5,749 research outputs found

    Overdamping Phenomena near the Critical Point in O(NN) Model

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    We consider the dynamic critical behavior of the propagating mode for the order parameter fluctuation of the O(NN) Ginzburg-Landau theory, involving the canonical momentum as a degree of freedom. We reexamine the renormalization group analysis of the Langevin equation for the propagating mode. We find the fixed point for the propagating mode as well as that for the diffusive one, the former of which is unstable to the latter. This indicates that the propagating mode becomes overdamped near the critical point. We thus can have a sufficient understanding of the phonon mode in the structural phase transition of solids. We also discuss the implication for the chiral phase transition.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure;v3 modification for correcting a misleading description, conclusion unchange

    Derivation of Covariant Dissipative Fluid Dynamics in the Renormalization-group Method

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    We derive generic relativistic hydrodynamical equations with dissipative effects from the underlying Boltzmann equation in a mechanical and systematic way on the basis of so called the renormalization-group (RG) method. A macroscopic frame vector is introduced to specify the frame on which the macroscopic dynamics is described. Our method is so mechanical with only few ansatz that our method give a microscopic foundation of the available hydrodynamical equations, and also can be applied to make a reduction of the kinetic equations other than the simple Boltzmann equation.Comment: Serious typos and a minor one are corrected in p.6 and 7, and in p.1, respectivel

    The g-mode Excitation in the Proto Neutron Star by the Standing Accretion Shock Instability

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    The so-called "acoustic revival mechanism" of core-collapse supernova proposed recently by the Arizona group is an interesting new possibility. Aiming to understand the elementary processes involved in the mechanism, we have calculated the eigen frequencies and eigen functions for the g-mode oscillations of a non-rotating proto neutron star. The possible excitation of these modes by the standing accretion shock instability, or SASI, is discussed based on these eigen functions. We have formulated the forced oscillations of gg-modes by the external pressure perturbations exerted on the proto neutron star surface. The driving pressure fluctuations have been adopted from our previous computations of the axisymmetric SASI in the non-linear regime. We have paid particular attention to low l modes, since these are the modes that are dominant in SASI and that the Arizona group claimed played an important role in their acoustic revival scenario. Here l is the index of the spherical harmonic functions, YlmY_l^m. Although the frequency spectrum of the non-linear SASI is broadened substantially by non-linear couplings, the typical frequency is still much smaller than those of g-modes, the fact leading to a severe impedance mismatch. As a result, the excitations of various gg-modes are rather inefficient and the energy of the saturated g-modes is 1050\sim 10^{50}erg or smaller, with the g_2-mode being the largest in our model. Here the g_2-mode has two radial nodes and is confined to the interior of the convection region. The energy transfer rate from the g-modes to out-going sound waves is estimated from the growth of the g-modes and found to be 1051\sim 10^{51}erg/s in the model studied in this paper.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Entropy production and isotropization in Yang-Mills theory with use of quantum distribution function

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    We investigate thermalization process in relativistic heavy ion collisions in terms of the Husimi-Wehrl (HW) entropy defined with the Husimi function, a quantum distribution function in a phase space. We calculate the semiclassical time evolution of the HW entropy in Yang-Mills field theory with the phenomenological initial field configuration known as the McLerran-Venugopalan model in a non-expanding geometry, which has instabilty triggered by initial field fluctuations. HW-entropy production implies the thermalization of the system and it reflects the underlying dynamics such as chaoticity and instability. By comparing the production rate with the Kolmogorov-Sina\"i rate, we find that the HW entropy production rate is significantly larger than that expected from chaoticity. We also show that the HW entropy is finally saturated when the system reaches a quasi-stationary state. The saturation time of the HW entropy is comparable with that of pressure isotropization, which is around 11 fm/c in the present calculation in the non-expanding geometry.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Belle II iTOP Optics: Design, Construction and Performance

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    The imaging-Time-of-Propogation (iTOP) counter is a new type of ring-imaging Cherenkov counter developed for particle identification at the Belle II experiment. It consists of 16 modules arranged azimuthally around the beam line. Each module consists of one mirror, one prism and two quartz bar radiators. Here we describe the design, acceptance test, alignment, gluing and assembly of the optical components. All iTOP modules have been successfully assembled and installed in the Belle II detector by the middle of 2016. After installation, laser and cosmic ray data have been taken to test the performance of the modules. First results from these tests are presented.Comment: Proceedings of TIPP 2017, May 22 - 26, Beijing, China, 2017; University of Cincinnati preprint UCHEP-17-07. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1709.0993

    Study of entropy production in Yang-Mills theory with use of Husimi function

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    Understanding the thermalization process in a pure quantum system is a challenge in theoretical physics. In this work, we explore possible thermalization mechanism in Yang-Mills(YM) theory by using a positive semi-definite quantum distribution function called a Husimi function which is given by a coarse graining of the Wigner function within the minimum uncertainty. Then entropy is defined in terms of the Husimi function, which is called the Husimi-Wehrl(HW) entropy. We propose two numerical methods to calculate the HW entropy. We find that it is feasible to apply the semi-classical approximation with the use of classical YM equation. It should be noted that the semi-classical approximation is valid in the systems of physical interest including the early stage of heavy-ion collisions. Using a product ansatz for the Husimi function, which is confirmed to reproduce the HW entropy within 20% error (overestimate) for a few-body quantum system, we succeed in a numerical evaluation of HW entropy of YM fields and show that it surely has a finite value and increases in time.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Proceeding of the 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2015), 14-18 July 2015, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japa

    Entropy production in quantum Yang-Mills mechanics in semi-classical approximation

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    We discuss thermalization of isolated quantum systems by using the Husimi-Wehrl entropy evaluated in the semiclassical treatment. The Husimi-Wehrl entropy is the Wehrl entropy obtained by using the Husimi function for the phase space distribution. The time evolution of the Husimi function is given by smearing the Wigner function, whose time evolution is obtained in the semiclassical approximation. We show the efficiency and usefullness of this semiclassical treatment in describing entropy production of a couple of quantum mechanical systems, whose classical counter systems are known to be chaotic. We propose two methods to evaluate the time evolution of the Husimi-Wehrl entropy, the test-particle method and the two-step Monte-Carlo method. We demonstrate the characteristics of the two methods by numerical calculations, and show that the simultaneous application of the two methods ensures the reliability of the results of the Husimi-Wehrl entropy at a given time.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Jet-fluid string formation and decay in high-energy heavy-ion collisions

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    We propose a new hadronization mechanism, jet-fluid string (JFS) formation and decay, to understand observables in intermediate to high-pTp_{T} regions comprehensively. In the JFS model, hard partons produced in jet lose their energy in traversing the QGP fluid, which is described by fully three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. When a jet parton escapes from the QGP fluid, it picks up a partner parton from a fluid and forms a color singlet string, then it decays to hadrons. We find that high-pTp_T v2v_2 values in JFS are about two times larger than in the independent fragmentation model.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; Proceeding for poster sessions at Quark Matter 2006, Shanghai, China, 14-20 November 2006; to appear in Int. J. of Mod. Phys.