14 research outputs found

    Improvement of Methodical Maintenance of Professional Training of Masters in Direction “Land Management and Cadastres” in Field of Land Resources Management

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    Relevance of the work is caused by the need of professional training of masters of land management and cadastres for activity in management of land resources and real estate objects. The attention is focused on the obligation to comply with the requirements of the Federal state educational standard for the implementation of the content of educational programmes of master’s training in the electronic information and educational environment, including programmes with the use of distance learning technologies. The didactic possibilities of electronic educational resources of distance learning systems as modern multimedia and interactive means of teaching master students are characterized. The conclusion is made about possibility of improvement of methodical training of masters in “Land management and cadastres” in the field of land administration through the establishment and implementation into the pedagogical practice of an electronic educational resource of the same name. The main requirements imposed to electronic educational resources are marked: availability of methodical recommendations and thematic planning of a course; use of multimedia and interactive format of representation of electronic content of a training course; convenience of navigation on a resource; the organized feedback with the teacher; open system of estimation and control of educational activity of the trained. The results of the creation of an electronic educational resource for masters of the direction “Land management and cadastres” on the course “Management of land resources and real estate” are demonstrated. The conclusion about the prevailing positive characteristics of e-learning resources is made. The question of the need for special training and motivation of teachers to create electronic educational resources and their placing on the platform of distance learning is raised

    Prerequisites for the digital transformation of the Russian education system

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    Abstract: The authors note the tendency of digital transformation of different spheres of human activity. Many scientific studies describe the results of the digital transformation of education, characterize ways of adapting teachers and students to the conditions of the new digital environment and consider the formation of digital competencies of teachers and digital literacy of students. At the same time, scientists do not consider the reasons that actualize digital transformation. The purpose of the study is to identify external and internal factors that determine the digital transformation of the Russian education system at the present stage of development of society. The authors are building a causal relationship model of the digital transformation of the education system. The authors choose the principles of a systematic approach as the methodological basis of the study. They consider the digital transformation of education as a system of transformations that have a complex transformative effect. This impact is based on taking into account the diversity of interconnections between the components of the education system. The authors substantiate the nature of digital transformation as a large-scale transformation, as a process of implementing digital technologies, as an improvement in the quality of the results of the educational process. The authors consider the factors and results of digital transformation in various projections. In accordance with the ideas of a systematic approach, the authors describe the essence of digital transformation in the form of a causal relationship model of the digital transformation of the education system. The causal relationship model of the digital transformation of education allows us to systematically see the development trends of Russian education and in the future to develop the right strategies to improve its quality and competitiveness. The use of digital technologies in the educational process provides a rational assessment of their need for solving specific educational problems. The main role of digital technologies consists in technological improvement of the educational process, expansion of the didactic capabilities of the teacher, activation and motivation of personal interaction between the teacher and students

    Directions of Preparation of Future Teachers to the Use of Distance Learning Technologies in Professional Activity (Praxiological Aspect of the Activity Approach)

