616 research outputs found

    On the emission reduction through the application of an electrically heated catalyst to a diesel vehicle

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    Exhaust emissions from diesel engine powered vehicles are considerably high during cold start and warm‐up, because of the poor catalyst performance due to the insufficient catalyst temperature. The controlled heat injection allowed by electrically heated catalysts can effectively reduce the catalyst light‐off time with relatively moderate fuel penalty. This paper compares the exhaust temperature and emissions of a case study diesel vehicle in cold and warm start conditions, and proposes two electrically heated catalyst control strategies, which are evaluated in terms of emission reduction and energy consumption with different target temperature settings. In addition, a new performance indicator, that is, the specific emission reduction, is used to evaluate the after‐treatment system and associated thermal management. For the worldwide harmonized light vehicle test cycle, the results without electrically heated catalyst show that from both cold and warm start conditions a large amount of operating points of the engine is located in the region of partial catalyst light off. Moreover, emissions, especially in terms of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon, significantly decrease with the electrically heated catalyst implementation, for example, by at least 50% from cold start; however, they still tend to be rather substantial when the fuel is re‐injected after the engine cutoff phases. The exhaust temperature is lower than the target values in the sections of the driving cycle in which the electrically heated catalyst power is saturated according to the maximum level allowed by the device. The carbon dioxide penalty brought by the electrically heated catalyst ranges from 3.93% to 6.65% and from 6.49% to 9.35% for warm and cold start conditions, respectively

    Principle of Maximum Entropy Applied to Rayleigh-B\'enard Convection

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    A statistical-mechanical investigation is performed on Rayleigh-B\'enard convection of a dilute classical gas starting from the Boltzmann equation. We first present a microscopic derivation of basic hydrodynamic equations and an expression of entropy appropriate for the convection. This includes an alternative justification for the Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation. We then calculate entropy change through the convective transition choosing mechanical quantities as independent variables. Above the critical Rayleigh number, the system is found to evolve from the heat-conducting uniform state towards the convective roll state with monotonic increase of entropy on the average. Thus, the principle of maximum entropy proposed for nonequilibrium steady states in a preceding paper is indeed obeyed in this prototype example. The principle also provides a natural explanation for the enhancement of the Nusselt number in convection.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; typos corrected; Eq. (66a) corrected to remove a double counting for k⊄=0k_{\perp}=0; Figs. 1-4 replace

    Ubiquitination regulates PTEN nuclear import and tumor suppression

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    The PTEN tumor suppressor is frequently affected in cancer cells, and inherited PTEN mutation causes cancer-susceptibility conditions such as Cowden syndrome. PTEN acts as a plasma-membrane lipid-phosphatase antagonizing the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/AKT cell survival pathway. However, PTEN is also found in cell nuclei, but mechanism, function, and relevance of nuclear localization remain unclear. We show that nuclear PTEN is essential for tumor suppression and that PTEN nuclear import is mediated by its monoubiquitination. A lysine mutant of PTEN, K289E associated with Cowden syndrome, retains catalytic activity but fails to accumulate in nuclei of patient tissue due to an import defect. We identify this and another lysine residue as major monoubiquitination sites essential for PTEN import. While nuclear PTEN is stable, polyubiquitination leads to its degradation in the cytoplasm. Thus, we identify cancer-associated mutations of PTEN that target its posttranslational modification and demonstrate how a discrete molecular mechanism dictates tumor progression by differentiating between degradation and protection of PTEN

    Clinical significance of altered nm23-H1, EGFR, RB and p53 expression in bilharzial bladder cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Clinical characterization of bladder carcinomas is still inadequate using the standard clinico-pathological prognostic markers. We assessed the correlation between <it>nm23-H1</it>, <it>Rb, EGFR </it>and <it>p53 </it>in relation to the clinical outcome of patients with muscle invasive bilharzial bladder cancer (MI-BBC).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>nm23-H1</it>, <it>Rb, EGFR and p53 </it>expression was assessed in 59 MI-BBC patients using immunohistochemistry and reverse transcription (RT-PCR) and was correlated to the standard clinico-pathological prognostic factors, patient's outcome and the overall survival (OS) rate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overexpression of <it>EGFR </it>and <it>p53 </it>proteins was detected in 66.1% and 35.6%; respectively. Loss of <it>nm23-H1</it>and <it>Rb </it>proteins was detected in 42.4% and 57.6%; respectively. Increased <it>EGFR and </it>loss of <it>nm23-H1 </it>RNA were detected in 61.5% and 36.5%; respectively. There was a statistically significant correlation between <it>p53 </it>and <it>EGFR </it>overexpression (<it>p </it>< 0.0001), <it>nm23 </it>loss (protein and RNA), lymph node status (<it>p </it>< 0.0001); between the incidence of local recurrence and <it>EGFR </it>RNA overexpression (p= 0.003) as well as between the incidence of metastasis and altered <it>Rb </it>expression (<it>p </it>= 0.026), <it>p53 </it>overexpression (<it>p </it>< 0.0001) and mutation (<it>p </it>= 0.04). Advanced disease stage correlated significantly with increased <it>EGFR </it>(protein and RNA) (<it>p </it>= 0.003 & 0.01), reduced <it>nm23-H1 </it>RNA (<it>p </it>= 0.02), altered <it>Rb </it>(<it>p </it>= 0.023), and <it>p53 </it>overexpression (<it>p </it>= 0.004). OS rates correlated significantly, in univariate analysis, with <it>p53 </it>overexpression (<it>p </it>= 0.011), increased <it>EGFR </it>(protein and RNA, <it>p </it>= 0.034&0.031), <it>nm23-H1 RNA </it>loss (<it>p </it>= 0.021) and aberrations of ≄ 2 genes. However, multivariate analysis showed that only high <it>EGFR </it>overexpression, metastatic recurrence, high tumor grade and the combination of ≄ 2 affected markers were independent prognostic factors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>nm23-H1, EGFR </it>and <it>p53 </it>could be used as prognostic biomarkers in MI-BBC patients. In addition to the standard pathological prognostic factors, a combination of these markers (≄ 2) has synergistic effects in stratifying patients into variable risk groups. The higher is the number of altered biomarkers, the higher will be the risk of disease progression and death.</p

