66 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional transonic potential flow about complex 3-dimensional configurations

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    An analysis has been developed and a computer code written to predict three-dimensional subsonic or transonic potential flow fields about lifting or nonlifting configurations. Possible condfigurations include inlets, nacelles, nacelles with ground planes, S-ducts, turboprop nacelles, wings, and wing-pylon-nacelle combinations. The solution of the full partial differential equation for compressible potential flow written in terms of a velocity potential is obtained using finite differences, line relaxation, and multigrid. The analysis uses either a cylindrical or Cartesian coordinate system. The computational mesh is not body fitted. The analysis has been programmed in FORTRAN for both the CDC CYBER 203 and the CRAY-1 computers. Comparisons of computed results with experimental measurement are presented. Descriptions of the program input and output formats are included

    A theoretical and experimental investigation of smooth- and wavy ice layers in laminar and turbulent flow inside an asymmetrically cooled parallel-plate channel

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    The present paper shows the adaption of the numerical model originally developed by Weigand and Beer [14] for calculating steady-state ice layers inside an asymmetrically cooled parallel-plate channel. The investigation shows the characteristics in ice formation behaviour due to asymmetrically cooled walls. Further, a simple analytical model is presented for calculating smooth ice layers in turbulent flow. The study is supported by own measurements of the freezing fronts inside an asymmetrically cooled channel. A comparison between theoretical calculations and measurements shows generally good agreement.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Anwendung des von Weigand und Beer [14] entwickelten, numerischen Modells zur Vorhersage von Eisschichten in einem ebenen, asymmetrisch gekühlten Kanal. Die Studie befaßt sich mit den Unterschieden in der Eisschichtbildung aufgrund der asymmetrisch gekühlten Kanalwände. Weiterhin wird ein einfaches Verfahren angegeben, mit dem sich die Gestalt von glatten Eisschichten bei turbulenter Strömung und asymmetrischer Kühlung sehr einfach berechnen läßt. Die analytisch und numerisch gewonnenen Resultate werden anschließend mit eigenen Messungen von Eisschichten verglichen, wobei eine im allgemeinen gute Übereinstimmung zwischen Theorie und Experiment zu beobachten ist

    Multigrid Code for Three-Dimensional Transonic Potential Flow about Inlets

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    Transonic Potential Flow Computation about Three-Dimensional Inlets, Ducts, and Bodies

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    Cartesian Mesh Solution for Axisymmetric Transonic Potential Flow Around Inlets

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    Lag model for turbulent boundary layers over rough bleed surfaces

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    Inlet and Duct for the QSRA Boundary-Layer Control System

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    Performance Estimates for a Supersonic Axisymmetric Inlet System

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