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    The aim of the article is to demonstrate the need of preparing future teachers to use distance learning technologies in the professional activities. Introduction in educational process of distance learning technologies contributes to improving the quality of education. Methods. The authors’ technique of preparation of students of pedagogical specialities to work in the information-educational environment is designed on the basis of the analysis and generalisation of numerous scientific publications. Results. The system of training to implementation of the distance learning technologies in the teaching activity is developed and described, consisting of the following directions: realisation within the program of the principal educational program of specialised training courses in variable-based curriculum parts; the organisation of educational and research activity of students with the use of distance learning technologies; classroom-based and extracurricular independent work of students directed to designing of teaching and learning aids and materials on the basis of distance learning technologies; application of elements of distance learning technologies for students’ teaching; attraction of students to formation of corpus of multimedia educational resources of university. The purposes, the content and expected results of each direction are specified. Scientific novelty. The authors point out that concrete scientifically wellfounded methodical recommendations for the future teachers on implementation of distance learning technologies haven’t been presented in the Russian literature till now; despite an abundance of scientifically-information sources of distance learning technologies and sufficiently high-leveled degree knowledge of the issues of its efficiency in educational activity, conditions of introduction of such technologies in high school, construction of models of distance training. Authors of article have tried to close this gap. Practical significance. The authors of the presented study propose and describe task-oriented, stage-by-stage, consistent preparation of the future teachers for an effective usage of distance learning technologies. Such preparation allows teachers to rationalize teaching and training processes, to improve means of monitoring, diagnostics of educational activity; it considerably expands didactic, information, methodical and technological possibilities of pedagogical activity В статье обосновывается необходимость подготовки будущих учителей к использованию в предстоящей профессиональной деятельности дистанционных образовательных технологий (ДОТ), внедрение которых в учебный процесс способствует повышению качества образования. Методы и методики. На основе анализа и обобщения многочисленных научных публикаций создана авторская методика подготовки студентов педагогических специальностей к работе в информационно-образовательной среде. Результаты. Разработана иописана система обучения применению ДОТ в преподавательской деятельности, состоящая из следующих направлений: реализация в рамках основной образовательной программы специализированных учебных курсов в вариативной части учебного плана; организация учебной и научно-исследовательской деятельности студентов с использованием ДОТ; аудиторная и внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа студентов по проектированию учебно-методических материалов на основе ДОТ; применение элементов ДОТ в период педагогической практики; привлечение студентов к формированию фонда мультимедийных образовательных ресурсов университета. Указаны цели, содержание и ожидаемые результаты каждого направления. Научная новизна. Несмотря на обилие научно-информационных источников о ДОТ и достаточно высокую степень изученности вопросов их эффективности в учебной деятельности, условий внедрения этих технологий в вузе, построения моделей дистанционного обучения, конкретных научно обоснованных методических рекомендаций для будущих педагогов по применению ДОТ в отечественной литературе до сих пор нет. Авторы статьи попытались восполнить этот пробел. Практическая значимость. Изложенная в статье целенаправленная, поэтапная, последовательная подготовка будущих педагогов к эффективному использованию ДОТ позволяет рационализировать процессы преподавания и обучения, усовершенствовать средства мониторинга, диагностики образовательной деятельности, значительно расширяет дидактические, информационные, методические и технологические возможности учебного процесса

    Active and Interactive Methods of Pedagogical Interaction in System of Distance Learning

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    The results of the analysis of the role of active and interactive methods of pedagogical interaction in distance learning systems are presented. The research urgency is caused by necessity of designing the content of educational programs of vocational training using distance learning technologies in the context of the activity paradigm of education, focused on improving its efficiency and quality. The authors identified pedagogical conditions of distance learning systems for the implementation of active and interactive teaching methods. The roles of participants in distance learning are characterized from the point of view of an active type of pedagogical interaction. The essence of the most common active and interactive methods of pedagogical interaction is considered, their advantages and disadvantages are determined. The necessity of a comprehensive range of active and interactive methods of pedagogical interaction to implement effective polylogical relationship of students at a distance with teachers and with each other is revealed. It is proved that an effective model of distance learning provides an active position of all participants of pedagogical interaction, as otherwise the distance learning takes the form of the traditional model of extramural studies and self-study of material, the student becomes an autonomous and isolated figure in the educational process. In this regard, special training of teachers for implementation of active and interactive methods in a distance learning system through refresher courses is required

    The formation of IT competence of the academic staff in a three level system of higher education

