8 research outputs found

    Psychological support for carriers of mutations in genes associated with hereditary breast cancer

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    Relevance. Informing patients about the carriage of a pathogenic mutation may result in a psychologically traumatizing situation, characterized by acute stress reactions, post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, or anxiety-depressive disorder. This highlights the importance of psychological counseling.Objective. To investigate the effectiveness of psychological support in a patient with mutations in genes associated with hereditary breast cancer.Materials and methods. Description of patient's medical history and results of instrumental psychological diagnosis after identifying a pathogenic mutation in the CHEK2 gene, which increases a risk of developing breast cancer to 20–40 % via genetic testing.Results. The nature of emotional response in this case is determined by personal history — identification of ideas about one's possible disease with mother's one. The conducted psychological consultations mitigated acute stress reactions and minimized the perception of received genetic information as a psychologically traumatic event. Furthermore, significant positive shifts were observed in the formation of adaptive stresscoping strategies, awareness of one's own mental resources, and reinforcement of adherence to the dynamic observation plan.Conclusion: Patients in situations involving the identification of mutations in genes associated with hereditary breast cancer require a personalized approach. Development of criteria for psychological support should be aimed at improving patients' quality of life not only in the immediate aftermath of information disclosure but also in the long term


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    Aim. The study microecology of the large intestine of children with cirrhosis before transplantation of the share liver. Materials and methods. Studied the flora of the colon 157 children of 1 to 17 years admitted to hospital for liver transplantation fragment from a related donor. Identification was carried out using microbial panels BD Crystal and databases BBL Crystal MIND. Methicillin-resistant staphylococci were determined by their sensiti- vity to oxacillin and cefoxitin. Beta-lactamase activity was tested using discs with ceftazidime and ceftazidime/ clavulanic acid. Results. Microecological revealed deep irregularities in the large intestine transplantation in children up lobe of the liver on a spectrum and composition of the microflora. Among the resident microflora decreased levels of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and coliform bacteria, especially in children under one year. A sig- nificant portion of the children surveyed (over 60–70%) had an increase of frequency of finding stateally bacteria, especially Klebsiella and enterobacteria in third children – non-fermenting bacteria – Pseudomonas and Acine- tobacter spp. Revealed the spread of strains of gram-negative bacteria with extended-spectrum betalaktamaz.Conclusion. Expressed microecological violations in the large intestine in children with higher levels of bac- teria are conditionally risk factor reeks of infectious complications in the postoperative period and require are complex tools to assist in eliminatsii.s given antibiotic resistance of bacteria. Цель: исследование микроэкологии толстого отдела кишечника детей с циррозами до трансплантации доли печени. Материалы и методы. Изучена микрофлора толстой кишки 157 детей от 1 года до 17 лет, поступивших в клинику для трансплантации фрагмента печени от родственного донора. Идентификацию микробов проводили с помощью панелей BD Crystal и базы данных BBL Crystal MIND. Метициллин-резистентность стафилококков определяли по их чувствительности к оксациллину и цефокситину. Бета-лактамазную активность тестировали с помощью дисков с цефтазидимом и цефтазидим/клавулановой кислотой. Результаты. Выявлены глубокие микроэкологические нарушения в толстом отделе кишечника у детей до трансплантации доли печени, касающиеся как спектра, так и состава микрофлоры. Среди резидентной микрофлоры отмечено снижение уровня бифидобактерий, лактобацилл и кишечных палочек, особенно у детей до года. У значительной части обследованных детей (свыше 60–70%) отмечено нарастание частоты нахождения условно-патогенных бактерий, особенно клебсиелл и энтеробактеров, у 1/3 детей – неферментирующих бактерий – синегнойных палочек, ацинетобактеров. Выявлено распространение штаммов грамотрицательных бактерий с бета-лактамазами расширенного спектра действия. Заключение. Выраженные микроэкологические нарушения в толстом отделе кишечника у детей с повышением уровня условно-патогенных бактерий являются фактором риска развития инфекционных осложнений в послеоперационном периоде и требуют применения комплексных средств, способствующих их элиминации.


