413 research outputs found

    The effect of reionization on the CMB-density correlation

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    In this paper we show how the rescattering of CMB photons after cosmic reionization can give a significant linear contribution to the temperature-matter cross-correlation measurements. These anisotropies, which arise via a late time Doppler effect, are on scales much larger than the typical scale of non-linear effects at reionization; they can contribute to degree scale cross-correlations and could affect the interpretation of similar correlations resulting from the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. While expected to be small at low redshifts, these correlations can be large given a probe of the density at high redshift, and so could be a useful probe of the cosmic reionization history.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    An indirect limit on the amplitude of primordial Gravitational Wave Background from CMB-Galaxy Cross Correlation

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    While large scale cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies involve a combination of the scalar and tensor fluctuations, the scalar amplitude can be independently determined through the CMB-galaxy cross-correlation. Using recently measured cross-correlation amplitudes, arising from the cross-correlation between galaxies and the Integrated Sachs Wolfe effect in CMB anisotropies, we obtain a constraint r < 0.5 at 68% confidence level on the tensor-to-scalar fluctuation amplitude ratio. The data also allow us to exclude gravity waves at a level of a few percent, relative to the density field, in a low - Lambda dominated universe(Omega_Lambda~0.5). In future, joining cross-correlation ISW measurements, which captures cosmological parameter information, with independent determinations of the matter density and CMB anisotropy power spectrum, may constrain the tensor-to-scalar ratio to a level above 0.05. This value is the ultimate limit on tensor-to-scalar ratio from temperature anisotropy maps when all other cosmological parameters except for the tensor amplitude are known and the combination with CMB-galaxy correlation allows this limit to be reached easily by accounting for degeneracies in certain cosmological parameters.Comment: 5 Pages, 1 Figure, revised discussion on cosmic variance limits on the tensor-to-scalar ratio from CMB, matches PRD accepted versio

    Effects of standard and modified gravity on interplanetary ranges

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    We numerically investigate the impact on the two-body range by several Newtonian and non-Newtonian dynamical effects for some Earth-planet (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) pairs in view of the expected cm-level accuracy in some future planned or proposed interplanetary ranging operations (abridged).Comment: LaTex, World Scientific style, 46 pages, 55 figures, 1 table, 57 references. Version in press in International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD

    Cosmological and Solar-System Tests of f(R) Modified Gravity

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    We investigate the cosmological and the local tests of the f(R) theory of modified gravity via the observations of (1) the cosmic expansion and (2) the cosmic structures and via (3) the solar-system experiments. To fit the possible cosmic expansion histories under consideration, for each of them we reconstruct f(R), known as "designer f(R)". We then test the designer f(R) via the cosmic-structure constraints on the metric perturbation ratio Psi/Phi and the effective gravitational coupling G_eff and via the solar-system constraints on the Brans-Dicke theory with the chameleon mechanism. We find that among the designer f(R) models specified by the CPL effective equation of state w_eff, only the model closely mimicking general relativity with a cosmological constant (LambdaCDM) can survive all the tests. Accordingly, these tests rule out the frequently studied "w_eff = -1" designer f(R) models which are distinct in cosmic structures from LambdaCDM. When considering only the cosmological tests, we find that the surviving designer f(R) models, although exist for a variety of w_eff, entail fine-tuning.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, LaTe

    Dark energy survey year 3 results: High-precision measurement and modeling of galaxy-galaxy lensing

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    We present and characterize the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal measured using the first three years of data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES Y3) covering 4132 deg2. These galaxy-galaxy measurements are used in the DES Y3 3 × 2 pt cosmological analysis, which combines weak lensing and galaxy clustering information. We use two lens samples: a magnitude-limited sample and the redmagic sample, which span the redshift range ∼0.2-1 with 10.7 and 2.6 M galaxies, respectively. For the source catalog, we use the metacalibration shape sample, consisting of ≃100 M galaxies separated into four tomographic bins. Our galaxy-galaxy lensing estimator is the mean tangential shear, for which we obtain a total SNR of ∼148 for maglim (∼120 for redmagic), and ∼67 (∼55) after applying the scale cuts of 6 Mpc/h. Thus we reach percent-level statistical precision, which requires that our modeling and systematic-error control be of comparable accuracy. The tangential shear model used in the 3 × 2 pt cosmological analysis includes lens magnification, a five-parameter intrinsic alignment model, marginalization over a point mass to remove information from small scales and a linear galaxy bias model validated with higher-order terms. We explore the impact of these choices on the tangential shear observable and study the significance of effects not included in our model, such as reduced shear, source magnification, and source clustering. We also test the robustness of our measurements to various observational and systematics effects, such as the impact of observing conditions, lens-source clustering, random-point subtraction, scale-dependent metacalibration responses, point spread function residuals, and B mode

    ISW effect in Unified Dark Matter Scalar Field Cosmologies: an analytical approach

