67 research outputs found

    Failure detection, identification and reconfiguration - applications for a modular iron bird

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    The permanently fast growth of airline market must not lead to rising numbers of accidents. To improve aircraft safety, pilot workload has to be reeduced especially in critical situations. This paper describes the system architecture of a new test rig to evaluate the iron bird to demonstrate its potential deals with the evaluation of a solution for reconfiguration: elevator failures are compensated by using a new Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer Actuator concept with higher dynamics, which can be integrated in modern airliners. The test rig enables research on the interactions of different subsystems for failure detection, identification and reconfiguration of the modified controller by using Hardware-in-the-Loop tests of flight control actuators in combination with pilot evaluations in a cockpit simulator

    Noticing and Attending to Relational Process: A Dialogical Analysis of MSW Student Competency Development in Relational Therapy

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    We explored Masters of Social Work (MSW) student discourses of learning experiences related to Noticing and Attending to Relational Process (NARP) in a course devoted to clinical practice with families and couples. Within two to three weeks after completing recorded peer role-play assignments and receiving audio-recorded feedback from the instructor, five randomly selected students participated in an unstructured interpersonal process recall (IPR) interview. The instructor/first author queried students about specific role-play moments and reactions to instructor-produced, audio-recorded feedback regarding NARP competencies. We used dialogical analysis to identify discourses and rhetorical features of interview data. Five primary themes emerged. Based on our Bahktinian interpretation of interview data with students, our findings also demonstrated multi-voiced discourses, indicating students’ internal struggle to make sense of NARP and respond to instructor feedback. Educators and practitioners can more intentionally attune themselves to these discourses, potentially opening avenues for stronger social work service provision

    Neuropeptide Y 3-36 is an endogenous ligand selective for Y2 receptors

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    Neuropeptide Y (NPY 1-36) binds to Y1 and Y2 receptors with similar affinity. No endogenous molecular form of NPY with selectivity for Y1 or Y2 receptors has been described so far. We report the presence of an endogenous fragment of NPY in porcine brain, NPY 3-36, which lacks the amino-terminal dipeptide Tyr-Pro of NPY 1-36. NPY 3-36 accounts for 35% of NPY-like immunoreactivity in porcine brain. We have compared binding of NPY 3-36 and NPY 1-36 in model systems of Y1-like (SK-N-MC cells) and Y2-like receptors (CHP234 cells). NPY 3-36 and NPY 1-36 had similarly high affinity for Y2-like receptors on CHP234 cells, but NPY 3-36 had a 1000-fold lower affinity than NPY 1-36 for Y1-like receptors on SK-N-MC cells. Thus amino-terminal cleavage of NPY 1-36 generating NPY 3-36 converts an unselective Y1/Y2 receptor ligand into a highly Y2 selective ligand. This may be a means of fine tuning NPY biological action

    European Renal Best Practice endorsement of guidelines for diagnosis and therapy of thrombotic thrombocytopaenic purpura published by the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis A European Renal Best Practice (ERBP) endorsement of ISTH Guidelines for Treatment of Thrombotic Thrombocytopaenic Purpura (TTP) with some refinements for Europe

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    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a life-threatening disease that is caused by severe ADAMTS-13 deficiency. Immune-mediated TTP develops due to autoantibodies against ADAMTS-13, whereas congenital TTP is caused by mutations in the ADAMTS13 gene. Diagnostic possibilities and treatment options in TTP have emerged in recent years, which prompted the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) to publish clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of TTP in 2020. In this article, the European Renal Best Practice Working Group endorsed the ISTH guidelines and emphasizes a number of considerations, including the importance of rapid ADAMTS-13 activity testing, the use of rituximab and anti-von Willebrand factor therapies such as caplacizumab, that enhance the clinical applicability of the guidelines in Europe
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