523 research outputs found

    A deep submillimetre survey of the Galactic Centre

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    We present first results from a submillimetre continuum survey of the Galactic Centre `Central Molecular Zone' (CMZ), made with SCUBA on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. SCUBA's scan-map mode has allowed us to make extremely wide-field maps of thermal dust emission with unprecedented speed and sensitivity. We also discuss some issues related to the elimination of artefacts in scan-map data. Our simultaneous 850/450 micron maps have a total size of approximately 2.8 x 0.5 degrees (400 x 75 pc) elongated along the galactic plane. They cover the Sgr A region-including Sgr A*, the circumnuclear disc, and the +20 km/s and +50 km/s clouds; the area around the Pistol; Sgr B2-the brightest feature on the map; and at their Galactic Western and Eastern edges the Sgr C and Sgr D regions. There are many striking features such as filaments and shell-like structures, as well as point sources such as Sgr A* itself. The total mass in the Central Molecular Zone is greater than that revealed in previous optically-thin molecular line maps by a factor of ~3, and new details are revealed on scales down to 0.33 pc across this 400 pc wide region.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, (figures now smaller, in paper body), accepted by ApJ

    Interferometric Mapping of Magnetic fields: NGC2071IR

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    We present polarization maps of NGC2071IR from thermal dust emission at 1.3 mm and from CO J=212 \to 1 line emission. The observations were obtained using the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association array in the period 2002-2004. We detected dust and line polarized emission from NGC2071IR that we used to constrain the morphology of the magnetic field. From CO J=212 \to 1 polarized emission we found evidence for a magnetic field in the powerful bipolar outflow present in this region. We calculated a visual extinction Av26A_{\rm{v}} \approx 26 mag from our dust observations. This result, when compared with early single dish work, seems to show that dust grains emit polarized radiation efficiently at higher densities than previously thought. Mechanical alignment by the outflow is proposed to explain the polarization pattern observed in NGC2071IR, which is consistent with the observed flattening in this source.Comment: 17 pages, 4 Figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Detection of Cold Dust in Cas A: Evidence for the Formation of Metallic Needles in the Ejecta

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    Recently, Dunne et al. (2003) obtained 450 and 850 micron SCUBA images of CasA, and reported the detection of 2-4 M_sun of cold, 18K, dust in the remnant. Here we show that their interpretation of the observations faces serious difficulties. Their inferred dust mass is larger than the mass of refractory material in the ejecta of a 10 to 30 M_sun star. The cold dust model faces even more difficulties if the 170 micron observations of the remnant are included in the analysis, decreasing the cold dust temperature to ~ 8K, and increasing its mass to > 20 M_sun. We offer here a more plausible interpretation of their observation, in which the cold dust emission is generated by conducting needles with properties that are completely determined by the combined submillimeter and X-ray observations of the remnant. The needles consist of metallic whiskers with <1% of embedded impurities that may have condensed out of blobs of material that were expelled at high velocities from the inner metal-rich layers of the star in an asymmetric explosion. The needles are collisionally heated by the shocked gas to a temperature of 8K. Taking the destruction of needles into account, a dust mass of only 1E-4 to 1E-3M_sun is needed to account for the observed SCUBA emission. Aligned in the magnetic field, needles may give rise to observable polarized emission. The detection of submillimeter polarization will therefore offer definitive proof for a needle origin for the cold dust emission. Supernovae may still be proven to be important sources of interstellar dust, but the evidence is still inconclusive.Comment: 18 pages including 4 figures. Accepted for publication in the ApJ. Missing reference adde

    Electric Dipole Radiation from Spinning Dust Grains

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    We discuss the rotational excitation of small interstellar grains and the resulting electric dipole radiation from spinning dust. Attention is given to excitation and damping of rotation by: collisions with neutrals; collisions with ions; plasma drag; emission of infrared radiation; emission of microwave radiation; photoelectric emission; and formation of H_2 on the grain surface. We introduce dimensionless functions F and G which allow direct comparison of the contributions of different mechanisms to rotational drag and excitation. Emissivities are estimated for dust in different phases of the interstellar medium, including diffuse HI, warm HI, low-density photoionized gas, and cold molecular gas. Spinning dust grains can explain much, and perhaps all, of the 14-50 GHz background component recently observed in CBR studies. It should be possible to detect rotational emission from small grains by ground-based observations of molecular clouds.Comment: 59 pages, 19 eps figures, uses aaspp4.sty . Submitted to Ap.