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    The aim of the study is to discuss organizational and methodical bases of formation of ICT competence graduate in the third stage of higher education. Methods. Theoretical methods involve analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and classification methods, and empirical method of observation. Results. Trends in the selection of the content of the educational program of graduate students at the third level of higher education in the formation of IT competence are presented: education of the valuable relation to the use of IT in professional activities; the formation of readiness to use IT in education and scientific research; the development of IT skills for processing and visualization of experimental data; modeling of processes and phenomena of professional activities; preparation of the teaching staff to the creation of a new information and educational environment among educational organizations; the development of new social and educational role, forming a system of knowledge and skills of students in the field of information; the development of ready-to-use information technology in the management of education. The discipline content «Information and communication technologies in education and research activities» is selected in accordance with a preferred direction of formation of IT competence. Target indicators and indicators of graduates’ IT competences are developed. Scientific novelty. The concept of IT competence of the teaching staff is introduced. The model of discipline «Information and communication technologies in education and research activities» is designed on the basis of evolutionary development of ICT competence of graduate students in the two-level system of higher education content. Practical significance. The proposed content of the course «Information and communication technologies in education and research activities» which is the basis for the formation of IT competence of the teaching staff at the third level of higher education, allows to generate future teachers’ and researchers’ skills integration of different types of activity (training, educational research, educational, methodical, scientific research, organizational) within a unified methodology based on the use of ITЦель. В статье говорится о разработке организационно-методических основ формирования ИКТ-компетентности аспирантов на третьей ступени высшего образования. Методология и методики исследования. В работе были использованы теоретические методы анализа и синтеза, индукции и дедукции, методы сравнения и классификации, а также эмпирический метод наблюдения. Результаты. Представлены направления отбора содержания образовательной программы, развивающей и закрепляющей ИКТ-компетентность аспирантов: воспитание ценностного отношения к применению ИКТ в профессиональной деятельности; формирование системы знаний и навыков обучающихся об информационной сфере, их готовности к использованию ИКТ в преподавании и научно-исследовательской работе, а также в управлении образованием; развитие навыков обработки и визуализации экспериментальных данных, моделирования процессов и явлений профессиональной деятельности с помощью ИКТ; освоение новых социально-педагогических ролей и умений создавать новую информационно-образовательную среду учебной организации. В соответствии с выделенными направлениями отобрано содержание дисциплины «Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в образовании и научно-исследовательской деятельности». Разработаны целевые индикаторы и показатели ИКТ-компетентности аспирантов. Научная новизна. Сформулировано авторское понимание ИКТ-компетентности научно-педагогических кадров, разработана модель содержания дисциплины «Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в образовании и научно-исследовательской деятельности», построенная на идее эволюционного развития ИКТ-компетентности аспирантов в трехуровневой системе высшей школы. Практическая значимость. Предложенное содержание курса позволяет сформировать у будущих преподавателей-исследователей умения и навыки интеграции различных видов деятельности (учебной, учебно-исследовательской, педагогической, методической, научно-исследовательской, организационной) в рамках единой методологии, основанной на применении ИК


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    Introduction. Nowadays, there is a growing recognition of the role of media in life and educational practice of the person, determined by the development of media education and media educational activities. This requires that modern teachers must possess a media culture, to work effectively in a new media environment, to form media competence and media literacy among students. The aims of the present publication are the following: to consider the phenomenon “media culture” as an important part of the modern teacher’s professional portrait complied according to the professional standards for teachers; to form the basis for assessment toolkit for monitoring the teacher’s culture component. Methodology and research methods. Methodological framework of the research is based on the concepts of systematic, culturological, environmental and personal-activity approaches. Basic research methods involve: a theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, generalization of practical experience in media education; diagnostic methods (questionnaire, survey, statistical data collection and processing), pedagogical experiment. Results and scientific novelty. In the authors’ view, media culture is understood as a determinant of a qualification portrait of the teacher at the present stage of education development. The authors state the positive role of this type of the teacher’s culture in formation of his/her professional qualities, such as critical rationality, independence of thinking, ability to cope with imposing by media of the certain points of view caused by external interests. It is shown that the high level of media culture allows the teacher: to be guided in the media environment as specifically organized sign-oriented visual and emotional environment; to design the professional activity in the field of media education, creating new information and knowledge by means of available tools and formats of the media; to choose effective strategies of individual training of school students in the media environment. Pedagogical conditions of formation of media culture of the teacher and the need for their diagnostics are denoted. The authors have scientifically reasoned the criteria and indicators for assessment of levels of the teacher’ media culture which had been successfully approved during the experiment on the advanced training courses for teachers of the Leningrad region. Practical significance. The proposed criteria and indicators have considerable practical scope of application in assessment of professional characteristics of the teacher in the context of the requirements of the professional standard for teachers.Введение. Существование и функционирование современного человека в насыщенной информационной медиасреде и неуклонно возрастающая роль медиа в жизни и образовательной практике человека актуализируют развитие медиаобразования и медиаобразовательной деятельности. В связи с этим требуется, чтобы учителя обладали высоким уровнем медиакультуры, которая позволит им эффективно работать с информацией и успешно развивать медиаграмотность и медиакомпетеность обучающихся.Цели исследования, итоги которого представлены в публикации, – рассмотреть феномен медиакультуры учителя как одной из характеристик «квалификационного портрета учителя», составленного согласно профессиональному стандарту «Педагог»; и создать основу инструментария оценки данного компонента культуры учителя. Методология и методики. Методологической базой работы явились идеи системного, культурологического, средового и личностно-деятельностного подходов. Ведущими методами исследования были теоретический анализ психолого-педагогической литературы, обобщение практического опыта медиаобразования; диагностические методы (анкетирование, опрос, наблюдение, сбор и обработка статистических данных педагогической активности педагогов в медиапространстве), педагогический эксперимент. Результаты и научная новизна. Медиакультура понимается авторами как детерминанта квалификационного портрета учителя на современном этапе развития образования. Отмечается позитивная роль этого вида культуры учителя в формировании его профессиональных качеств, таких как критическая рациональность, самостоятельность мышления, способность противостоять навязыванию средствами информации определенных точек зрения, обусловленных внешними интересами. Показано, что высокий уровень медиакультуры позволяет учителю ориентироваться в медиасреде как специфически организованном знаковом визуально-эмоциональном пространстве; проектировать свою профессиональную деятельность в области медиаобразования, создавая новые информацию и знания посредством доступных инструментов и форматов медиа; выбирать эффективные стратегии индивидуального обучения школьников в медиапространстве. Обозначены педагогические условия формирования медиакультуры учителя и необходимость ее диагностики. Научно обоснованы и разработаны критерии и показатели для определения уровня медиакультуры учителя, которые апробированы в ходе эксперимента на курсах повышения квалификации педагогов Ленинградской области. Практическая значимость. Предложенные критерии и показатели могут найти широкое практическое применение в оценке квалификационных характеристик учителя в контексте требований профессионального стандарта педагога

