420 research outputs found
Model Pengembangan USAha Kecil Menengah Berbasis Potensi Ekonomi Masyarakat
Shackles of poverty that the people of Indonesia is not a new problem so as to not be a problem anymore. But the condition is getting worse by the economic crisis that began in mid 1997 and then followed by a multi-dimensional crisis. The number of poor people who previously has successfully suppressed about 11%, allegedly by CPM could be around 24% at the peak of the crisis of 1998 due to massive layoffs of the foot-loose industry sector. In the gloom of the economic crisis, which was originally quite large industry contributes greatly to the economic growth rate, but when the crisis one by one collapse. In contrast to micro, small and medium enterprises, has been proven at the time of the crisis can provide a significant contribution to economic growth.From the studies have been done, the problems of SMEs in the development model Lumajang is through: the development and coaching to small and medium enterprises is one solution to overcome the problem of economic inequality and poverty in the City Lumajang;model clustering is a pattern of coaching centers that can improve competitiveness and productivity of small and menengah.dan in the future to be the leading sector in the City Lumajang poverty alleviation; pattern precise and comprehensive guidance for small andmedium enterprises is a coaching model clustering centers by building partnerships between SMEs, the Government District, traditional markets and modern market.In an effort to overcome the problems of small and medium enterprise development, the need for emphasis of collaborative action from various parties, namely through: the development and building of small and medium businesses need to get serious attention fromthe Government, in the form of stimulus policies and a conducive and productive business building small and medium-use centers clustering model requires the government\u27s role to memfasilitasasi involvement of various parties that influence tissue integration of SMEs with large insdustri involved as a partner and expansion of market access
Rancang Bangung Perangkat Lunak Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Computer Assisted Instruction Pada SMP St. Ignatius Medan
Inovasi di dalam bidang pembelajaran sangat dibutuhkan oleh seorang pendidik, untuk menjadikan materi yang mereka sampaikan menjadi lebih menarik. Pada saat ini sudah berkembang perangkat lunak pembelajaran berbasis Compuster Assisted Instruction yang merupakan suatu perangkat lunak pembelajaran berbasis multimedia sehingga akan meningkatkan daya tarik peserta didik di dalam mendalami suatu materi pembelajaran. Suatu materi pembelajaran yang sulit akan menjadi lebih menarik jika menggunakan pendekatan Computer Assisted Instruction. Pada penelitian ini akan dikembangkan perangkat lunak pembelajaran Fisika SMP berbasis Computer Assisted Instruction pada SMP St. Ignatius Medan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah metode SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) yang merupakan suatu medotologi perancangan yang sangat baik karena mengidentifikasikan dengan baik kebutuhan pemakai. Bentuk implementasi penelitian ini adalah merancang suatu program pembelajaran Fisik pada tingkat SMP. Program dapat menampilkan materi, contoh perhitungan, dan contoh-contoh soal yang berhubungan dengan topik massa dan volume, kecepatan tetap, serta gaya dan tekanan
Temuan Kista Toxoplasma Gondii pada Babi di Rumah Potong Surabaya dan Malang
Even though the prevalence of toxoplasmosis is high in some areas of Indonesia, data on the disease is very limited. In this report, result of a study done in abattoirs from July 9 to October 22, 1971 will be preÂsented. It was a study covering 50 samples of pigs done in Surabaya and Malang. Speciment preparation was conducted by digestion using 0.5% trypsin. Out of 50 samples there were 20 samples identified as positive, i.e. containing Toxoplasma gondii
Perlindungan Hukum Kreditor Berdasarkan Undang-undang Kepailitan
Penelitian ini berjudul Perlindungan Hukum Kreditor Berdasarkan Undang-undang Kepailitan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah bentuk perlindungan hukum kreditor dalam hal kepailitan dan juga hambatan-hambatan apa saja yang dihadapi oleh kreditor dalam hal kepailitan. Penelitian ini merupakan peneletian hukum yang bersifat yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian yang mengutamakan pendekatan ataupun penelitian kepustakaan dan juga dari dokumen-dokumen dan juga bahan-bahan dari berbagai data skunder,yakni dengan mengkaji peraturan-peraturan dari bahan hukum yang diperoleh juga dari hasil penelitian para ahli hukum, buku-buku, makalah, jurnal, bahan-bahan hukum dari internet, dan karya ilmiah antara lain skripsi, tesis, disertasi dan lain-lain, yang berkaitan dengan masalah perlindungan