehnologija trogodiÅ”njeg uzgoja. Tako odabranim uzorkom željelo se utvrditi rezultiraju li međusobna dislociranost ribnjačastava s različitim ekoloÅ”kim uvjetima, različitom primijenenom tehnologijom i dužinom trajanja uzgoja, te različitim izvorima nasadnog i matičnog materijala, i razlikama u randmanu konzumne ribe. Randman je određen kao iznos obilježja ukupna masa i obilježja masa trupa bez glave sa Å”krgama, utrobe i gonada. S dijela uzorka odstranjene su i ljuske pa je određen i randman bez ljusaka kao odnos ukupne mase i mase trupa bez glave sa Å”krgama, utrobe, gonada i ljusaka. Obilježje je procijenjeno na osnovi populacijske pripadnosti, dobi konzumne ribe (dvogodiÅ”nja i trogodiÅ”nja), ljuskavosti (ljuskavi, maloljuskavi) i spola. Rezultati analize pokazuju da unatoč razlikama u prosječnoj masi tijela, prosječnoj masi trupa bez glave sa Å”krgama, bez utrobe i gonada, te prosječnoj masi trupa bez glave sa Å”krgama, utrobe, gonada i ljusaka između populacija analiziranih Å”arana s različitih ribnjačarstava među njima nije utvrđena opravdana razlika u randmanu (p>0,05). Između spomenutih populacija konzumnih Å”arana također nije utvrđena opravdana razlika u randmanu glede različite ljuskavosti, različite dobi i različitoga spola


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    The condition of endemic softā€“muzzled trout Salmothymus obtusirostris from the Dalmatian river Žrnovnica was studied. The sampling results of the lengthā€“weight relationship in the postā€“spawning period showed as expected negative allometric growth with a low bā€“value of 2.26 (W=0.16.L2.26) and also negative relationship between condition factor and standard length (CF =2.775 ā€” 0.051 SL; r = ā€“0.767, p<0.01). Drop in condition occurs between 20 and 27 cm of standard length. These results indicate that the fish from this population partially start spawning in the third year, while most of them spawn from the fourth year on.Istraživali smo kondiciju endemske mekousne pastrve Salmothymus obtusirostris iz dalmatinske rijeke Žrnovnice. Rezultati dužinskoā€“masenih odnosa u razdoblju nakon mrijeŔćenja pokazuju očekivani negativni alometrijski rast i nisku b vrijednost od 2,26 (W=0,16.L2,26), kao i negativni odnos između faktora kondicije i standardne dužine (CF = 2,775 ā€” 0,051 SL; r = ā€“0,767, p<0,01). Pad kondicije zamjećuje se između dvadesetog i dvadeset i sedmog centimetra standardne dužine. Ovi rezultati upućuju na djelomično mrijeŔćenje riba ove populacije u trećoj godini života, a većina se njih mrijesti tek u četvrtoj godini života i poslije


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    In the late forties the freshwater Mediterranean Vransko lake was stocked with common carps (97,5% mirror ones of farm origin and 2,5% scaled ones of river origin). The 122 carps (52 females and 70 males) from that lake were collected for this research in 1979 and 1982. The 120 were scaled and only two lined, all being between 2+ and 11+. The condition coefficients (K) varied between 1,15 and 1,40 and the standard length - maximum height ratio was 3,01 Ā± 0,19. The correlation between standard and total lengths can be expressed by the following formula: SL = 8,274 + 0,845 TL (p, < 01) Length - mass relationship was determined to be: log W = -4,738 + 2,94 log L (p, < 01) All these parameters show that common carps in Vransko lake transformed and stabilized themselves into the wild form. Compared to other wild stocks and not any more to the cultured carps, they adapt well to the lake environment, their growth and condition being fair good. However, the question of whether they should have been introduced into this lake at all remains open.Slatkovodno sredozemno Vransko jezero kraj Biograda n/m potkraj četrdesetih godina nasađeno je Å”aranima (97,5% maloljuskavih s ribnjaka i 2,5% ljuskavih iz rijeke Drave). Ovim su istraživanjem obuhvaćena 122 Å”arana (52 ženke i 70 mužjaka) ulovljena godine 1979. i 1982. Svi su u dobi od 2+ do 11 + godina, 120 među njima je ljuskavih, a dva su veleljuskava. To pokazuje veliku redukciju s gena, kao i prisutnost N gena. Indeks uhranjenosti (K) varira između 1,15 kod najstarije skupine 11+ i 1,40 kod Å”arana 8+, dok se kod ostalih dobnih skupina nalazi između 1,27 i 1,37. Indeks je visokoleđnosti 3,01 Ā± 0,19, a jaka korelacija (p < 0,1) između standardnih i totalnih dužina tijela iznosi: SL = -8,274 + 0,845 TL. Dužinsko-maseni odnos može se izraziti sljedećom formulom (p < 0,01): log W = -4,738 + 2,94 log L. Svi ovi pokazatelji upućuju na to da su se Å”arani u Vranskom jezeru transformirali i stabilizirali u svojem divljem obliku. U odnosu na ribnjačarske Å”arane koji su nasađeni u jezero, oblik i rast su im, naravno, slabiji, ali u usporedbi s drugim divljim populacijama pokazuju dobru adaptaciju na jezersku sredinu, te dobar rast i uhranjenost. No je li ih trebalo nasađivati u ovo jezero, drugo je pitanje


