14,462 research outputs found

    Pressure-driven flow of solid helium

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    The recent torsional oscillator results of Kim and Chan suggest a supersolid phase transition in solid 4He. We have used a piezoelectrically driven diaphragm to study the flow of solid helium through an array of capillaries. Our measurements showed no indication of low temperature flow, placing stringent restrictions on supersolid flow in response to a pressure difference. The average flow speed at low temperatures was less than 1.2x10-14 m/s, corresponding to a supersolid velocity at least 7 orders of magnitude smaller than the critical velocities inferred from the torsional oscillator measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Manufacturing checkout of orbital operational stages Midterm report, period ending 24 Feb. 1965

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    Manufacturing checkout of orbital operational Saturn S-IVB stage and instrument unit for parking orbit operation

    Dynamics of Low-Density Ultracold Rydberg Gases

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    Population dynamics in weakly-excited clouds of ultracold 87^{87}Rb Rydberg atoms were studied by means of trap loss, fluorescence detection, and state dependent stimulated emission. Rydberg atoms were excited to various nl Rydberg states via continuous two-photon excitation from a magneto-optical trap. A stimulated emission probe laser was then used to bring the Rydberg atoms down to the 6P3/2_{3/2} state, allowing state-dependent detection of the Rydberg atoms. Measurements of trap loss and fluorescent emission reveal information about the evolution of the Rydberg populations. In particular, population in the initial Rydberg state quickly transfers to other Rydberg states by a non-collisional mechanism, likely superradiant emission. The trap-loss measurements are consistent with black-body ionization as the dominant loss mechanism.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Universality of residence-time distributions in non-adiabatic stochastic resonance

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    We present mathematically rigorous expressions for the residence-time and first-passage-time distributions of a periodically forced Brownian particle in a bistable potential. For a broad range of forcing frequencies and amplitudes, the distributions are close to periodically modulated exponential ones. Remarkably, the periodic modulations are governed by universal functions, depending on a single parameter related to the forcing period. The behaviour of the distributions and their moments is analysed, in particular in the low- and high-frequency limits.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure New version includes distinction between first-passage-time and residence-time distribution

    The Arecibo L-band Feed Array Zone of Avoidance Survey I: Precursor Observations through the Inner and Outer Galaxy

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    The Arecibo L-band Feed Array (ALFA) is being used to conduct a low-Galactic latitude survey, to map the distribution of galaxies and large-scale structures behind the Milky Way through detection of galaxies' neutral hydrogen (HI) 21-cm emission. This Zone of Avoidance (ZOA) survey finds new HI galaxies which lie hidden behind the Milky Way, and also provides redshifts for partially-obscured galaxies known at other wavelengths. Before the commencement of the full survey, two low-latitude precursor regions were observed, totalling 138 square degrees, with 72 HI galaxies detected. Detections through the inner Galaxy generally have no cataloged counterparts in any other waveband, due to the heavy extinction and stellar confusion. Detections through the outer Galaxy are more likely to have 2MASS counterparts. We present the results of these precursor observations, including a catalog of the detected galaxies, with their HI parameters. The survey sensitivity is well described by a flux- and linewidth-dependent signal-to-noise ratio of 6.5. ALFA ZOA galaxies which also have HI measurements in the literature show good agreement between our measurements and previous work. The inner Galaxy precursor region was chosen to overlap the HI Parkes Zone of Avoidance Survey so ALFA performance could be quickly assessed. The outer Galaxy precursor region lies north of the Parkes sky. Low-latitude large-scale structure in this region is revealed, including an overdensity of galaxies near l = 183 deg and between 5000 - 6000 km/s in the ZOA. The full ALFA ZOA survey will be conducted in two phases: a shallow survey using the observing techniques of the precursor observations, and also a deep phase with much longer integration time, with thousands of galaxies predicted for the final catalog.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, Astronomical Journal accepte

    Effects of elevational range shift on the morphology and physiology of a carabid beetle invading the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands.

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    Climatic changes can induce geographic expansion and altitudinal shifts in the distribution of invasive species by offering more thermally suitable habitats. At the remote sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands, the predatory insect Merizodus soledadinus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), introduced in 1913, rapidly invaded coastal habitats. More recent colonisation of higher elevation habitats by this species could be underlain by their increased thermal suitability as the area has warmed. This study compared the effect of elevational range shift on the morphology and physiology of adult M. soledadinus sampled along two altitudinal transects (from the foreshore to 250 m a.s.l.) and a horizontal lowland transect orthogonal to the seashore (400 m length). Although high inter-individual and inter-transect variations in the traits examined were present, we observed that body mass of males and females tended to decrease with elevation, and that triglyceride contents decreased with distance from the shore. Moreover, protein contents of females as well as those of 26 metabolites were influenced significantly by distance to the foreshore. These results suggest that future climate change at the Kerguelen Islands will further assist the colonisation of lowland inland and higher altitude habitats by this aggressively invasive predator, by making previously sub-optimal habitats progressively more suitable

    Superscaling in inclusive electron-nucleus scattering

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    We investigate the degree to which the scaling functions F(ψ′)F(\psi') derived from cross sections for inclusive electron-nucleus quasi-elastic scattering define the same function for different nuclei. In the region where the scaling variable ψ′<0\psi'< 0, we find that this superscaling is experimentally realized to a high degree.Comment: Corrected previously mislabeled figures and cross references; 9 pages, 4 color figures, using BoxedEPS and REVTeX; email correspondence to [email protected]
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