5,295 research outputs found

    Meixner polynomials of the second kind and quantum algebras representing su(1,1)

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    We show how Viennot's combinatorial theory of orthogonal polynomials may be used to generalize some recent results of Sukumar and Hodges on the matrix entries in powers of certain operators in a representation of su(1,1). Our results link these calculations to finding the moments and inverse polynomial coefficients of certain Laguerre polynomials and Meixner polynomials of the second kind. As an immediate consequence of results by Koelink, Groenevelt and Van Der Jeugt, for the related operators, substitutions into essentially the same Laguerre polynomials and Meixner polynomials of the second kind may be used to express their eigenvectors. Our combinatorial approach explains and generalizes this "coincidence".Comment: several correction

    Physiotherapy students\u27 perceptions and experiences of clinical prediction rules

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    Objectives: Clinical reasoning can be difficult to teach to pre-professional physiotherapy students due to their lack of clinical experience. It may be that tools such as clinical prediction rules (CPRs) could aid the process, but there has been little investigation into their use in physiotherapy clinical education. This study aimed to determine the perceptions and experiences of physiotherapy students regarding CPRs, and whether they are learning about CPRs on clinical placement. Design: Cross-sectional survey using a paper-based questionnaire. Participants: Final year pre-professional physiotherapy students (n=371, response rate 77%) from five universities across five states of Australia. Results: Sixty percent of respondents had not heard of CPRs, and a further 19% had not clinically used CPRs. Only 21% reported using CPRs, and of these nearly three-quarters were rarely, if ever, learning about CPRs in the clinical setting. However most of those who used CPRs (78%) believed CPRs assisted in the development of clinical reasoning skills and none (0%) was opposed to the teaching of CPRs to students. The CPRs most commonly recognised and used by students were those for determining the need for an X-ray following injuries to the ankle and foot (67%), and for identifying deep venous thrombosis (63%). Conclusions: The large majority of students in this sample knew little, if anything, about CPRs and few had learned about, experienced or practiced them on clinical placement. However, students who were aware of CPRs found them helpful for their clinical reasoning and were in favour of learning more about them

    Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activity of Natural Animal Proteins/Peptides In Vitro

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    The objectives of this research were to validate the sensitivity and precision of an in vitro assay for evaluating the efficacy of antimicrobials, to evaluate the ability of natural animal proteins/peptides to kill in vitro antibiotic-resistant, as well as, -susceptible bacteria, and to determine the effects of key components of animal digesta (e.g., pH, mineral content, and proteolytic digestive enzymes) on the estimated antimicrobial activity of these proteins/peptides. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for polymyxin B (control antibiotic) were determined to be .76, .76, and .90 µg/mL for Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli (nalidixic acid-resistant), and Staphylococcus aureus, respectively. The intra- and inter-assay variation for MIC determination was .18 and .2%, respectively. The natural animal proteins and peptides (lactoferrin, lactoferricin B, hen egg lysozyme, and alpha-lactalbumin LDT2) were determined in in vitro (acetic acid medium) to kill selected bacteria. Each of the tested proteins/peptides was active against an antibiotic-resistant (nalidixic acid) strain of E. coli; however, the required concentrations for antimicrobial activity were 10 to 15 times higher than that of the nonantibiotic-resistant strain. The antimicrobial activity of each protein/peptide in animal digesta fluid was 130 to 300% greater than that in the acetic acid media. Overall, the intra- and inter-assay variation values for the tested proteins/peptides was 3 and 3.4%, respectively. The antimicrobial activity of two of the three proteins/peptides was not affected by the presence of cationic minerals. The change in pH (digesta fluid and acetic acid media) from 7 to 2 resulted in a loss of antimicrobial activity of 33% for all proteins/peptides. Therefore, the increase in antimicrobial activity associated with the digesta fluid is not related to change in H or the mineral concentration of the digesta. Based on these data, natural proteins/peptides represent potential antibiotic substitutes