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    Antibiotic and fagosensitivity most etiologically important nosocomial strains of bacteria – Pseudomonas aeru- ginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, E. coli, Proteus spp., Staphylococcus spp. were studied. Multiple drug-resistant bacteria as gram-positive and gram-negative, isolated from 8 substrates, had been demonstrated. With regard to the sensitivity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa >40% was observed in 40–50% of the strains to aminoglycosides – aztreonam, amikacin, netilmicin, and only 23–25% of the strains – to gentamicin and levofloxacin (an average of antibiotic susceptibility was 27%). All strains of ESBL Klebsiella drew up and were sensitive only to imipenem, meropenem and aminoglycosides. Specific phages lysed 43–48% of the strains Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae, E. coli, Pro- teus spp., multidrug resistant strains of Staphylococcus spp. It is proposed to introduce the use of phages in clinical practice. Исследована антибиотико- и фагочувствительность наиболее этиологически важных нозокомиальных штаммов микробов – синегнойных палочек, клебсиелл, кишечных палочек, протеев, стафилококков. Установлена множественная резистентность штаммов бактерий как грамположительных, так и грамотрицательных, изолированных из 8 субстратов. В отношении синегнойной палочки чувствительность >40% отмечена у 40–50% штаммов к аминогликозидам – азтреонаму, амикацину, нетилмицину и только у 23–25% штаммов – к гентамицину и левофлоксацину (в среднем антибиотикочувствительность составила 27%). Все штаммы клебсиелл вырабатывали БЛРС и были чувствительны только к имипенему, меропенему и аминогликозидам. Специфические бактериофаги лизировали 43–48% штаммов синегнойных палочек и клебсиелл, кишечные палочки, протеи, множественно резистентные штаммы стафилококков. Предлагается внедрять использование бактериофагов в клиническую практику трансплантологических клиник.

    Gender-specific risk factors for heart disease in middle-aged people

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    A complex clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination of 234 patients found that hypertension occurs with equal frequency in men and women. Gender differences were determined by such most common risk factors as impaired fat metabolism and hypertriglyceridemia. Thickening of the intima-media complex greater than 1.3 mm and atherosclerotic plaques were found consistently more often in patients with hypertension, while their frequency was not linked to gender


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    Aim. The study microecology of the large intestine of children with cirrhosis before transplantation of the share liver. Materials and methods. Studied the flora of the colon 157 children of 1 to 17 years admitted to hospital for liver transplantation fragment from a related donor. Identification was carried out using microbial panels BD Crystal and databases BBL Crystal MIND. Methicillin-resistant staphylococci were determined by their sensiti- vity to oxacillin and cefoxitin. Beta-lactamase activity was tested using discs with ceftazidime and ceftazidime/ clavulanic acid. Results. Microecological revealed deep irregularities in the large intestine transplantation in children up lobe of the liver on a spectrum and composition of the microflora. Among the resident microflora decreased levels of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and coliform bacteria, especially in children under one year. A sig- nificant portion of the children surveyed (over 60–70%) had an increase of frequency of finding stateally bacteria, especially Klebsiella and enterobacteria in third children – non-fermenting bacteria – Pseudomonas and Acine- tobacter spp. Revealed the spread of strains of gram-negative bacteria with extended-spectrum betalaktamaz.Conclusion. Expressed microecological violations in the large intestine in children with higher levels of bac- teria are conditionally risk factor reeks of infectious complications in the postoperative period and require are complex tools to assist in eliminatsii.s given antibiotic resistance of bacteria


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    Antibiotic and fagosensitivity most etiologically important nosocomial strains of bacteria – Pseudomonas aeru- ginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, E. coli, Proteus spp., Staphylococcus spp. were studied. Multiple drug-resistant bacteria as gram-positive and gram-negative, isolated from 8 substrates, had been demonstrated. With regard to the sensitivity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa >40% was observed in 40–50% of the strains to aminoglycosides – aztreonam, amikacin, netilmicin, and only 23–25% of the strains – to gentamicin and levofloxacin (an average of antibiotic susceptibility was 27%). All strains of ESBL Klebsiella drew up and were sensitive only to imipenem, meropenem and aminoglycosides. Specific phages lysed 43–48% of the strains Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae, E. coli, Pro- teus spp., multidrug resistant strains of Staphylococcus spp. It is proposed to introduce the use of phages in clinical practice