427 research outputs found

    Collective Quartics from Simple Groups

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    This article classifies Little Higgs models that have collective quartic couplings. There are two classes of collective quartics: Special Cosets and Special Quartics. After taking into account dangerous singlets, the smallest Special Coset models are SU(5)/SO(5) and SU(6)/Sp(6). The smallest Special Quartic model is SU(5)/SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) and has not previously been considered as a candidate Little Higgs model.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Vacuum Stability in Split Susy and Little Higgs Models

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    We study the stability of the effective higgs potential in the split supersymmetry and Little Higgs models. In particular, we study the effects of higher dimensional operators in the effective potential on the higgs mass predictions. We find that the size and sign of the higher dimensional operators can significantly change the higgs mass required to maintain vacuum stability in Split Susy models. In the Little Higgs models the effects of higher dimensional operators can be large because of a relatively lower cut-off scale. Working with a specific model we find that a contribution from the higher dimensional operator with coefficient of O(1) can destabilize the vacuum.Comment: Latex 22 pages, 3 figures. Added discussion, published versio

    Probing Slepton Mass Non-Universality at e^+e^- Linear Colliders

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    There are many models with non-universal soft SUSY breaking sfermion mass parameters at the grand unification scale. Even in the mSUGRA model scalar mass unification might occur at a scale closer to M_Planck, and renormalization effects would cause a mass splitting at M_GUT. We identify an experimentally measurable quantity Delta that correlates strongly with delta m^2 = m^2_{selectron_R}(M_GUT) - m^2_{selectron_L}(M_GUT), and which can be measured at electron-positron colliders provided both selectrons and the chargino are kinematically accessible. We show that if these sparticle masses can be measured with a precision of 1% at a 500 GeV linear collider, the resulting precision in the determination of Delta may allow experiments to distinguish between scalar mass unification at the GUT scale from the corresponding unification at Q ~ M_Planck. Experimental determination of Delta would also provide a distinction between the mSUGRA model and the recently proposed gaugino-mediation model. Moreover, a measurement of Delta (or a related quantity Delta') would allow for a direct determination of delta m^2.Comment: 15 pages, RevTeX, 4 postscript figure

    Near-brane SU(6) origin Higgs in Scherk-Schwarz breaking of five-dimensional SU(6) GUT

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    The symmetry breaking of five-dimensional SU(6) GUT is realized by Scherk-Schwarz mechanisms through trivial and pseudo nontrivial orbifold S1/Z2 breakings to produce dimensional deconstruction 5D SU(6) \rightarrow4D SU(6). The latter also induces near-brane weakly-coupled SU(6) Baby Higgs to further break the symmetry into SU(3)C \otimes SU(3)H \otimes U(1)C. The model successfully provides a scenario of the origin of (Little) Higgs from GUT scale, produces the (intermediate and light) Higgs boson with the most preferred range and establishes coupling unification and compactification scale correctly.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Supersymmetry and the Anomalous Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon

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    The recently reported measurement of the muon's anomalous magnetic moment differs from the standard model prediction by 2.6 standard deviations. We examine the implications of this discrepancy for supersymmetry. Deviations of the reported magnitude are generic in supersymmetric theories. Based on the new result, we derive model-independent upper bounds on the masses of observable supersymmetric particles. We also examine several model frameworks. The sign of the reported deviation is as predicted in many simple models, but disfavors anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Sneutrino Mass Measurements at e+e- Linear Colliders