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    We perform an analytical study of the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect within the framework of Unified Dark Matter models based on a scalar field which aim at a unified description of dark energy and dark matter. Computing the temperature power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies we are able to isolate those contributions that can potentially lead to strong deviations from the usual ISW effect occurring in a Λ\LambdaCDM universe. This helps to highlight the crucial role played by the sound speed in the Unified Dark Matter models. Our treatment is completely general in that all the results depend only on the speed of sound of the dark component and thus it can be applied to a variety of unified models, including those which are not described by a scalar field but relies on a single dark fluid.Comment: 15 pages, LateX file; one comment after Eq.(36) and formula (44) added in order to underline procedure and main results. Accepted for publication in JCAP; some typos correcte

    Constraints on Gauss-Bonnet Gravity in Dark Energy Cosmologies

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    Models with a scalar field coupled to the Gauss-Bonnet Lagrangian appear naturally from Kaluza-Klein compactifications of pure higher-dimensional gravity. We study linear, cosmological perturbations in the limits of weak coupling and slow-roll, and derive simple expressions for the main observable sub-horizon quantities: the anisotropic stress factor, the time-dependent gravitational constant, and the matter perturbation growth factor. Using present observational data, and assuming slow-roll for the dark energy field, we find that the fraction of energy density associated with the coupled Gauss-Bonnet term cannot exceed 15%. The bound should be treated with caution, as there are significant uncertainies in the data used to obtain it. Even so, it indicates that the future prospects for constraining the coupled Gauss-Bonnet term with cosmological observations are encouraging.Comment: 15 pages. v3: extended analysis, conclusions change

    Constraints on scalar-tensor theories of gravity from observations

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    In spite of their original discrepancy, both dark energy and modified theory of gravity can be parameterized by the effective equation of state (EOS) ω\omega for the expansion history of the Universe. A useful model independent approach to the EOS of them can be given by so-called Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) parametrization where two parameters of it (ω0\omega_{0} and ωa\omega_{a}) can be constrained by the geometrical observations which suffer from degeneracies between models. The linear growth of large scale structure is usually used to remove these degeneracies. This growth can be described by the growth index parameter γ\gamma and it can be parameterized by γ0+γa(1−a)\gamma_{0} + \gamma_{a} (1 - a) in general. We use the scalar-tensor theories of gravity (STG) and show that the discernment between models is possible only when γa\gamma_a is not negligible. We show that the linear density perturbation of the matter component as a function of redshift severely constrains the viable subclasses of STG in terms of ω\omega and γ\gamma. From this method, we can rule out or prove the viable STG in future observations. When we use Z(ϕ)=1Z(\phi) =1, FF shows the convex shape of evolution in a viable STG model. The viable STG models with Z(ϕ)=1Z(\phi) = 1 are not distinguishable from dark energy models when we strongly limit the solar system constraint.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figures, 2 tables, submitted to JCA

    Constraints on AGN feedback from its Sunyaev-Zel'dovich imprint on the cosmic background radiation

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    We derive constraints on feedback by active galactic nuclei (AGN) by setting limits on their thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) imprint on the cosmic microwave background. The amplitude of any SZ signature is small and degenerate with the poorly known sub-mm spectral energy distribution of the AGN host galaxy and other unresolved dusty sources along the line of sight. Here we break this degeneracy by combining microwave and sub-mm data from Planck\textit{Planck} with all-sky far-infrared maps from the AKARI satellite. We first test our measurement pipeline using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) redMaPPer catalogue of galaxy clusters, finding a highly significant detection (>20σ\sigma) of the SZ effect together with correlated dust emission. We then constrain the SZ signal associated with spectroscopically confirmed quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) from SDSS data release 7 (DR7) and the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) DR12. We obtain a low-significance (1.6σ\sigma) hint of an SZ signal, pointing towards a mean thermal energy of ≃\simeq5 × 1060^{60} erg, lower than reported in some previous studies. A comparison of our results with high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations including AGN feedback suggests QSO host masses of M200cM_{200c} ~ 4 × 1012h−1^{12}h^{-1}M⊙_\odot, but with a large uncertainty. Our analysis provides no conclusive evidence for an SZ signal specifically associated with AGN feedback.BS acknowledges support from an Isaac Newton Studentship at the University of Cambridge and from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). TG acknowledges support from the Kavli Foundation and STFC grant ST/L000636/1. DS acknowledges support by the STFC and the ERC Starting Grant 638707 ‘Black holes and their host galaxies: coevolution across cosmic time’. This research is based on observations obtained with Planck (http://www.esa.int/Planck), an ESA science mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by ESA Member States, NASA and Canada. Furthermore, it is, in parts, based on observations with AKARI, a JAXA project with the participation of ESA. Funding for SDSS-III has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. The SDSS-III web site is http://www.sdss3.org/. SDSS-III is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions of the SDSS-III Collaboration
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