    Sound scattering by several zooplankton groups. II. Scattering models

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 1998. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103 (1998): 236-253, doi:10.1121/1.421110.Mathematical scattering models are derived and compared with data from zooplankton from several gross anatomical groups—fluidlike, elastic shelled, and gas bearing. The models are based upon the acoustically inferred boundary conditions determined from laboratory backscattering data presented in part I of this series [Stanton et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103, 225–235 (1998)]. The models use a combination of ray theory, modal-series solution, and distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA). The formulations, which are inherently approximate, are designed to include only the dominant scattering mechanisms as determined from the experiments. The models for the fluidlike animals (euphausiids in this case) ranged from the simplest case involving two rays, which could qualitatively describe the structure of target strength versus frequency for single pings, to the most complex case involving a rough inhomogeneous asymmetrically tapered bent cylinder using the DWBA-based formulation which could predict echo levels over all angles of incidence (including the difficult region of end-on incidence). The model for the elastic shelled body (gastropods in this case) involved development of an analytical model which takes into account irregularities and discontinuities of the shell. The model for gas-bearing animals (siphonophores) is a hybrid model which is composed of the summation of the exact solution to the gas sphere and the approximate DWBA-based formulation for arbitrarily shaped fluidlike bodies. There is also a simplified ray-based model for the siphonophore. The models are applied to data involving single pings, ping-to-ping variability, and echoes averaged over many pings. There is reasonable qualitative agreement between the predictions and single ping data, and reasonable quantitative agreement between the predictions and variability and averages of echo data.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. OCE-9201264, the U.S. Office of Naval Research Grant Nos. N00014-89-J-1729, N00014-95-1-0287, and N00014-94-1-0452, and the MIT/WHOI Joint Graduate Education Program

    Carrier dynamics and coherent acoustic phonons in nitride heterostructures

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    We model generation and propagation of coherent acoustic phonons in piezoelectric InGaN/GaN multi-quantum wells embedded in a \textit{pin} diode structure and compute the time resolved reflectivity signal in simulated pump-probe experiments. Carriers are created in the InGaN wells by ultrafast pumping below the GaN band gap and the dynamics of the photoexcited carriers is treated in a Boltzmann equation framework. Coherent acoustic phonons are generated in the quantum well via both deformation potential electron-phonon and piezoelectric electron-phonon interaction with photogenerated carriers, with the latter mechanism being the dominant one. Coherent longitudinal acoustic phonons propagate into the structure at the sound speed modifying the optical properties and giving rise to a giant oscillatory differential reflectivity signal. We demonstrate that coherent optical control of the differential reflectivity can be achieved using a delayed control pulse.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    On acoustic scattering by a shell-covered seafloor

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2000. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108 (2000): 551-555, doi:10.1121/1.429585.Acoustic scattering by the seafloor is sometimes influenced, if not dominated, by the presence of discrete volumetric objects such as shells. A series of measurements of target strength of a type of benthic shelled animal and associated scattering modeling have recently been completed (Stanton et al., "Acoustic scattering by benthic and planktonic shelled animals," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., this issue). The results of that study are used herein to estimate the scattering by the seafloor with a covering of shells at high acoustic frequencies. A simple formulation is derived that expresses the area scattering strength of the seafloor in terms of the average reduced target strength or material properties of the discrete scatterers and their packing factor (where the reduced target strength is the target strength normalized by the geometric cross section of the scatterers and the averaging is done over orientation and/or a narrow range of size or frequency). The formula shows that, to first order, the backscattering at high acoustic frequencies by a layer of shells (or other discrete bodies such as rocks) depends principally upon material properties of the objects and packing factor and is independent of size and acoustic frequency. Estimates of area scattering strength using this formula and measured values of the target strength of shelled bodies from Stanton et al. (this issue) are close to or consistent with observed area scattering strengths due to shell-covered seafloors published in other papers.This research was supported by the U.S. Office of Naval Research Grant No. N00014-95-1-0287

    Excitonic effects on coherent phonon dynamics in single wall carbon nanotubes

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    We discuss how excitons can affect the generation of coherent radial breathing modes in ultrafast spectroscopy of single wall carbon nanotubes. Photoexcited excitons can be localized spatially and give rise to a spatially distributed driving force in real space which involves many phonon wavevectors of the exciton-phonon interaction. The equation of motion for the coherent phonons is modeled phenomenologically by the Klein-Gordon equation, which we solve for the oscillation amplitudes as a function of space and time. By averaging the calculated amplitudes per nanotube length, we obtain time-dependent coherent phonon amplitudes that resemble the homogeneous oscillations that are observed in some pump-probe experiments. We interpret this result to mean that the experiments are only able to see a spatial average of coherent phonon oscillations over the wavelength of light in carbon nanotubes and the microscopic details are averaged out. Our interpretation is justified by calculating the time-dependent absorption spectra resulting from the macroscopic atomic displacements induced by the coherent phonon oscillations. The calculated coherent phonon spectra including excitonic effects show the experimentally observed symmetric peaks at the nanotube transition energies in contrast to the asymmetric peaks that would be obtained if excitonic effects were not included.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. B on 7 May 2013, revised on 17 July and 13 August 2013, published 30 August 201
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