80 research outputs found

    Diagnostic possibilities of determination of osteogenesis disorders in children born with low body weight

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    The work aims at studying the bone tissue mineral density in children born with low body weight, taking into account the dependence on the nature of feeding and polymorphism of the C/A gene polymorphism of COL1A1_1 collagen gene (rs1107946).Materials and methods. The study involved 74 children. Of these, 29 children born with the body weight of 1500-1999 g were in the observation group I; 25 children weighing 2000-2499 g - group II; 20 children with the body weight at birth of2500 g - group III (control group). All children were under inpatient treatment at the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise "City Children Hospital no. 5" of Zaporizhia City Council. Data on the type of breastfeeding of a child aged under 1 year were analyzed for all children. The study of bone tissue mineral density was performed at the age of 12-15 months using an ultrasonic bone sonometer (densitometer) Sunlight MINIOMNI) BeamMed Ltd.,Israel. The examination was conducted at the Department of Faculty Pediatrics of theZaporizhiaStateMedicalUniversity. Analysis of the results was performed by non-parametric statistics methods using the Statistica 13 software package. Ordinal descriptive statistics was used to calculate the average Z-score indicators. The non-parametric statistical method "2 × 2 Table", the Chi-square (df = 1) was used to compare the frequencies of desitometry indicators in different groups.Results. In general, among the examined children according to densitometry data, there were no changes in the skeletal system (Z-score 0.48 ± 1.20) in 64.86% of cases, but there were osteopenia (Z-score -1.8 ± 0 , 53) in 27.03% and osteoporosis (Z-score -3.5 ± 0.96) in 8.11%. But in the further analysis by groups, the average Z-score indicator in children of the group I was 0.37 ± 2.06, in children of the group II - -0.08 ± 1.59 and in children of the group III - 0.47 ± 1, 69. But in children of the group I with body weight at birth 1500-1999g, osteopenia was registered in 34.48% of cases; the group II (2000-24999 g) - in 28.00% of cases; the group III (2500 g and more) - in 15.00% of cases. Osteoporosis was found only among children of the groups I and II.  Children of the group I mainly received artificial and mixed feeding. Children of the group II received approximately the same amount of natural and artificial feeding, much less often mixed one, and 50% of children of the group III were on natural feeding. The Z-score indicators less than -1SD were found in children with AA and CA genotypes. Osteopenia was significantly less common in children with the AA genotype of the C/A gene polymorphism of COL1A1_1 collagen gene (rs1107946), who received natural or mixed feeding than in children who were exclusively on artificial feeding (p˂0.05). Among children with the AA genotype who were breastfed, there were changes in bone tissue (63.64% of children had osteopenia and 22.73% had osteoporosis). Among heterozygotes who were on artificial feeding, osteoporosis was found in 12.5%. Children with the CA genotype on mixed feeding had a decrease in bone tissue density (osteopenia) in 33.33% of cases. Children with AA genotype who were breastfed and had osteopenia, these were children weighing up to2500 g (groups I and II). Children with osteopenia on mixed breastfeeding weighed at birth up to2000 g. Osteopenia in children receiving artificial feeding was found in children of all 3 groups: 50.00% - group I, 28.57% - group II and 21, 43% - group III. Osteoporosis in breastfed children was found only among children of the groups I and II.Conclusions. According to densitometry data, among all examined children, there were no changes in the skeletal system (Z-score 0.48 ± 1.20) in 64.86%, osteopenia was registered (Z-score - 1.8 ± 0.53) in 27.03% and osteoporosis (Z-score -3.5 ± 0.96) was registered in 8.11%. But in children of the group I with body weight at birth of 1500-1999g, osteopenia was registered in 34.48% of cases; in the group II (2000-24999) in 28.00% of cases; in the group III (2500 g and more) in 15.00% of cases. Osteoporosis was found only among children born weighing up to2500 g. Children of the group I mainly received artificial (62.07%) and mixed (34.48%) feeding. Children of the group II received approximately the same amount of natural (40.00%) and artificial (44.00%) feeding, much less often mixed one. In the control group III, 50% of children were breastfed. Regardless of the type of feeding, no changes in bone tissue were detected in children with the CC genotype of the C/A gene polymorphism of COL1A1_1 collagen gene (rs1107946). The Z-scores indicators less than -1 SD were found in children with the AA and CA genotypes, and only among children with the AA genotype of polymorphism, who received natural or mixed feeding, osteopenia occurred significantly less frequently (30.00%) than among children who had exclusively artificial feeding (63.64%). Osteoporosis was detected only in children with the AA genotype (12.5%) who were on artificial feeding