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    Tranzicijski Å”ok prelaska na tržiÅ”no gospodarstvo u hrvatskoj poljoprivredi (uključujući akvakulturu) utjecao je na pad proizvodnje, smanjenje zaposlenosti, zaduženost, tehnoloÅ”ko zaostajanje, pogorÅ”anje bilance trgovinske razmjene i nelikvidnost. Tomu su pridonijeli visoki troÅ”kovi proizvodnje, kruti porezni sustav, kronični nedostatak jeftinog kapitala, neracionalan trgovinski i distribucijski sustav te nedostatna proračunska potpora. Ulaskom Hrvatske u ravnopravno članstvo Svjetske trgovinske organizacije (WTO) dodatno se povećava me|unarodna konkurencija. Stoga je nužno da se odrede i redefiniraju strateÅ”ki prioriteti u svrhu reorganizacije i prenamjene postojećih resursa slatkih voda prilago|avajući slatkovodnu akvakulturu i ribolov načelima održive i ekonomski opravdane iskoriÅ”tenosti. To podrazumijeva da se akvakultura potiče ponajprije na povrÅ”inama sa zadovoljavajućim proizvodnim karakteristikama i da se u potpunosti prilagodi zahtjevima tržiÅ”ta. Otvorenim slatkim vodama treba gospodariti režimom dinamičnih procesa temeljenih na stručnim i znanstvenim podlogama i na njihovu trajnom praćenju (monitoringu). Režim gospodarenja graničnim vodama nužno je koordinirati na temelju me|udržavnih ugovora. Sustavom poticaja i stimulacija treba obuhvatiti i obiteljska ribnjačarska gospodarstva, kao i alternativnu akvakulturu, a preradu ribe treba proÅ”iriti na nove subjekte. U svrhu zadovoljavanja osnovnih pretpostavki navedenih u strategiji razvoja slatkovodnog ribarstva nužno je zapoÅ”ljavanje visokostručnih kadrova iz slatkovodnog ribarstva.The shock of the transition to the market economy in Croatian agriculture (including aquaculture) influenced the fall of the production and employment, debt, slow technologic development, worse economic parameters. High inputs, rigid tax system, lack of investments, nonā€“rational trade and distribution system, as well as insufficient budget support also influenced this. The international competition additionally raised by Croatian entering into WTO. So, it was important to redefine strategic priorities in order to preserve and develop sustainable Croatian freshwater fisheries, whose production could satisfy domestic needs and actual export demand, respecting the law of the market and ecology at the same time. The aquaculture should be completely adjusted to the market demands and areas with satisfactory production characteristics, stimulated. Open waters management should be based on scientific research and permanent monitoring. Fishery management of bordering rivers should be coordinated according to international contracts. The development of family farms, alternative aquaculture and fish processing should be systematically stimulated. In order to be carried out, it is prerogative that this strategy be accompanied by employment of highly skilled freshwater experts

    Analysis of phyllometric parameters efficiency in discrimination of Croatian native V. vinifera cultivars

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    The aims of this study were to achieve correct cultivar classification of leaf samples by using phyllometric parameters to determine the performance of parameters applied as the discriminant criteria and to determine the minimal number of leaf parameters needed to accurately classify leaf samples within cultivars. Seventy-nine phyllometric parameters were measured/calculated on 360 leaf samples from eleven grapevine cultivars, gathered during several years, from different growing conditions and with some differences in the sampling methods applied. Stepwise discriminant analysis was used to rank the phyllometric parameters according to their efficiency in the discrimination of cultivars. A series of discriminant analyses was performed with successive introduction of new parameters as discriminatory elements until 100 % correct classification of leaf samples into the correct cultivar was achieved. This was achieved using only the seven highest ranking phyllometric parameters from the stepwise discriminant analysis. Additionally, canonical discriminant analysis was performed to evaluate the differences between cultivars in the same parameters. This study represents a model for analysis of the efficiency of different ampelometric parameters for discrimination of V. vinifera cultivars.


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    Velika različitost među ribljim populacijama i vrstama, od kojih neke nisu do kraja definirane (npr. vrste roda Cobitis), te negativni čovjekov utjecaj zbog prevelike eksploatacije, neadekvatnih poribljavanja, te promjena prirodnih sredina osigurali su činjenicu da su ribe postale srediÅ”tem brojnih molekularno ā€“bioloÅ”kih istraživanja. Ovdje dajemo pregled nekih čeŔće primjenjivanih tehnika u razlikovanju ribljih populacija, osvrćemo se na njihove prednosti i nedostatke. U uzgoju riba daje se uvid u problem redukcije genetske različitosti, kako u slatkovodnom ribarstvu (npr. Å”arana, Cyprinus carpio), tako i u marikulturi (npr. lubina, Dicentrarchus labrax).The existence of high diversity between fish populations and species, among which some are not completely defined (for instance species of genus Cobitis), as well as negative human influence through overexploitation, non adequate fish stockings and changes of natural habitats, both ensured the fact that fish entered into the focus of many molecular biological investigations. In this paper has been given the review of the most used techniques in the differentiation of fish populations, including their advantages and weaknesses. The problem of the reduction of genetic diversity in freshwater (for instance common carp, Cyprinus carpio) and marine (for instance seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax) aquaculture is also discussed
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