1,163 research outputs found

    A high-fat diet containing whole walnuts (Juglans regia) reduces tumour size and growth along with plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 in the transgenic adenocarcinoma of the mouse prostate model.

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) has been linked to fat intake, but the effects of both different dietary fat levels and types remain inconsistent and incompletely characterised. The effects on PCa in the transgenic adenocarcinoma of the mouse prostate (TRAMP) cancer model of an elevated fat (20 % of energy as fat) diet containing 155 g of whole walnuts were compared to those of an elevated fat (20 % of energy as soyabean oil) diet with matched macronutrients, tocopherols as well as a low-fat (8 % of energy as soyabean oil) diet. Mice, starting at 8 weeks of age, consumed one of the three different diets ad libitum; and prostates, livers and blood were obtained after 9, 18 or 24 weeks of feeding. No differences were observed in whole animal growth rates in either high-fat (HF) diet group, but prostate tumour weight and growth rate were reduced in the walnut diet group. Walnut diet group prostate weight, plasma insulin-like growth factor 1, resistin and LDL were lower at 18 weeks, while no statistically significant prostate weight differences by diet were seen at 9 or 24 weeks. Multiple metabolites in the livers differed by diet at 9 and 18 weeks. The walnut diet's beneficial effects probably represent the effects of whole walnuts' multiple constituents and not via a specific fatty acid or tocopherols. Moreover, as the two HF diets had dissimilar effects on prostate tumour growth rate and size, and yet had the same total fat and tocopherol composition and content, this suggests that these are not strongly linked to PCa growth

    Računanje vrpčaste strukture nelokalnim pseudopotencijalima

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    Energy bands of Rb and Cs have been calculated for the first time using average or effective pseudopotentials obtained from non-local ones. It is shown that the results so obtained compare well to those obtained with full non-local calculations.Načinili smo prve račune energijskih vrpci Rb i Cs primjenom prosječnog ili efektivnog pseudopotencijala koji smo izveli iz nelokalnih pseudopotencijala. Pokazuje se dobra suglasnost ishoda tih računa i računa primjenom potpunih nelokalnih pseudopotencijala

    Configure A VoIP Network

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    Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) is a protocol aimed towards the optimization of voice transmission over the internet and other networks based on packet switching. The birth of VoIP came as an alternative for the much expensive public switch telephone network (PSTN) for voice transmission. A VoIP-enabled speech server can include a speech application which can be configured to communicate With a VoIP telephony gateway server over a VoIP communications path. The VoIP-enabled speech server can also include a VoIP compliant call control interface to the VoIP telephony gate server, the VoIP-compliant call control interface establishing the VoIP communications path. In operation, the speech application can receive VoIP-compliant packets from the VoIP telephony gate Way server over the VoIP communications path. Subsequently, digitized audio data can be reconstructed from the VoIP-compliant packets, and the digitized audio data can be speech-to-text converted. Additionally, text can be synthesized into digitized audio data and the digitized audio data can be encapsulated in VoIP-compliant packets which can be transmitted over the VoIP communications path to the telephony gate Way server. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16047

    Host transcriptome and microbiome interaction modulates physiology of full-sibs broilers with divergent feed conversion ratio

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    Efficient livestock production relies on effective conversion of feed into body weight gain (BWG). High levels of feed conversion are especially important in production of broiler chickens, birds reared for meat, where economic margins are tight. Traits associated with improved broiler growth and feed efficiency have been subjected to intense genetic selection, but measures such as feed conversion ratio (FCR) remain variable, even between full siblings (sibs). Non-genetic factors such as the composition and function of microbial populations within different enteric compartments have been recognized to influence FCR, although the extent of interplay between hosts and their microbiomes is unclear. To examine host–microbiome interactions we investigated variation in the composition and functions of host intestinal-hepatic transcriptomes and the intestinal microbiota of full-sib broilers with divergent FCR. Progeny from 300 broiler families were assessed for divergent FCR set against shared genetic backgrounds and exposure to the same environmental factors. The seven most divergent full-sib pairs were chosen for analysis, exhibiting marked variation in transcription of genes as well as gut microbial diversity. Examination of enteric microbiota in low FCR sibs revealed variation in microbial community structure and function with no difference in feed intake compared to high FCR sibs. Gene transcription in low and high FCR sibs was significantly associated with the abundance of specific microbial taxa. Highly intertwined interactions between host transcriptomes and enteric microbiota are likely to modulate complex traits like FCR and may be amenable to selective modification with relevance to improving intestinal homeostasis and health

    Influence of the Presence of the Lorentz Force and its Direction on the Suppression of Secondary Flow in Two Different Orifices: A Numerical Study using OpenFOAM

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    The present analysis emphasized the presence of Lorentz force and its directional effect on the fluid flow and its structure in the channel with two differently shaped orifices. The flow through orifice causes the generation of the bubbles or eddies in the downstream flow. In this study, the numerical code is developed in the open source CFD tool kit OpenFOAM. The magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) principle is adopted to achieve the present objectives. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) has been carried out to predict the flow features at fixed Reynolds number of Re = 1000 and blockage ratio of 1:4 with the varying magnetic field. The magnetic field is varied in term of Hartmann number (Ha) in the direction normal to the flow of fluid. The induced Lorentz force considerably occupies the wake flow area downstream of the throat and hence suppressed down the vortices in the flow. The results obtained has the promising effect of suppressing down the vortex flow past two different orifices produced by the electromagnetic pressure gradient. The present study shows the MHD based flow can be significantly employed for the flow past orifice or any arbitrary obstacle in order to achieve the flow without wake region. The current analysis suggests the method of vortex control by producing Lorentz force using magnetic field without modification of geometry or additional use of devices into the system

    X-ray detection with zinc-blende (cubic) GaN Schottky diodes

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    The room temperature X-ray responses as functions of time of two n type cubic GaN Schottky diodes (200 μm and 400 μm diameters) are reported. The current densities as functions of time for both diodes showed fast turn-on transients and increases in current density when illuminated with X-ray photons of energy up to 35 keV. The diodes were also electrically characterized: capacitance, implied depletion width and dark current measurements as functions of applied bias at room temperature are presented. At −5 V reverse bias, the capacitances of the diodes were measured to be (84.05 ± 0.01) pF and (121.67 ± 0.02) pF, respectively. At −5 V reverse bias, the dark current densities of the diodes were measured to be (347.2 ± 0.4) mA cm−2 and (189.0 ± 0.2) mA cm−2, respectively. The Schottky barrier heights of the devices (0.52 ± 0.07) eV and (0.63 ± 0.09) eV, respectively, were extracted from the forward dark current characteristics