    A molecular shell with star formation toward the supernova remnant G349.7+0.2

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    A field of ~38'x38' around the supernova remnant (SNR) G349.7+0.2 has been surveyed in the CO J=1-0 transition with the 12 Meter Telescope of the NRAO, using the On-The-Fly technique. The resolution of the observations is 54". We have found that this remnant is interacting with a small CO cloud which, in turn, is part of a much larger molecular complex, which we call the ``Large CO Shell''. The Large CO Shell has a diameter of about 100 pc, an H_2 mass of 930,000 solar masses, and a density of 35 cm-3. We investigate the origin of this structure and suggest that an old supernova explosion ocurred about 4 million years ago, as a suitable hypothesis. Analyzing the interaction between G349.7+0.2 and the Large CO Shell, it is possible to determine that the shock front currently driven into the molecular gas is a non-dissociative shock (C-type), in agreement with the presence of OH 1720 MHz masers. The positional and kinematical coincidence among one of the CO clouds that constitute the Large CO Shell, an IRAS point-like source and an ultracompact H II region, indicate the presence of a recently formed star. We suggest that the formation of this star was triggered during the expansion of the Large CO Shell, and suggest the possibility that the same expansion also created the progenitor star of G349.7+0.2. The Large CO Shell would then be one of the few observational examples of supernova-induced star formation.Comment: accepted in Astronomical Journal, corrected typo in the abstract (in first line, 38' instead of 38"

    The Distance to the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1627-41

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    We report millimeter observations of the line of sight to the recently discovered Soft Gamma Repeater, SGR 1627-41, which has been tentatively associated with the supernova remnant SNR G337.0-0.1 Among the eight molecular clouds along the line of sight to SGR 1627-41, we show that SNR G337.0-0.1 is probably interacting with one of the most massive giant molecular clouds (GMC) in the Galaxy, at a distance of 11 kpc from the sun. Based on the high extinction to the persistent X-ray counterpart of SGR 1627-41, we present evidence for an association of this new SGR with the SNR G337.0-0.1; they both appear to be located on the near side of the GMC. This is the second SGR located near an extraordinarily massive GMC. We suggest that SGR 1627-41 is a neutron star with a high transverse velocity (~ 1,000 \kms) escaping the young (~ 5,000 years) supernova remnant G337.0-0.1Comment: 17 pages, including 2 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    A Cluster of Compact Radio Sources in NGC 2024 (Orion B)

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    We present deep 3.6 cm radio continuum observations of the H II region NGC 2024 in Orion B obtained using the Very Large Array in its A-configuration, with 0.20\rlap.{''}2 angular resolution. We detect a total of 25 compact radio sources in a region of 4×44' \times 4'. We discuss the nature of these sources and its relation with the infrared and X-ray objects in the region. At least two of the radio sources are obscured proplyds whose morphology can be used to restrict the location of the main ionizing source of the region. This cluster of radio sources is compared with others that have been found in regions of recent star formation.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    HST/NICMOS Observations of the Embedded Cluster in NGC 2024: Constraints on the IMF and Binary Fraction

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    We present an analysis of NICMOS observations of the embedded cluster associated with NGC 2024. An analysis of the cluster color-magnitude diagram (CMD) using the models of D'Antona & Mazzitelli (1997) and Baraffe et al. (1998) indicates that the ratio of intermediate mass (1.0 to 10.0 M_sun) to low mass (0.1 to 1.0 M_sun) stars is consistent with the stellar initial mass function (IMF) for the field. In addition to the CMD analysis, we present results on the multiplicity of stars in the region. Three companions (in a sample of 95 potential primaries) were found, with angular separations between 0".4 and 1".0, translating to a projected linear separation of 184 AU to 460 AU for an estimated distance of 460 pc. The completeness of binary detections is assessed using recovery fractions calculated by a series of tests using artificially generated companions to potential primaries in the data frames. We find that the binary fraction in NGC 2024 is consistent with that of Duquennoy & Mayor (1991) for solar neighborhood stars over the range of separations and companion masses appropriate for our survey.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, accepted to the Astronomical Journa