    Immune regulation in Chandipura virus infection: characterization of CD4+ T regulatory cells from infected mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Back ground</p> <p>Chandipura virus produces acute infection in mice. During infection drastic reduction of CD4+, CD8+ and CD19 + cell was noticed. Depletion of lymphocytes also noticed in spleen. The reduction may be due to the regulatory mechanism of immune system to prevent the bystander host tissue injury. There are several mechanisms like generation of regulatory cells, activation induced cell death (ACID) etc were indicated to control the activation and maintain cellular homeostasis. Role of regulatory cells in homeostasis has been described in several viral diseases. This study was undertaken to characterize CD4+T regulatory cells from the infected mice.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>In this study we purified the CD4+ T cells from Chandipura virus infected susceptible Balb/c mice. CD4+ T regulatory cells were identified by expression of cell surface markers CD25, CD127 and CTLA-4 and intracellular markers Foxp3, IL-10 and TGF-beta. Antigen specificity and ability to suppress the proliferation of other lymphocytes were studied <it>in vitro </it>by purified CD4+CD25+T regulatory cells from infected mice. The proliferation was calculated by proliferation module of Flow Jo software. Expression of death receptors on regulatory cells were studied by flowcytometer.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The CD4+ T cells isolated from infected mice expressed characteristic markers of regulatory phenotype at all post infective hours tested. The CD4+ T regulatory cells were proliferated when stimulated with Chandipura virus antigen. The regulatory cells did not suppress the proliferation of splenocytes stimulated with anti CD3 antibody when co cultured with them. Interesting observation was, while purification of CD4+ T cells by negative selection, the population of cells negative for CD4 also co purified along with CD4+ T cell. Flow cytometry analysis and light microscopy revealed that CD4 negative cells were of different size and shape (atypical) compared to the normal lymphocytes. Greater percentage of these atypical lymphocytes expressed <it>Fas </it>Ligand and Programmed Death1 (PD-1) receptor.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>From these results we concluded that virus specific CD4+T regulatory cells are generated during Chandipura virus infection in mice and these cells might control the activated lymphocytes during infection by different mechanism.</p

    Ras mutation cooperates with ÎČ-catenin activation to drive bladder tumourigenesis

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    Mutations in the Ras family of proteins (predominantly in H-Ras) occur in approximately 40% of urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC). However, relatively little is known about subsequent mutations/pathway alterations that allow tumour progression. Indeed, expressing mutant H-Ras within the mouse bladder does not lead to tumour formation, unless this is expressed at high levels. The Wnt signalling pathway is deregulated in approximately 25% of UCC, so we examined if this correlated with the activation of MAPK signalling in human UCC and found a significant correlation. To test the functional significance of this association we examined the impact of combining Ras mutation (H-RasQ61L or K-RasG12D) with an activating ÎČ-catenin mutation within the mouse bladder using Cre-LoxP technology. Although alone, neither Ras mutation nor ÎČ-catenin activation led to UCC (within 12 months), mice carrying both mutations rapidly developed UCC. Mechanistically this was associated with reduced levels of p21 with dependence on the MAPK signalling pathway. Moreover, tumours from these mice were sensitive to MEK inhibition. Importantly, in human UCC there was a negative correlation between levels of p-ERK and p21 suggesting that p21 accumulation may block tumour progression following Ras mutation. Taken together these data definitively show Ras pathway activation strongly cooperates with Wnt signalling to drive UCC in vivo

    A BAC-Based Transgenic Mouse Specifically Expresses an Inducible Cre in the Urothelium

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    Cre-loxp mediated conditional knockout strategy has played critical roles for revealing functions of many genes essential for development, as well as the causal relationships between gene mutations and diseases in the postnatal adult mice. One key factor of this strategy is the availability of mice with tissue- or cell type-specific Cre expression. However, the success of the traditional molecular cloning approach to generate mice with tissue specific Cre expression often depends on luck. Here we provide a better alternative by using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based recombineering to insert iCreERT2 cDNA at the ATG start of the Upk2 gene. The BAC-based transgenic mice express the inducible Cre specifically in the urothelium as demonstrated by mRNA expression and staining for LacZ expression after crossing with a Rosa26 reporter mouse. Taking into consideration the size of the gene of interest and neighboring genes included in a BAC, this method should be widely applicable for generation of mice with tissue specific gene expression or deletions in a more specific manner than previously reported