hukum bagi kreditor dalam hal kepailitan dan juga untuk menganalisis permasalahan-permasalahan ataupun hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi oleh kreditor dalam hal kepailitan. Hasil penelitian normatif dalam penulisan ini bahwa, di dalam perlindungan bagi kreditor berdasarkan undang-undang kepailitan yakni Kreditor dalam hal mengajukan permohonan pailit bagi debitor harus berdasarkan persetujuan bersama dengan kreditor lainnya. Pembatalan atas tindakan-tindakan hukum yang dilakukan debitor pailit yang dapat merugikan kreditor yaitu dengan cara Actio Paulina. Hambatan hambatan yang dihadapi oleh kreditor dalam hal kepailitan yakni, belum adanya dana untuk pemberesan harta pailit, tidak kooperatifnya debitor dalam hal kepailitan, Adanya debitor yang menjual atau aset sebelum adanya pernyataan pailit
Sistem Pengisi dan Pengatur Tekanan Udara Ban Mobil secara Otomatis dengan Mikrokontroler
Sometimes to fill a tire with a air pump were made us tired. Not even to fill it up but we must check it up the tire pressure. The process of air pressure filling and control device for car tire automatically using microcontroller is the way of solution to every people to check up the tire easily. The systems can be measure maximum pressure until 50 psi then the system can be check for every change of voltage level to prove there is any leakage of tire. This system can help us more better to know our tire condition easily
Pengaruh Advance Organizer Berbasis Proyek Terhadap Kemampuan Analisis – Sintesis Siswa
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pengatur kemajuan (advance organizer) berbasis proyek terhadap kemampuan analisis – sintesis siswa pada konsep Energi. Sebelum pembelajaran, diberikan tugas proyek pada siswa untuk merealisasikan bel listrik sederhana, rangkaian arus seri - paralel, dan tuas. Produk proyek digunakan sebagai advance organizer dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Penguatan kognitif dilakukan melalui diskusi kelompok dan pembuatan peta konsep, ekspositori guru di kelas, dan kegiatan eksperimen laboratorium. Data diambil melalui pretest, post test, observasi partisipatif pembelajaran oleh dua orang observer, penilaian produk, peta konsep dan laporan kegiatan eksperimen. Teknik analisis data meliputi uji prasyarat data dan uji hipotesis Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa mengalami peningkatan kemampuan analisis – sintesis dalam aspek menguraikan, mengkategorikan, mengidentifikasi, merumuskan pernyataan, merekonstruksi, menentukan konsep, dan menganalisis konsep dengan rata – rata peningkatan delta skor sebesar 54,46 %, uji t sebesar 6,4, dan skala gain sebesar 0,3. This study was conducted to determine the effect of project-based advance organizer model on student's analysis - synthesis ability of the energy concept. Students were given an assignment to realize the project on simple electric bell, the series – parallel circuit, and lever, before learning. The products of project were used as an advanced organizer in the learning activity. Cognitive strengthening was done through group discussions and concept mapping, expository learning in the classroom, and laboratory experiments activities. The data were taken through a pretest, post-test, participant observation study by two observers, product assessment, concept maps and report of experiment activities. Results showed that the students' analysis - synthesis ability increased in the aspect of describing, categorizing, identifying, statement formulating, reconstructing, concept determining, and analyzing the concept. The average increase in delta score was 54.46 %, while the t-test score was of 6.4 and a gain scale of 0.3
Mangkunegaran Dance Style in the Custom and Tradition of Pura Mangkunegaran
Mangkunagaran dance style is regarded as a cultural identity that is highly upheld by Mangkunagaran's society. In the organization that lives in Mangkunagaran, the sustainability of Mangkunagaran dance style is protected by the special art institution namely Langen Praja, under a bigger organization in Mangkunagaran namely Reksa Budaya. The existence of Mangkunagaran dance style is in fact related to the custom and tradition in Pura Mangkunagaran. The aim of this research is to find out how Mangkunagaran dance style is and what kind of roles that Mangkunagaran dance style has that may influence the custom and tradition in Pura Mangkunagaran. Methods used in this research is qualitative. Techniques of data collection used were observation, interview, and documentation study and the data validity technique implemented was data triangulation. Meanwhile, the data was analysed by using text analysis towards the Mangkunagaran dance style and the context analysis towards the role of Mangkunagaran dance in the custom and tradition had by Pura Mangkunagaran
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