1,822 research outputs found

    ¿Cuál es el perfil de los futuros profesores de matemáticas en educación secundaria?

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    En este póster se presenta un análisis de los programas de formación inicial docente de matemáticas en Educación Secundaria, con el objetivo de conocer el perfil profesional de los estudiantes del Máster en Formación del Profesorado (MFP) a partir de las titulaciones que dan acceso al mismo y de las condiciones de entrada a los diferentes programas en las distintas universidades españolas

    Improving the Understanding of N Transport in a Rural Catchment Under Atlantic Climate Conditions From the Analysis of the Concentration–Discharge Relationship Derived From a High-Frequency Data Set

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    [Abstract] Understanding processes controlling stream nutrient dynamics over time is crucial for implementing effective management strategies to prevent water quality degradation. In this respect, the study of the nutrient concentration–discharge (C–Q) relationship during individual runoff events can be a valuable tool for extrapolating the hydrochemical processes controlling nutrient fluxes in streams. This study investigated nitrogen concentration dynamics during events by analyzing and interpreting the nitrogen C–Q relationship in a small Atlantic (NW Iberian Peninsula) rural catchment. To this end, nitrate (NO3-N) and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) concentrations were monitored at a high temporal resolution during 102 runoff events over a 6-year period. For each of the selected runoff events, C–Q response was examined visually for the presence and direction of hysteresis loops and classified into three types of responses, namely clockwise, counterclockwise, and no hysteresis. Changes in concentration (ΔC) and the hysteresis direction (ΔR) were used to quantify nitrogen ( and TKN) patterns during the runoff events. The transport mechanisms varied between compounds. The most frequent hysteretic response for was counterclockwise with enrichment. On the contrary, the main TKN dynamic was enrichment with clockwise hysteresis. Event characteristics, such as rainfall amount, peak discharge (i.e., maximum discharge of the runoff event), and event magnitude relative to the initial baseflow (i.e., the difference between the maximum discharge of the runoff event and the initial baseflow divided by initial baseflow) provided a better explanation for hysteresis direction and magnitude for TKN than antecedent conditions (antecedent precipitation and baseflow at the beginning of the event). For hysteresis, the role of hydrometeorological conditions was more complex. The hysteresis magnitude was related to the magnitude of the event relative to the initial baseflow and the time elapsed since a preceding runoff event. These findings could be used as a reference for the development of N mitigation strategy in the region.This research has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (grant no. REN2003-08143) and Xunta of Galicia (grant nos. PGIDIT05RAG10303PR and 10MDS103031PR)Xunta of Galicia; PGIDIT05RAG10303PRXunta of Galicia; 10MDS103031P

    Surface mesoscale pico–nanoplankton patterns at the main fronts of the Alboran Sea

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    © 2014 Elsevier B.V. The mesoscale (10-100. km, days-weeks) plays a key role in the Ocean's ecosystem structure and dynamics. This work compares the pico-nanoplankton patterns observed in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) during three oceanographic cruises. We analyse its response to different expressions of mesoscale circulation associated with the three major hydrodynamic features in the basin; namely the Northwestern Alboran Front (NWAF, surveyed in OMEGA-1 cruise), the Almeria-Oran Front (AOF, surveyed in OMEGA-2 cruise) and the Western Alboran Gyre (WAG, surveyed in BIOMEGA cruise). The first two surveys were carried out under the most typical quasi-stationary twin gyre conditions of the Alboran Sea, whereas the third cruise was performed after an eastward migration of the WAG. The analysis of pico and nanoplankton populations was carried out using flow cytometry. The patchiness observed in the three cruises indicates an association of phytoplankton peaks with the main frontal structures: abundances were higher in the NWAF/upwelling area in OMEGA-1, at the Mediterranean side of the AOF in OMEGA-2, and at a tongue of recent Atlantic Water west of the WAG in BIOMEGA. However, a more detailed analysis reveals that different factors explain the origin of the phytoplankton biomass in each front/cruise. Mixing processes at the Strait of Gibraltar and the subsequent advection of water properties into the Western Alboran Sea were the mechanisms responsible for the abundances observed in the NWAF. The highest concentrations observed in the AOF were related to the intrusion of Mediterranean Surface Waters to the north of the front. During the migrating WAG the phytoplankton distribution was influenced by the formation of a new gyre. The relation between phytoplankton and mesoscale dynamics is further explored in terms of vertical velocity diagnosis. In all cases, intense vertical motion is negatively correlated with the abundance of phytoplankton populations. This resulted from the intense geostrophic background flow associated with large vertical velocities, which drove low residence times of water mass properties and hence a weak biological response. Fast-repeated surveys made during the OMEGA-1 and OMEGA-2 cruises reveal that the surveyed hydrographic features are subjected to significant temporal variability. In this case, the impact on the biology is most evident at taxa level.This work was partially supported by the EU funded MAST project OMEGA (MAS3-CT95-0001) and by the BIOMEGA project, funded by the Spanish Marine Science and Technology Program (REN2002-04044-C02-02). P. Leon was financed by a FPI grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (BES-2003-1032)Peer Reviewe