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    The subject of the investigation is duration of naturai bringing of the 105 chiidren of the first year, whose were on treatment in the region hospitai. We found correiation of iiiness with the kind of bringing. Chiidren on naturai bringing have iiiness more rare then chiidren on artificiai bringing. 25.7% of chiidren had rude mistakes on bringing.Проанализировано распространенность и длительность грудного вскармливания среди 105 младенцев первого года жизни, которые находились на стационарном лечении в областной детской клинической больнице. Обнаружено недопустимо низкую распространённость (25,7 %) его среди исследуемых, часто в сочетании с грубыми нарушениями основныхпринципов диететики. Установлено зависимость здоровья детей от характера питания: младенцы на искусственном и смешанном вскармливании болеют чаще и дольше, чем на естественном.Проаналізовано поширеність та тривалість грудного вигодовування серед 105 дітей першого року, які знаходились на стаціонарному лікуванні в областній дитячій лікарні. Виявлено необгрунтовано низьку поширеність (25,7 %) її серед обстежених, нерідко з грубими порушеннями основних принципів дієтетики. Встановлено залежність здоров'я дітей від характеру вигодовування: малюки на штучному та змішаному вигодовуванні хворіють значно частіше і триваліше, чим на природньому


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    The influence of common treatment for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and the complex treatment with dietetic products on the dynamics of the clinical indices and metabolic indicators of the connective tissue has been studied.Исследовано влияние комплексной терапии и комплексной терапии с добавлением продуктов для специального диетического питания на динамику клинической симптоматики и показателей метаболизма соединительной ткани у детей, больных ювенильным ревматоидным артритом. Досліджено вплив базової терапії і терапії із включенням продуктів для спеціального дієтичного харчування на динаміку клінічних показників і показників метаболізмуm сполучної тканини в дітей, хворих на ювенільний ревматоїдний артрит


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    The article presents the experience of lessons on Pediatry in simulation center of I. HorbachevskyTernopil State Medical University. The basic advantages of simulation training, and covers methods of teaching classes in pediatrics, particularly propaedeutic pediatrics, nursing and nursing practice, using the technical capabilities of simulation center university are studied.У статті викладено досвід проведення занять з педіатрії у симуляційному центрі Тернопільського державного медичного університету імені І. Я. Горбачевського. Проаналізовано основні переваги симуляційного навчання, та висвітлено методики викладання занять з педіатрії, а зокрема пропедевтичної педіатрії, догляду за хворими та сестринської практики,  використовуючи технічні можливості симуляційного центру університету

    Basic conditions for care economy development in Russia

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    Objective: to describe the development of care economy within the sphere of socio-economic relations as a tool for increasing social capital in society. Methods: abstract-logical and dialectical, phenomenological methods. Results: in the scientific literature, care economy is described primarily as a part of the healthcare sector. The article considers it in the context of a broader range of socio-economic services. The article describes the main content of care economy as a sphere of socio-economic relations providing services that ensure normal life-restoring and/or improving health, improving life quality by maintaining more comfortable living conditions. The main reasons for care economy development are highlighted: 1) aging of the population; 2) high costs of providing care services in specialized medical institutions; 3) shadow services provided in the field of care economy. It is established that in the coming years care economy development will dictate certain conditions for the labor and education market development in this segment. Scientific novelty: it is shown that the main content of care economy is not limited to the sphere of medical care, but can be considered more broadly - including care for children, pets, etc.; the relevance of care economy development as a separate sphere of socio-economic relations is shown.Practical significance: the understanding of the content of care economy revealed in this work makes it urgent to create a state system for providing services in the field of care economy, and creates the basis for further research in this area

    Problematics of proving the fact of occupational TB in health care workers.