    The model and the planning method of volume and variety assessment of innovative products in an industrial enterprise

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    In the long term, the innovative development strategy efficiency is considered as the most crucial condition for assurance of economic system competitiveness in market conditions. It determines the problem relevance of such justification strategies with regard to specific systems features and conditions of their operation. The problem solution for industrial enterprises can be based on mathematical models of supporting the decision-making on the elements of the innovative manufacturing program. An optimization model and the planning method of innovative products volume and variety are suggested. The feature of the suggested model lies in the nonlinear nature of the objective function. It allows taking into consideration the law of diminishing marginal utility. The suggested method of optimization takes into account the system features and enables the effective implementation of manufacturing capabilities in modern conditions of production organization and sales in terms of market saturation

    Modeling as an activity on formation of special professional competencies of bachelor in the field of applied computer science

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    Тhе article is devoted to the analysis of professional competencies of a bachelor in the direction of training in the field of «Applied computer science», connected with modeling


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    The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for assessing the impact of research activities of undergraduate and graduate students via student electronic portfolio. Research methods included analysis of information on existing forms of research activity of bachelor, master and postgraduate students, requirements to the performance of research work on each educational stage. The main result of the study is the positioning of student electronic portfolio as a modern and effective means of monitoring students’ educational achievements, assessing the development of students ‘ professional competencies, solving organization, planning, and implementation problems. This is an effective tool for qualitative/quantitative evaluation of learner’s research activity implemented as part of the educational process and parallel to it. Pedagogical monitoring is characterized as a modern means of monitoring and evaluating the impact of research activities, ensuring the efficiency and availability of information. The authors identify the principles of focus and predictability, objectivity, integrity and continuity, development and self-organization, of regularity and consistency in the implementation of pedagogical monitoring. The paper also grounds relevance of the point rating evaluation of students’ research activity performance as the most adequate and efficient system demonstrating the success of each student. The paper has shown the stimulating effect of the regular pedagogical monitoring of students’ research activities by means of electronic portfolio


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    The aim of the study is to discuss organizational and methodical bases of formation of ICT competence graduate in the third stage of higher education.Methods. Theoretical methods involve analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and classification methods, and empirical method of observation.Results. Trends in the selection of the content of the educational program of graduate students at the third level of higher education in the formation of IT competence are presented: education of the valuable relation to the use of IT in professional activities; the formation of readiness to use IT in education and scientific research; the development of IT skills for processing and visualization of experimental data; modeling of processes and phenomena of professional activities; preparation of the teaching staff to the creation of a new information and educational environment among educational organizations; the development of new social and educational role, forming a system of knowledge and skills of students in the field of information; the development of ready-to-use information technology in the management of education. The discipline content «Information and communication technologies in education and research activities» is selected in accordance with a preferred direction of formation of IT competence. Target indicators and indicators of graduates’ IT competences are developed.Scientific novelty. The concept of IT competence of the teaching staff is introduced. The model of discipline «Information and communication technologies in education and research activities» is designed on the basis of evolutionary development of ICT competence of graduate students in the two-level system of higher education content.Practical significance. The proposed content of the course «Information and communication technologies in education and research activities» which is the basis for the formation of IT competence of the teaching staff at the third level of higher education, allows to generate future teachers’ and researchers’ skills integration of different types of activity (training, educational research, educational, methodical, scientific research, organizational) within a unified methodology based on the use of IT