310 research outputs found

    An ab initio theory of double odd-even mass differences in nuclei

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    Two aspects of the problem of evaluating double odd-even mass differences D_2 in semi-magic nuclei are studied related to existence of two components with different properties, a superfluid nuclear subsystem and a non-superfluid one. For the superfluid subsystem, the difference D_2 is approximately equal to 2\Delta, the gap \Delta being the solution of the gap equation. For the non-superfluid subsystem, D_2 is found by solving the equation for two-particle Green function for normal systems. Both equations under consideration contain the same effective pairing interaction. For the latter, the semi-microscopic model is used in which the main term calculated from the first principles is supplemented with a small phenomenological addendum containing one phenomenological parameter supposed to be universal for all medium and heavy atomic nuclei.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, Report at Nuclear Structure and Related Topics, Dubna, Russia, July 2 - July 7, 201

    Quasi-linear analysis of the extraordinary electron wave destabilized by runaway electrons

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    Runaway electrons with strongly anisotropic distributions present in post-disruption tokamak plasmas can destabilize the extraordinary electron (EXEL) wave. The present work investigates the dynamics of the quasi-linear evolution of the EXEL instability for a range of different plasma parameters using a model runaway distribution function valid for highly relativistic runaway electron beams produced primarily by the avalanche process. Simulations show a rapid pitch-angle scattering of the runaway electrons in the high energy tail on the 1001000  μs100-1000\;\rm \mu s time scale. Due to the wave-particle interaction, a modification to the synchrotron radiation spectrum emitted by the runaway electron population is foreseen, exposing a possible experimental detection method for such an interaction

    Synchrotron radiation from a runaway electron distribution in tokamaks

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    The synchrotron radiation emitted by runaway electrons in a fusion plasma provides information regarding the particle momenta and pitch-angles of the runaway electron population through the strong dependence of the synchrotron spectrum on these parameters. Information about the runaway density and its spatial distribution, as well as the time evolution of the above quantities, can also be deduced. In this paper we present the synchrotron radiation spectra for typical avalanching runaway electron distributions. Spectra obtained for a distribution of electrons are compared to the emission of mono-energetic electrons with a prescribed pitch-angle. We also examine the effects of magnetic field curvature and analyse the sensitivity of the resulting spectrum to perturbations to the runaway distribution. The implications for the deduced runaway electron parameters are discussed. We compare our calculations to experimental data from DIII-D and estimate the maximum observed runaway energy.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures; updated author affiliations, fixed typos, added a sentence at the end of section I

    Packing of concave polyhedra with continuous rotations using nonlinear optimisation

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    We study the problem of packing a given collection of arbitrary, in general concave, polyhedra into a cuboid of minimal volume. Continuous rotations and translations of polyhedra are allowed. In addition, minimal allowable distances between polyhedra are taken into account. We derive an exact mathematical model using adjusted radical free quasi phi-functions for concave polyhedra to describe non-overlapping and distance constraints. The model is a nonlinear programming formulation. We develop an efficient solution algorithm, which employs a fast starting point algorithm and a new compaction procedure. The procedure reduces our problem to a sequence of nonlinear programming subproblems of considerably smaller dimension and a smaller number of nonlinear inequalities. The benefit of this approach is borne out by the computational results, which include a comparison with previously published instances and new instances

    Microscopic evaluation of the pairing gap

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    We discuss the relevant progress that has been made in the last few years on the microscopic theory of the pairing correlation in nuclei and the open problems that still must be solved in order to reach a satisfactory description and understanding of the nuclear pairing. The similarities and differences with the nuclear matter case are emphasized and described by few illustrative examples. The comparison of calculations of different groups on the same set of nuclei show, besides agreements, also discrepancies that remain to be clarified. The role of the many-body correlations, like screening, that go beyond the BCS scheme, is still uncertain and requires further investigation.Comment: 21 pages,7 figures; minor modification, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    Optimal clustering of a pair of irregular objects

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    Cutting and packing problems arise in many fields of applications and theory. When dealing with irregular objects, an important subproblem is the identification of the optimal clustering of two objects. Within this paper we consider a container (rectangle, circle, convex polygon) of variable sizes and two irregular objects bounded by circular arcs and/or line segments, that can be continuously translated and rotated. In addition minimal allowable distances between objects and between each object and the frontier of a container, may be imposed. The objects should be arranged within a container such that a given objective will reach its minimal value. We consider a polynomial function as the objective, which depends on the variable parameters associated with the objects and the container. The paper presents a universal mathematical model and a solution strategy which are based on the concept of phi-functions and provide new benchmark instances of finding the containing region that has either minimal area, perimeter or homothetic coefficient of a given container, as well as finding the convex polygonal hull (or its approximation) of a pair of objects

