15,527 research outputs found

    Bootstrapping trust evaluations through stereotypes

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    Renormalization of spectral lineshape and dispersion below Tc in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d

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    Angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) data in the superconducting state of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d show a kink in the dispersion along the zone diagonal, which is related via a Kramers-Kronig analysis to a drop in the low-energy scattering rate. As one moves towards (pi,0), this kink evolves into a spectral dip. The occurrence of these anomalies in the dispersion and lineshape throughout the zone indicate the presence of a new energy scale in the superconducting state.Comment: New Figure 3 with expanded discussio

    Protostar Formation in Magnetic Molecular Clouds beyond Ion Detachment: I. Formulation of the Problem and Method of Solution

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    We formulate the problem of the formation of magnetically supercritical cores in magnetically subcritical parent molecular clouds, and the subsequent collapse of the cores to high densities, past the detachment of ions from magnetic field lines and into the opaque regime. We employ the six-fluid MHD equations, accounting for the effects of grains (negative, positive and neutral) including their inelastic collisions with other species. We do not assume that the magnetic flux is frozen in any of the charged species. We derive a generalized Ohm's law that explicitly distinguishes between flux advection (and the associated process of ambipolar diffusion) and Ohmic dissipation, in order to assess the contribution of each mechanism to the increase of the mass-to-flux ratio of the central parts of a collapsing core and possibly to the resolution of the magnetic flux problem of star formation. We show how our formulation is related to and can be transformed into the traditional, directional formulation of the generalized Ohm's law, and we derive formulae for the perpendicular, parallel and Hall conductivities entering the latter, which include, for the first time, the effect of inelastic collisions between grains. In addition, we present a general (valid in any geometry) solution for the velocities of charged species as functions of the velocity of the neutrals and of the effective flux velocity (which can in turn be calculated from the dynamics of the system and Faraday's law). The last two sets of formulae can be adapted for use in any general non-ideal MHD code to study phenomena beyond star formation in magnetic clouds. The results, including a detailed parameter study, are presented in two accompanying papers.Comment: 17 pages, emulateapj; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Chemical analysis by X-ray spectroscopy near phase transitions in the solid state

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    The methods discussed in this work show that the types of changes which may be observed, by precise XAS measurements of Absorbance A versus temperature, across a phase transition are: the changes in the relaxation time of the final states due to fluctuations near a phase transition; the detection of the anomalous Bragg condition coupled to phonon modes XAS enhancement that identifies the temperature interval where the phonon modes are active, the symmetry changes which introduce new allowed transitions to finite states below an element edge, near Tc indicate what symmetry changes occur, and the method of XTDAFST0 = XAFS(T) - XAFS(T0), allows the precise measurement of the progressive changes in the Debye-Waller factor versus T near a phase transition, and identify (when no other structural changes occur, except in the vibrational modes of a specific bond) the bond responsible for the transition. The methods have been applied to the superconducting transition in layer cuprates and the metal to insulator transition in NiS2-xSex

    Odd Parity and Line Nodes in Non-Symmorphic Superconductors

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    Group theory arguments have been invoked to argue that odd parity order parameters cannot have line nodes in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. In this paper we show that these arguments do not hold for certain non-symmorphic superconductors. Specifically, we demonstrate that when the underlying crystal has a twofold screw axis, half of the odd parity representations vanish on the Brillouin zone face perpendicular to this axis. Many unconventional superconductors have non-symmorphic space groups, and we discuss implications for several materials, including UPt3, UBe13, Li2Pt3B and Na4Ir3O8.Comment: 4 page

    Quasiparticles in the superconducting state of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8

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    Recent improvements in momentum resolution by a factor of 32 lead to qualitatively new ARPES results on the spectra of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 (Bi2212) along the (pi,pi) direction, where there is a node in the superconducting gap. With improved resolution, we now see the intrinsic lineshape, which indicates the presence of true quasiparticles at the Fermi momentum in the superconducting state, and lack thereof in the normal state. The region of momentum space probed here is relevant for charge transport, motivating a comparison of our results to conductivity measurements by infrared reflectivity.Comment: revised paper with new figure

    On the determination of the Fermi surface in high-Tc superconductors by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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    We study the normal state electronic excitations probed by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) in Bi2201 and Bi2212. Our main goal is to establish explicit criteria for determining the Fermi surface from ARPES data on strongly interacting systems where sharply defined quasiparticles do not exist and the dispersion is very weak in parts of the Brillouin zone. Additional complications arise from strong matrix element variations within the zone. We present detailed results as a function of incident photon energy, and show simple experimental tests to distinguish between an intensity drop due to matrix element effects and spectral weight loss due to a Fermi crossing. We reiterate the use of polarization selection rules in disentangling the effect of umklapps due to the BiO superlattice in Bi2212. We conclude that, despite all the complications, the Fermi surface can be determined unambiguously: it is a single large hole barrel centered about (pi,pi) in both materials.Comment: Expanded discussion of symmetrization method in Section 5, figures remain the sam

    On the Physical Origin of OVI Absorption-Line Systems

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    We present a unified analysis of the O{\sc vi} absorption-lines seen in the disk and halo of the Milky Way, high velocity clouds, the Magellanic Clouds, starburst galaxies, and the intergalactic medium. We show that these disparate systems define a simple relationship between the O{\sc vi} column density and absorption-line width that is independent of the Oxygen abundance over the range O/H ∌\sim 10% to twice solar. We show that this relation is exactly that predicted theoretically as a radiatively cooling flow of hot gas passes through the coronal temperature regime - independent of its density or metallicity (for O/H ≳\gtrsim 0.1 solar). Since most of the intregalactic O{\sc vi} clouds obey this relation, we infer that they can not have metallicities less than a few percent solar. In order to be able to cool radiatively in less than a Hubble time, the intergalactic clouds must be smaller than ∌\sim1 Mpc in size. We show that the cooling column densities for the O{\sc iv}, O{\sc v}, Ne{\sc v}, and Ne{\sc vi} ions are comparable to those seen in O{\sc vi}. This is also true for the Li-like ions Ne{\sc viii}, Mg{\sc x}, and Si{\sc xii} (if the gas is cooling from T≳106T \gtrsim 10^6 K). All these ions have strong resonance lines in the extreme-ultraviolet spectral range, and would be accessible to FUSEFUSE at z≳z \gtrsim 0.2 to 0.8. We also show that the Li-like ions can be used to probe radiatively cooling gas at temperatures an order-of-magnitude higher than where their ionic fraction peaks. We calculate that the H-like (He-like) O, Ne, Mg, Si, and S ions have cooling columns of ∌1017\sim10^{17} cm−2^{-2}. The O{\sc vii}, O{\sc viii}, and Ne{\sc ix} X-ray absorption-lines towards PKS 2155-304 may arise in radiatively cooling gas in the Galactic disk or halo.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure
