3,589 research outputs found

    Hubungan Motivasi Belajar dengan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar (Penelitian Korelasional di Gugus 2 Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru)

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    Motivation to learn has a very important role decisive and encouraging students to learn with full attention and concentration in a lesson, so as to achieve goals by the students are good learning outcomes with impoved learning outcomes. This study aims to determine the correlation between learning motivation and learning outcomes of students in mathematics at fouth grade elementary school in the cluster 2 Rumbai Pesisir Districts Pekanbaru City. This is research method is correlational. Mechanical sampling using random sampling. The analysis technique used is the technicque of analysis Product Moment. Methods of data collection using a scale and technical documentation of the value of MID second semester. Test requirements analysis in the from of normality and linearity test. The analysis technique using SPSS 20. The results showed that is a correlation between learning motivation and mathematics learning outcomes at fourth grade elementary school in the cluster 2 Rumbai Pesisir Districts Pekanbaru City. Obtanied rxy of 0,300 with a low correlation level and also motivation in learning to give effect to the results studied at 7%. T test results obtained tscore 2,74 and 1,662 ttabel this case shows that there is a significant correlation between motivation in learning the mathematics learning outcomes at fourth grade elemtary school in the cluster 2 Rumbai Pesisir Districts Pekanbaru City

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Ibu Nifas dalam Mengkonsumsi Tuo Nifarö di Kecamatan Lotu Kabupaten Nias Utara

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    Tuo nifarö istypicalofNiasdrink that contains alcohol that resulted from distillation of cocoa. Tuo nifarö can be utilizedfor many purposes, one of them usedfor post-partum period treatment. The aim of this research is to knowing the determinant of post-partum mother's behavior who consumedtuonfaroin Lotu, District of North Nias. This kind of researchis descriptivequantitative andqualitative approachto completethe required datawith a sample of 52 people. The resultsof research onthe characteristics ofrespondents,59.6% were25-35years and61.5% of respondentshavea loweducation level. 61.5% of post-partummothers have the moderate trust levelson benefit ofconsumingtuo nifarö. In terms ofnormativebelief, theconsumptionof alcoholic beveragessuch astuo nifarö for post-partum mothers is affected bythe role offamiliesand communitiesthatinfluence the post-partum mothersto act. Attitudetowardconsumption of tuo nifarö 53.8% wereatmoderatelevels. In terms ofaction, 55.8% of respondentsconsumealcoholic beveragespostpartum, where82.8% had a loweducational level, 48.3% have the confidenceandgood judgment, and 58.6% at a moderate level, 100% supportedbyfamiliesand89.7% are supportedby the community. 72.4% of respondentshadconsumedblack beer as a substitutefor various reasons. This occasion should be maintained with regard to alcohol content, and health workers need to explore the benefits of taking tuo nifar

    Perceptions and General Knowledge of Online Social Networking Activity of University Student-Athletes and Non-Student-Athletes

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    The current study investigated differences between student-athletes and non-student-athletes regarding online social networking (OSN) usage. In particular, types of usage, perceptions of monitoring, and knowledge and perceptions of inappropriate online behavior were examined. Participants were student-athletes and non-student-athletes at a mid-sized university in the Rocky Mountain Region, who were asked their perceptions regarding OSN. Results of independent samples t-tests revealed student-athletes felt that students in general were more knowledgeable of the dangers associated with OSN than were non-studentathletes. Further, student-athletes found provocative pictures posted on OSN profiles to be more acceptable than did non-student-athletes. Also, monitoring of online profiles by supervisory figures was considered less acceptable to student-athletes than non-studentathletes. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Polarization selection rules for inter-Landau level transitions in epitaxial graphene revealed by infrared optical Hall effect

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    We report on polarization selection rules of inter-Landau level transitions using reflection-type optical Hall effect measurements from 600 to 4000 cm-1 on epitaxial graphene grown by thermal decomposition of silicon carbide. We observe symmetric and anti-symmetric signatures in our data due to polarization preserving and polarization mixing inter-Landau level transitions, respectively. From field-dependent measurements we identify that transitions in decoupled graphene mono-layers are governed by polarization mixing selection rules, whereas transitions in coupled graphene mono-layers are governed by polarization preserving selection rules. The selection rules may find explanation by different coupling mechanisms of inter-Landau level transitions with free charge carrier magneto-optic plasma oscillations

    Variational Thomas-Fermi Theory of a Nonuniform Bose Condensate at Zero Temperature

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    We derive a description of the spatially inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate which treats the system locally as a homogeneous system. This approach, similar to the Thomas-Fermi model for the inhomogeneous many-particle fermion system, is well-suited to describe the atomic Bose-Einstein condensates that have recently been obtained experimentally through atomic trapping and cooling. In this paper, we confine our attention to the zero temperature case, although the treatment can be generalized to finite temperatures, as we shall discuss elsewhere.Comment: 24 pages, latex, 6 ps figures, BoxedEPS include