    Real-Time optimization using the Modifier Adaptation methodology

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    [ES] La gestión óptima de las plantas de proceso normalmente se lleva a cabo en una capa de optimización en tiempo real (Real Time Optimization, RTO) que actúa sobre la capa de control y que toma decisiones considerando objetivos económicos en base a un  modelo del proceso, normalmente estacionario. Sin embargo, dicha operación óptima no está garantizada debido a la presencia de incertidumbre entre el modelo usado para la toma de decisiones y el proceso real. Con la idea de conducir el proceso a su punto de operación óptimo usando un modelo que se sabe incierto o erróneo, surge la metodología de adaptación de modificadores (Modifier Adaptation o MA). En dicha metodología, el problema de optimización económica de la capa RTO es modificado mediante unos términos correctores, conocidos como modificadores, estimados a partir de medidas de la planta, con el objetivo de conducir el proceso a su punto de operación óptimo. El presente artículo hace una revisión de las técnicas desarrolladas hasta el momento dentro de la metodología MA analizando sus características y modos de implementación.[EN] Optimal process operation is carried out by a Real-Time Optimization (RTO) layer which operates above the control layer and takes decisions based on steady-state plant models by considering economic objectives. However, this optimal operation is not guaranteed due to the presence of plant-model mismatch. To bring the process to the optimum operating point, the economic optimization problem solved in the RTO layer is changed following the Modifier Adaptation methodology (MA). This methodology changes the economic optimization problem solved in the RTO layer by adding some corrector terms or modifiers estimated from plant measurements to bring the process to the real optimum. This article presents a review of the different MA techniques developed until now and analyzing their features and the way to implement them.Este trabajo ha sido realizado gracias al proyecto DPI2015-70975-P del MINECO del Gobierno de España bajo la beca FPI BES-2013-062737.Rodríguez-Blanco, T.; Sarabia, D.; De Prada, C. (2018). Optimización en Tiempo Real utilizando la Metodología de Adaptación de Modificadores. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial. 15(2):133-144. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2017.8846OJS13314415

    Reaction pathways and textural aspects of the replacement of anhydrite by calcite at 25 °C

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    The replacement of sulfate minerals by calcium carbonate polymorphs (carbonation) has important implications in various geological processes occurring in Earth surface environments. In this paper we report the results of an experimental study of the interaction between anhydrite (100), (010), and (001) surfaces and Na₂CO₃ aqueous solutions under ambient conditions. Carbonation progress was monitored by glancing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We show that the reaction progresses through the dissolution of anhydrite and the simultaneous growth of calcite. The growth of calcite occurs oriented on the three anhydrite cleavage surfaces and its formation is accompanied by minor vaterite. The progress of the carbonation always occurs from the outer-ward to the inner-ward surfaces and its rate depends on the anhydrite surface considered, with the (001) surface being much more reactive than the (010) and (100) surfaces. The thickness of the formed carbonate layer grows linearly with time. The original external shape of the anhydrite crystals and their surface details (e.g., cleavage steps) are preserved during the carbonation reaction. Textural characteristics of the transformed regions, such as the gradation in the size of calcite crystals, from ~2 μm in the outer region to ~17 μm at the calcite-anhydrite interface, the local preservation of calcite crystalographic orientation with respect to anhydrite and the distribution of the microporosity mainly within the carbonate layer without development of any significant gap at the calcite-anhydrite interface. Finally, we compare these results on anhydrite carbonation with those on gypsum carbonation and can explain the differences on the basis of four parameters: (1) the molar volume change involved in the replacement process in each case, (2) the lack/existence of epitactic growth between parent and product phases, (3) the kinetics of dissolution of the different surfaces, and (4) the chemical composition (amount of structural water) of the parent phases