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    It is generally accepted that experiments at an e+e- linear colliders will be able to extract the masses of the selectron as well as the associated sneutrinos with a precision of ~ 1% by determining the kinematic end points of the energy spectrum of daughter electrons produced in their two body decays to a lighter neutralino or chargino. Recently, it has been suggested that by studying the energy dependence of the cross section near the production threshold, this precision can be improved by an order of magnitude, assuming an integrated luminosity of 100 fb^-1. It is further suggested that these threshold scans also allow the masses of even the heavier second and third generation sleptons and sneutrinos to be determined to better than 0.5%. We re-examine the prospects for determining sneutrino masses. We find that the cross sections for the second and third generation sneutrinos are too small for a threshold scan to be useful. An additional complication arises because the cross section for sneutrino pair to decay into any visible final state(s) necessarily depends on an unknown branching fraction, so that the overall normalization in unknown. This reduces the precision with which the sneutrino mass can be extracted. We propose a different strategy to optimize the extraction of m(\tilde{\nu}_\mu) and m(\tilde{\nu}_\tau) via the energy dependence of the cross section. We find that even with an integrated luminosity of 500 fb^-1, these can be determined with a precision no better than several percent at the 90% CL. We also examine the measurement of m(\tilde{\nu}_e) and show that it can be extracted with a precision of about 0.5% (0.2%) with an integrated luminosity of 120 fb^-1 (500 fb^-1).Comment: RevTex, 46 pages, 15 eps figure

    The Little Higgs from a Simple Group

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    We present a model of electroweak symmetry breaking in which the Higgs boson is a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson. By embedding the standard model SU(2) x U(1) into an SU(4) x U(1) gauge group, one-loop quadratic divergences to the Higgs mass from gauge and top loops are canceled automatically with the minimal particle content. The potential contains a Higgs quartic coupling which does not introduce one-loop quadratic divergences. Our theory is weakly coupled at the electroweak scale, it has new weakly coupled particles at the TeV scale and a cutoff above 10 TeV, all without fine tuning. We discuss the spectrum of the model and estimate the constraints from electroweak precision measurements.Comment: 29 pages, referencing error corrected after death threats, dude remove

    Solitons in Supersymmety Breaking Meta-Stable Vacua

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    In recently found supersymmetry-breaking meta-stable vacua of the supersymmetric QCD, we examine possible exsitence of solitons. Homotopy groups of the moduli space of the meta-stable vacua show that there is no nontrivial soliton for SU(N_c) gauge group. When U(1)_B symmetry present in the theory is gauged, we find non-BPS solitonic (vortex) strings whose existence and properties are predicted from brane configurations. We obtain explicit classical solutions which reproduce the predicitions. For SO(N_c) gauge group, we find there are solitonic strings for N = N_f-N_c+4 = 2, and Z_2 strings for the other N. The strings are meta-stable as they live in the meta-stable vacua.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figures, Comments on stability of non-BPS vortices are added, Comments on sigma model solitons are added, An appendix is adde

    Neutrino physics at large colliders

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    Large colliders are not sensitive to light neutrino masses and character, but they can produce new heavy neutrinos, allowing also for the determination of their Dirac or Majorana nature. We review the discovery limits at the next generation of large colliders.Comment: LaTeX 32 pages. This review summarises and extends work presented at several conferences. To appear in the proceedings of CORFU2005. References adde

    Unitarity in Dirichlet Higgs Model

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    We show that a five dimensional Universal Extra Dimension model, compactified on a line segment, is consistently formulated even when the gauge symmetry is broken solely by non-zero Dirichlet boundary conditions on a bulk Higgs field, without any quartic interaction. We find that the longitudinal W+W- elastic scattering amplitude, under the absence of the Higgs zero-mode, is unitarized by exchange of infinite towers of KK Higgs bosons. Resultant amplitude scales linearly with the scattering energy, exhibiting five dimensional nature. A tree-level partial-wave unitarity condition is satisfied up to 6.7 (5.7) TeV for the KK scale 430 (500) GeV, favored by the electroweak data within 90% CL.Comment: 14pages, 2 figures (v1); References added (v2); Trivial error corrected: u -> t and \cos\theta -> -\cos\theta, references added (v3); comments added, a reference added, version to appear in Eur. Phys. J. C (v4); Expressions matched to EPJC style, obsolete affiliation (on leave) has been removed (v5