8,480 research outputs found

    Testing for redshift evolution of Type Ia supernovae using the strongly lensed PS1-10afx at z=1.4z=1.4

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    The light from distant supernovae (SNe) can be magnified through gravitational lensing when a foreground galaxy is located along the line of sight. This line-up allows for detailed studies of SNe at high redshift that otherwise would not be possible. Spectroscopic observations of lensed high-redshift Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are of particular interest since they can be used to test for evolution of their intrinsic properties. The use of SNe Ia for probing the cosmic expansion history has proven to be an extremely powerful method for measuring cosmological parameters. However, if systematic redshift-dependent properties are found, their usefulness for future surveys could be challenged. We investigate whether the spectroscopic properties of the strongly lensed and very distant SN Ia PS1-10afx at z=1.4z=1.4 deviates from the well-studied populations of normal SNe Ia at nearby or intermediate distance. We created median spectra from nearby and intermediate-redshift spectroscopically normal SNe Ia from the literature at -5 and +1 days from light-curve maximum. We then compared these median spectra to those of PS1-10afx. We do not find signs of spectral evolution in PS1-10afx. The observed deviation between PS1-10afx and the median templates are within what is found for SNe at low- and intermediate-redshift. There is a noticeable broad feature centred at λ∼3500\rm \lambda\sim 3500~\AA{}, which is present only to a lesser extent in individual low and intermediate redshift SN Ia spectra. From a comparison with a recently developed explosion model, we find this feature to be dominated by iron peak elements, in particular, singly ionized cobalt and chromium.Comment: accepted for publication in section 4. Extragalactic astronomy of Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Probing gas and dust in the tidal tail of NGC 5221 with the type Ia supernova iPTF16abc

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    Context. Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) can be used to address numerous questions in astrophysics and cosmology. Due to their well known spectral and photometric properties, SNe Ia are well suited to study gas and dust along the lines-of-sight to the explosions. For example, narrow Na I D and Ca II H&K absorption lines can be studied easily, because of the well-defined spectral continuum of SNe Ia around these features. Aims. We study the gas and dust along the line-of-sight to iPTF16abc, which occurred in an unusual location, in a tidal arm, 80 kpc from centre of the galaxy NGC 5221. Methods. Using a time-series of high-resolution spectra, we examine narrow Na I D and Ca II H&K absorption features for variations in time, which would be indicative for circumstellar (CS) matter. Furthermore, we take advantage of the well known photometric properties of SNe Ia to determine reddening due to dust along the line-of-sight. Results. From the lack of variations in Na I D and Ca II H&K, we determine that none of the detected absorption features originate from the CS medium of iPTF16abc. While the Na I D and Ca II H&K absorption is found to be optically thick, a negligible amount of reddening points to a small column of interstellar dust. Conclusions. We find that the gas along the line-of-sight to iPTF16abc is typical of what might be found in the interstellar medium (ISM) within a galaxy. It suggests that we are observing gas that has been tidally stripped during an interaction of NGC 5221 with one of its neighbouring galaxies in the past ∼109\sim10^9 years. In the future, the gas clouds could become the locations of star formation. On a longer time scale, the clouds might diffuse, enriching the circum-galactic medium (CGM) with metals. The gas profile along the line-of-sight should be useful for future studies of the dynamics of the galaxy group containing NGC 5221.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    The role of the high resolution weather forecast in estimating the run-offusing a simple hydrological model

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    Recent and repeated episodes of severe weather in Italy have stressed the need to have a suffi ciently accurate forecast to give adequate warning to the involved areas. The impact of the precipitation, however, is also a function of the characteristics of the hydrological basin. From this point of view, a rather startling example is the disaster which hit the Campania region on 5th May, 1998 in which a moderate precipitation (about 100 mm in 24 h) produced a huge landslide which killed or injured several tens of people and produced serious damage to the area. Such localized events require among other things the use of a high resolution weather forecast. In this paper, a forecast of the Campania event using a limited area model at 3 km grid resolution is presented. The forecast rainfall at several grid resolution is used to initialize a simple hydrological model to estimate the run-off. The numerical experiments suggest that high resolution may be a key factor in predicting the run-off

    Kinetics of macroion coagulation induced by multivalent counterions

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    Due to the strong correlations between multivalent counterions condensed on a macroion, the net macroion charge changes sign at some critical counterion concentration. This effect is known as the charge inversion. Near this critical concentration the macroion net charge is small. Therefore, short range attractive forces between macroions dominate Coulomb repulsion and lead to their coagulation. The kinetics of macroion coagulation in this range of counterion concentrations is studied. We calculate the Coulomb barrier between two approaching like charged macroions at a given counterion concentration. Two different macroion shapes (spherical and rod-like) are considered. A new "self-regulated" regime of coagulation is found. As the size of aggregates increases, their charge and Coulomb barrier also grow and diminish the sticking probability of aggregates. This leads to a slow, logarithmic increase of the aggregate size with time.Comment: Some formulas correcte

    Credit bureaus between risk-management, creditworthiness assessment and prudential supervision

