38 research outputs found

    Многоканальный магнитокардиограф

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    Розглянуто багатоканальний магнітокардіограф, що може працювати в умовах шумових завад і не потребує магнітоекранованої кімнати. Це досягається шляхом виділення сигналу серця за допомогою адаптивної компенсації перешкод та референсних каналів. Збільшення кількості реєструючих каналів до 4-х зменшило час магнітокардіографічного обстеження.Multi-channel magnetocardiograph, which can work at unshielded environment with a noise, is considered. It is achieved by selection of the heart signal with help of adaptive noise compensation and reference channels. Increasing of the quantity of signal channels up to 4 leads to decreasing of the time for patient’s observation.Рассмотрена возможность создания многоканального магнитокардиографа, который может работать в условиях шумовых помех и не требует использования магнитоэкранированной комнаты. Это достигается выделением полезного сигнала сердца с помощью адаптивной компенсации помех и применения референсных каналов. Достигнуто уменьшение полного времени обследования пациента с помощью магнитокардиографа за счет увеличения количества регистрирующих каналов

    Clinical Guidelines of the Russian Society of Surgeons, the Russian Gastroenterological Association, the Association of Surgeons-Hepatologists and the Endoscopic Society “REndO” on Diagnostics and Treatment of Chronic Pancreatitis

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    Aim: to present modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis for gastroenterologists, general practitioners and physicians.Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a long-term inflammatory disease of the pancreas, manifested by irreversible morphological changes in the parenchyma and pancreatic ducts, which cause pain and/or persistent impairment of function. Current concept on the etiology of CP is reflected by the TIGAR-O classification. The criteria for establishing the diagnosis of CP include typical attacks of abdominal pain and/or clinical and laboratory signs of exocrine, endocrine insufficiency with the mandatory detection of characteristic morphological changes (calcifications in the parenchyma and pancreatic ductal stones, dilatation of the main pancreatic duct and its branches). CT, MRCP, and pancreatobiliary endosonography are recommended as the methods of choice to verify the diagnosis of CP. Conservative treatment of patients with CP is provided for symptom relief and prevention of complications. Individual cases with severe non-interactable abdominal pain, as well as a complicated course of the disease (development of ductal hypertension due to main pancreatic duct stones or strictures, obstructive jaundice caused by compression of the common bile duct, symptomatic postnecrotic cysts, portal hypertension due to compression of the portal vein or thrombosis of the splenic vein, persistent duodenal obstruction, pseudoaneurysm of the celiac trunk basin and the superior mesenteric artery) serve as an indication for endoscopic or surgical treatment. The Guidelines set out modern approaches to the diagnosis, conservative, endoscopic and surgical treatment of CP, and the prevention of its complications.Conclusion. The implementation of clinical guidelines can contribute to the timely diagnosis and improve the quality of medical care for patients with chronic pancreatitis

    Large deletions within the first intron in VRN-1 are associated with spring growth habit in barley and wheat

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    The broad adaptability of wheat and barley is in part attributable to their flexible growth habit, in that spring forms have recurrently evolved from the ancestral winter growth habit. In diploid wheat and barley growth habit is determined by allelic variation at the VRN-1 and/or VRN-2 loci, whereas in the polyploid wheat species it is determined primarily by allelic variation at VRN-1. Dominant Vrn-A1 alleles for spring growth habit are frequently associated with mutations in the promoter region in diploid wheat and in the A genome of common wheat. However, several dominant Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, Vrn-D1 (common wheat) and Vrn-H1 (barley) alleles show no polymorphisms in the promoter region relative to their respective recessive alleles. In this study, we sequenced the complete VRN-1 gene from these accessions and found that all of them have large deletions within the first intron, which overlap in a 4-kb region. Furthermore, a 2.8-kb segment within the 4-kb region showed high sequence conservation among the different recessive alleles. PCR markers for these deletions showed that similar deletions were present in all the accessions with known Vrn-B1 and Vrn-D1 alleles, and in 51 hexaploid spring wheat accessions previously shown to have no polymorphisms in the VRN-A1 promoter region. Twenty-four tetraploid wheat accessions had a similar deletion in VRN-A1 intron 1. We hypothesize that the 2.8-kb conserved region includes regulatory elements important for the vernalization requirement. Epistatic interactions between VRN-H2 and the VRN-H1 allele with the intron 1 deletion suggest that the deleted region may include a recognition site for the flowering repression mediated by the product of the VRN-H2 gene of barley

    Diagnostic and conservative treatment nuances in patients with obstructive jaundice: in the wake of Russian consensus

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    The list of species registered in taiga meadow community during succession under enhanced radioactive background

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    The data presented in this article are related to the research article entitled “The succession of the plant community on a decontaminated radioactive meadow site” (T. Maystrenko, B. Gruzdev, E. Belykh, A. Rybak, 2018) [1]. Primary data on floristic studies of meadow community development in taiga zone on the site contaminated with naturally occurring radionuclides are shown. The information given allows to follow a process of appearance and exclusion of high plant species from the pioneer step of succession up to stable community formation and to compare the structure and composition of meadow communities formed on territories with the enhanced and natural radioactivity background. Keywords: Restoration of vegetation cover, Meadow community development, Taiga zone, Radioactive contaminatio

    Development of the effective information and analytical support of the OSH management system

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    Purpose: Studying urgent problems in the OSH management field in the in European countries to create effective information and analytical support for the OSH management system. Design/methodology/approach: An analytical review of open sources, a comparative analysis of the legislative framework of different countries and logical conclusions based on existing opportunities at the current stage of development of the country were used to study current problems in the field of labour protection management and find ways to create effective information and analytical support. Improved IS "Vizit" was tested for 2018-2019: to identify undeclared labour, the dynamics of various types of labour violations has been studied; to predict the load of inspectors, the quarterly dynamics of inspection actions was studied; the accumulated statistics were processed using multiple regressions; for 22 enterprises, employees of all levels were remotely trained in labour protection issues. Findings: Information and analytical support for the OSH management system has been developed. On the basis of indirect signs it allows to identify undeclared work cases, to predict the labour inspectors’ inspection activities by quarters, to provide effective distance learning of enterprise employees and labour inspectors. The distance learning system for labour protection was tested at 22 enterprises: the head of the enterprise, the heads of departments and employees of the enterprise passed the training. Since 2018 (start to use of this information and analytical support), the dynamics of inspection actions and various types of labour violations have been monitored. Research limitations/implications: Information and analytical support was tested on the example of Ukrainian labour legislation. However, it can be adapted to the legislation of another country. Practical implications: The proposed information and analytical support using indirect evidences provides an opportunity to identify undeclared work and that significantly reduces the inspection visits number in order to monitor and detect violations of the law; makes it possible to predict the inspection activities and the workload of labour inspectors; contributes to the organizations managers and employees’ effective training, and the inspectors training remotely (and therefore is less costly). Originality/value: A non-standard approach to the identification of undeclared work on indirect grounds using information and analytical support for the OSH management system is proposed