    Layout problems for arc objects in convex domains

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    We introduce a new methodology for solving layout problems. Our objects and containers are bounded by circular arcs and line segments. We allow continuous object translations and rotations as well as minimal allowable distances between objects. For describing non-overlapping, containment and distance constraints the phi-function technique is used. We provide a general mathematical model as nonlinear programming problem with nonsmooth functions. We propose here the automatic feasible region generator, using phi-trees. The generator allows us to form ready-to-use systems of inequalities with smooth functions in order to apply efficient nonlinear optimisation procedures. We develop an efficient solution algorithm and original solver for layout problems which uses the core representation of inequlities in a sybmol form and provides exact calculation of Jacobian and Hessian matrixes. The search for local minima of NLP-problems is performed by IPOPT algorithm. An essential part of our local optimisation scheme is LORA algorithm that simplifies description of feasible region of the problem and reduces the runtime of local optimisation. It is due to this reduction our strategy can work efficiently with collections of composed objects and search for “good” local-optimal solutions for layout problems in reasonable time.Розглянуто отпимізаційну задачу упаковки довільних об'єктів, обмежених дугами кіл та відрізками прямих в опукіі області. Побудовано математичну модель у вигляді задачі недиференційованої оптимізації, множина реалізацій яко? покриває широкий клас наукових і прикладних задач геометричного проектування. Розроблено методологію розв'язання задач упаковки з урахуванням технологічних обмежень (мінімально допустимі відстані, зони заборони, можливість неперервних трансляцій та обертань об'єктів). Запропоновано генератор простору розв'язків та вирішувач (solver) для автоматичного розв'язання NLP-задач розглянутого класу.Предлагается новая методология решения оптимизационных задач компоновки произвольных объектов в контейнерах, ограниченных дугами окружностей и отрезками прямых. Строится математическая модель в виде задачи нелинейного программирования. Описывается процедура генерации области допустимых решений с применением phi-деревьев, которая позволяет формировать системы неравенств с гладкими функциями. Предлагается эффективный алгоритм поиска локально оптимальных решений.Разработан оригинальный решатель для задач негладкой оптимизации, который использует символьное представление неравенств и обеспечивает точное вычисление элементов матриц Якобиана и Гессиана. Предлагаемая методология эффективна для решения задач компоновки произвольных объектов и позволяет получать «хорошие» локально оптимальные решения за приемлемое время

    Form and width of spectral line of Josephson Flux-Flow oscillator

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    The behavior of a Josephson flux-flow oscillator in the presence of both bias current and magnetic field fluctuations has been studied. To derive the equation for slow phase dynamics in the limit of small noise intensity the Poincare method has been used. Both the form of spectral line and the linewidth of the flux-flow oscillator have been derived exactly on the basis of technique presented in the book of Malakhov, known limiting cases are considered, limits of their applicability are discussed and appearance of excess noise is explained. Good coincidence of theoretical description with experimental results has been demonstrated.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Toward On-Line Slag Composition Analysis: Optical Emissions from Laboratory Electric Arc

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    We acknowledge the support of Research Fund for Coal and Steel under grant agreement No. 709923, Academy of Finland for Genome of Steel grant No. 311934, Business Finland for Grant No. 4478/31/2019, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2.Electric arc furnaces and ladle furnaces have an important role in the future of steelmaking where CO 2 emissions have to be mitigated to an acceptable level. One way to address this goal is to optimize and improve the current practices by adjusting the chemistry and reactions with material additions or gas injections. These procedures would greatly benefit from on-line slag composition analysis. Since the electric arcs radiate throughout the melting, optical emission spectroscopy is a potential method for such analysis. In this study, optical emissions from the electric arc are measured in a laboratory environment. Dozens of atomic emission lines were correlated with Cr 2O 3, Fe 2O 3, Al 2O 3, SiO 2, MnO, MgO, CaO, CaF 2, V 2O 5, and Ni content of the slag together with correlation between CaF 2 and molecular optical emission bands of CaF. Optimal spectral resolution for industrial applications was deducted to be between 0.022 and 0.179 nm. © 2021, The Author(s). --//-- Published under the CC BY license.Academy of Finland for Genome of Steel 311934, 4478/31/2019; Research Fund for Coal and Steel 709923; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2