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    The incidence of tuberculosis in medical per­sonnel in the Dnipropetrovsk region, incl. TB facilities, was analyzed for the period from 2008 to 2017. Occupational TB is an important indicator of infection control efficacy in health care facilities. Despite reducing trend of incidence in entire population and medical workers, their morbidity rates exceeded Ukrainian average ones by 25.0% and 2.5 times, respectively. There is about one and a half thousand employees in TB facilities of Dnipropetrovsk region. Their TB incidence rate was almost 5 times (p≤0.05) higher than in employees of other health care institutions and 6.6 times (p≤0.05) exceeded incidence of tuberculosis in community. In TB facilities, the highest incidence was registered among nurses – 506.8 per 100000. Non-medical workers have the second rank of incidence (409.4 per 100000). They did not contact TB patients directly, but inhaled air containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The incidence of TB in doctors and hospital attendants was lower – 384.6 and 357.1 per 100000, respectively. Nurses prevailed among TB-ill medical personnel of TB facilities – 41±3,4%. Hospital attendants had morbidity of 24±5,4%, non-medical stuff – 22±5,2%, doctors – 13±4,%. The confirmation of healthcare workers’ occupational TB cases is complicated. Taking info account that this infection is widely spread in community it is necessary to reveal active and latent tuberculosis infection with the quantiferon test and other modern methods, as well as to carry out genotyping of mycobacterium tuberculosis for finding epidemiological links in nosocomial TB transmission. To reduce the risks of occupational disease, it is important to carry out trainings on TB infection control for medical personnel and support staff


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    Мета дослідження – оптимізувати лікувально-діагностичну допомогу дітям на первинному рівні за умов перехідного періоду на сучасному етапі медичної реформи. Матеріали та методи. Для оцінки медичної активності батьків у родинах, в яких діти мають хронічну соматичну патологію, проведено анкетування батьків. З метою наближення висококваліфікованої медичної допомоги було створено на основі колективу кафедри дитячих хвороб і дитячої хірургії Тернопільського державного медичного університету імені І. Я. Горбачевського спеціалізовану педіатричну мобільну бригаду. Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. Досвід роботи спеціалізованої педіатричної мобільної бригади показав, що напрямки її діяльності можуть бути різноманітними: співпраця з «Клінікою на колесах» Міжнародного благодійного фонду «Дар життя», виїзди для медоглядів у школи і дитячі садки, медогляди спільно з лікарями ЦРЛ області, завдяки чому діти отримують висококваліфіковану мультидисциплінарну консультативно-лікувальну допомогу. Проведення освітніх бесід та лекцій безпосередньо з батьками хворих дітей підвищує їх відповідальність за здоров’я дитини, зобов’язує виконувати медичні приписи і призначення, гігієнічні рекомендації та проводити лікувальне харчування. Висновки. Високий відсоток уперше виявленої серед оглянутих дітей патології та скерування на стаціонарне лікування є показником ефективності такої роботи. Збільшився відсоток самозвернення батьків в обласну дитячу поліклініку з регіонів, де працювала спеціалізована педіатрична мобільна бригада. Інновацією даної бригади стало поєднання первинної і третинної ланок надання медичних послуг, що підвищує ефективність нагляду за здоров’ям дітей