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    "This text may be downloaded for personal research purposes only. Any additional reproduction for other purposes, whether in hard copy or electronically, requires the consent of the author. If cited or quoted, reference should be made to the full name of the author, the title, the working paper or other series, the year, and the publisher."This paper discusses the role and operations of consumer Credit Bureaus in the European Union in the context of the economic theories, policies and law within which they work. Across Europe there is no common practice of sharing the credit data of consumers which can be used for several purposes. Mostly, they are used by the lending industry as a practice of creditworthiness assessment or as a risk-management tool to underwrite borrowing decisions or price risk. However, the type, breath, and depth of information differ greatly from country to country. In some Member States, consumer data are part of a broader information centralisation system for the prudential supervision of banks and the financial system as a whole. Despite EU rules on credit to consumers for the creation of the internal market, the underlying consumer data infrastructure remains fragmented at national level, failing to achieve univocal, common, or defined policy objectives under a harmonised legal framework. Likewise, the establishment of the Banking Union and the prudential supervision of the Euro area demand standardisation and convergence of the data used to measure debt levels, arrears, and delinquencies. The many functions and usages of credit data suggest that the policy goals to be achieved should inform the legal and institutional framework of Credit Bureaus, as well as the design and use of the databases. This is also because fundamental rights and consumer protection concerns arise from the sharing of credit data and their expanding use

    Segond's fracture: a biomechanical cadaveric study using navigation

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    Background Segond’s fracture is a well-recognised radiological sign of an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. While previous studies evaluated the role of the anterolateral ligament (ALL) and complex injuries on rotational stability of the knee, there are no studies on the biomechanical effect of Segond’s fracture in an ACL deficient knee. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a Segond’s fracture on knee rotation stability as evaluated by a navigation system in an ACL deficient knee. Materials and methods Three different conditions were tested on seven knee specimens: intact knee, ACL deficient knee and ACL deficient knee with Segond’s fracture. Static and dynamic measurements of anterior tibial translation (ATT) and axial tibial rotation (ATR) were recorded by the navigation system (2.2 OrthoPilot ACL navigation system B. Braun Aesculap, Tuttlingen, Germany). Results Static measurements at 30 showed that the mean ATT at 30 of knee flexion was 5.1 ± 2.7 mm in the ACL intact condition, 14.3 ± 3.1 mm after ACL cut (P = 0.005), and 15.2 ± 3.6 mm after Segond’s fracture (P = 0.08). The mean ATR at 30 of knee flexion was 20.7 ± 4.8 in the ACL intact condition, 26.9 ± 4.1 in the ACL deficient knee (P[0.05) and 30.9 ± 3.8 after Segond’s fracture (P = 0.005). Dynamic measurements during the pivot-shift showed that the mean ATT was 7.2 ± 2.7 mm in the intact knee, 9.1 ± 3.3 mm in the ACL deficient knee(P = 0.04) and 9.7 ± 4.3 mm in the ACL deficient knee with Segond’s fracture (P = 0.07). The mean ATR was 9.6 ± 1.8 in the intact knee, 12.3 ± 2.3 in the ACL deficient knee (P[0.05) and 19.1 ± 3.1 in the ACL deficient knee with Segond’s lesion (P = 0.016). Conclusion An isolated lesion of the ACL only affects ATT during static and dynamic measurements, while the addition of Segond’s fracture has a significant effect on ATR in both static and dynamic execution of the pivot-shift test, as evaluated with the aid of navigation

    The role of urban boundary layer investigated with high-resolution models and ground-based observations in Rome area: a step towards understanding parameterization potentialities

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    Abstract. The urban forcing on thermodynamical conditions can greatly influence the local evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer. Heat stored in an urban environment can produce noteworthy mesoscale perturbations of the lower atmosphere. The new generation of high-resolution numerical weather prediction models (NWP) is nowadays often applied also to urban areas. An accurate representation of cities is key role because of the cities' influence on wind, temperature and water vapor content of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting model WRF (ARW) has been used to reproduce the circulation in the urban area of Rome. A sensitivity study is performed using different PBL and surface schemes. The significant role of the surface forcing in the PBL evolution has been investigated by comparing model results with observations coming from many instruments (lidar, sodar, sonic anemometer and surface stations). The impact of different urban canopy models (UCMs) on the forecast has also been investigated. One meteorological event will be presented, chosen as statistically relevant for the area of interest. The WRF-ARW model shows a tendency to overestimate the vertical transport of horizontal momentum from upper levels to low atmosphere if strong large-scale forcing occurs. This overestimation is partially corrected by a local PBL scheme coupled with an advanced UCM. Moreover, a general underestimation of vertical motions has been verified

    Higher Derivative CP(N) Model and Quantization of the Induced Chern-Simons Term

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    We consider higher derivative CP(N) model in 2+1 dimensions with the Wess-Zumino-Witten term and the topological current density squared term. We quantize the theory by using the auxiliary gauge field formulation in the path integral method and prove that the extended model remains renormalizable in the large N limit. We find that the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory is dynamically induced in the large N effective action at a nontrivial UV fixed point. The quantization of the Chern-Simons term is also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, no figure, a minor change in abstract, added Comments on the quantization of the Chern-Simons term whose coefficient is also corrected, and some references are added. Some typos are corrected. Added a new paragraph checking the equivalence between (3) and (5), and a related referenc

    Chiral Dynamics and Fermion Mass Generation in Three Dimensional Gauge Theory

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    We examine the possibility of fermion mass generation in 2+1- dimensional gauge theory from the current algebra point of view.In our approach the critical behavior is governed by the fluctuations of pions which are the Goldstone bosons for chiral symmetry breaking. Our analysis supports the existence of an upper critical number of Fermion flavors and exhibits the explicit form of the gap equation as well as the form of the critical exponent for the inverse correlation lenght of the order parameterComment: Latex,10 pages,DFUPG 70/9
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