    Assessing inter-limb asymmetries in soccer players: magnitude, direction and association with performance

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    In this study, we aimed to analyze the magnitude and direction of interlimb asymmetries in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM), power (using iso-inertial devices), and a neuromuscular skill (change of direction). Secondarily, we aimed to determine the relationship between interlimb asymmetry scores for each test and also between these scores and the scores for the different performance tests. Sixteen semiprofessional male soccer players (age: 25.38 6.08 years; body height: 1.78 0.64 m; body mass: 79.5 14.9 kg) participated in this study. We calculated interlimb asymmetries using five tests: ankle dorsiflexion ROM, change of direction (COD 180º), and iso-inertial resistance tasks in the open (leg extension strength (LE), leg curl strength (LC)) and closed (crossover step (CRO)) kinetic chain. Our results showed that asymmetry magnitudes differed between all tests with highest interlimb asymmetries displayed during iso-inertial overloading. In addition, we observed that the direction of asymmetries varied depending on the test-specificity, and that the CRO asymmetries had a negative association with LE and CRO performance. These findings highlight the independent nature of asymmetries and that CRO could be an appropriate test to detect asymmetries related with the performance of soccer-specific actions (such as changes of direction). Practitioners are encouraged to use multiple tests to detect existing interlimb differences according to the specific characteristics of each sport

    Moving Magnetic Features around a Pore

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    Spectropolarimetric observations from Sunrise II/IMaX obtained in June 2013 are used for a statistical analysis to determine the physical properties of moving magnetic features (MMFs) observed near a pore. MMFs of the same and opposite polarity with respect to the pore are found to stream from its border at an average speed of 1.3 km s−1^{-1} and 1.2 km s−1^{-1} respectively, with mainly same-polarity MMFs found further away from the pore. MMFs of both polarities are found to harbor rather weak, inclined magnetic fields. Opposite-polarity MMFs are blue-shifted, while same-polarity MMFs do not show any preference for up- or downflows. Most of the MMFs are found to be of sub-arcsecond size and carry a mean flux of ∼\sim 1.2×1017\times 10^{17} Mx.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Maximum Entropy Limit of Small-scale Magnetic Field Fluctuations in the Quiet Sun

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    The observed magnetic field on the solar surface is characterized by a very complex spatial and temporal behavior. Although feature-tracking algorithms have allowed us to deepen our understanding of this behavior, subjectivity plays an important role in the identification and tracking of such features. In this paper, we continue studies Gorobets, A. Y., Borrero, J. M., & Berdyugina, S. 2016, ApJL, 825, L18 of the temporal stochasticity of the magnetic field on the solar surface without relying either on the concept of magnetic features or on subjective assumptions about their identification and interaction. We propose a data analysis method to quantify fluctuations of the line-of-sight magnetic field by means of reducing the temporal field's evolution to the regular Markov process. We build a representative model of fluctuations converging to the unique stationary (equilibrium) distribution in the long time limit with maximum entropy. We obtained different rates of convergence to the equilibrium at fixed noise cutoff for two sets of data. This indicates a strong influence of the data spatial resolution and mixing-polarity fluctuations on the relaxation process. The analysis is applied to observations of magnetic fields of the relatively quiet areas around an active region carried out during the second flight of the Sunrise/IMaX and quiet Sun areas at the disk center from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (accepted
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