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    It was observed 229 children in the moment of birth (50 newborns developed against fetoplacental insufficience background, 138 had the risk of intrauterine infection). The results show the laboratory feature of endotoxic syndrome in neonates.Обследовано 229 детей в момент рождения (50 развивались на фоне фетоплацентарной недостаточности, 138 были угрожаемыми по внутриутробному инфицированию). Результаты позволили утверждать о наличии лабораторных критериев эндотоксикоза у этих новорожденных.Обстежено 229 дітей в момент народження (50 розвивались на фоні фетоплацентарної недостатності, 138 були загрозливі по внутріутробному інфікуванню). Результати дозволили стверджувати про наявність лабораторних критеріїв ендотоксикозу у цих новонароджених


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    In children with retardation of non-endocrine genesis were investigated nutrition, the processes of lipids oxygenation and concomitant somatic pathology. The results allowded to reveal nutritional status disturbances, the impairment of oxygenic metabolism and to decide question about proper pathogenetic therapy. This therapy should contribute to active stimulation of growth processes and to the normalization of inner organs functional condition; it should have minimal side effects and allow to decide polypragmazia problem.У детей с отставанием в росте неэндокринного генеза проводили исследования состояния питания, процессов перекисного окисления липидов, изучали сопутствующую соматическую патологию. Результаты позволили выявить нарушения пищевого статуса, процессов окислительного метаболизма и определиться с рациональной патогенетической терапиею, которая бы содействовала бы активной стимуляции ростових процессов и восстановлению функционального состояния внутренних органов, имела минимальные побочные эффекты и позволила решить проблему полипрагмазии.У дітей із відставанням в рості неендокринного ґенезу досліджувався стан харчування, процеси перекисного окислення ліпідів, супутня соматична патологія. Результати дозволили виявити порушення харчового статусу, процесів окисного метаболізму та визначитися з раціональною патогенетичною терапією, яка б сприяла активній стимуляції ростових процесів та відновленню функціонального стану внутрішніх органів, мала мінімальні побічні ефекти і дозволяла вирішити проблему поліпрагмазії

    Grass Diversity and Pasture Quality Baseline Assessement in Central Madagascar

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    Poaceae family contributes to Madagascar’s biodiversity hotspot with 217 of 541 grass species endemic to the island, although their forage value is unknown, at least in the scientific literature. Our research aims 1) to describe the diversity of native and endemic grasses thereby recognising the role of grass species diversity in forage and ecosystem management and 2) to provide new knowledge about pasture management based on the relationship between grazing capacity and productivity within experimental pastureland plots under different fire and grazing treatments. Our study seeks to provide information to inform improvements in livestock nutrition via grazing management of natural pastures in central Madagascar, specifically around the Ankafobe, Ibity and Itremo Protected Areas. Sampling in different grassy habitats was undertaken to develop a grass checklist and overview of grass diversity across the project sites. Further, in the communal and experimental pastures standardised grass surveys were carried out to compare grazing capacity and biomass productivity in the experimental pastures. Our regional survey recorded 123 Poaceae species during the first year: including 90% native species (of which 34% were endemic) and 10% introduced species. Thirty species, all C4 and belonging to PACMAD clade, are found within established pasture grasslands. Across communal pastures the most frequently recorded species and thus most frequently grazed are Loudetia simplex, Aristida rufescens, Panicum luridum, Schizachyrium sanguineum, Hyparrhenia rufa and Aristida tenuissima – these species are predominantly associated with fire. The grazing capacity baseline, at about 0.7 to 0.8 ha/zebu/year, is similar across all experimental sites that are also characterised by having a similar climate, acidic soils with low nitrogen and phosphorus, and., Annual biomass production appears to be driven by fire frequency: at both Itremo and Ankafobe, where fire is an annual occurrence, biomass yield is 2.4-2.9t/ha whereas at Ibity, where fire frequency is fire every 3-4 years, biomass productivity is 6.9t/ha. However, it is unclear how these productivity estimates relate to forage quality; the relationship will be the subject of future work