7,325 research outputs found

    Where is the pseudoscalar glueball ?

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    The pseudoscalar mesons with the masses higher than 1 GeV are assumed to belong to the meson decuplet including the glueball as the basis state supplementing the standard SU(3)FSU(3)_F nonet of light qqˉq\bar{q} states (u,d,s)(u,d,s). The decuplet is investigated by means of an algebraic approach based on hypothesis of vanishing the exotic SU(3)FSU(3)_F commutators of "charges" and their time derivatives. These commutators result in a system of equations determining contents of the isoscalar octet state in the physical isoscalar mesons as well as the mass formula including all masses of the decuplet: π(1300)\pi(1300), K(1460), η(1295)\eta(1295), η(1405)\eta(1405) and η(1475)\eta(1475). The physical isoscalar mesons ηi\eta_i, are expressed as superpositions of the "ideal" qqˉq\bar{q} states (NN and SS) and the glueball GG with the mixing coefficient matrix following from the exotic commutator restrictions. Among four one-parameter families of the calculated mixing matrix (numerous solutions result from bad quality of data on the π(1300)\pi(1300) and K(1460) masses) there is one family attributing the glueball-dominant composition to the η(1405)\eta(1405) meson. Similarity between the pseudoscalar and scalar decuplets, analogy between the whole spectra of the 0−+0^{-+} and 0++0^{++} mesons and affinity of the glueball with excited qqˉq\bar{q} states are also noticed.Comment: 18 pp., 2. figs., 2 tabs.; Published version. One of the authors withdraws his nam

    Origin of bulk uniaxial anisotropy in zinc-blende dilute magnetic semiconductors

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    It is demonstrated that the nearest neighbor Mn pair on the GaAs (001) surface has a lower energy for the [-110] direction comparing to the [110] case. According to the group theory and the Luttinger's method of invariants, this specific Mn distribution results in bulk uniaxial in-plane and out-of-plane anisotropies. The sign and magnitude of the corresponding anisotropy energies determined by a perturbation method and ab initio computations are consistent with experimental results.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Influence of band structure effects on domain-wall resistance in diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors

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    Intrinsic domain-wall resistance (DWR) in (Ga,Mn)As is studied theoretically and compared to experimental results. The recently developed model of spin transport in diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors [Van Dorpe et al., Phys. Rev. B 72, 205322 (2005)] is employed. The model combines the disorder-free Landauer-B\"uttiker formalism with the tight-binding description of the host band structure. The obtained results show how much the spherical 4x4 kp model [Nguyen, Shchelushkin, and Brataas, cond-mat/0601436] overestimates DWR in the adiabatic limit, and reveal the dependence of DWR on the magnetization profile and crystallographic orientation of the wall.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B - Rapid Com
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