2 research outputs found


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    The main reservoirs of trichinosis in the province Pomeranian (Polish) are wild boars and pigs which are still a serious threat to human health. The aim of the study was to investigated the prevalence of Trichinella spp. among wild boars and pigs in province Pomerania. From the veterinary and epidemiological perspective it was of the prime importance to identify the reason for the increasing prevalence of Trichinella spp. larvae infections among wild boars observed in the years 2008-2013. In the animal study of parasitology for Trichinella larvae presence were performed post mortem by digestion method. Evaluation of microscopic samples of muscle preceded by digestion tests in artificial stomachs. Trichinella diagnosis in humans was based on immunoassay for the detection of presence Trichinella specific antibodies in serum. The assessment was based on official data on the number of cases of trichinosis in pigs and wild boars, derived from the annual reports of the Veterinary Inspectorate in Szczecin and annual bulletins of the National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene. In 2008, 16 583 tested boars Trichinella larvae were found in 92 cases, which accounted for 0,55 %. However, in 2013 it was 158 infected animals, which constituted the prevalence of 1,19 %. In 2005, 2006 and 2007 on Polish territory were major outbreaks of epidemic trichinosis. The largest of these took place in the province West Pomerania, where around 300 people were hospitalized. The diagnosis of trichinosis is based on the clinical picture, an interview with epidemiological and laboratory diagnostic examinations. The conducted monitoring over the years has shown cyclical nature of the occurrence of a tendency to create an epidemic.Основными носителями трихинеллеза на территории провинции Померания (Польша) являются дикие кабаны и свиньи, которые по-прежнему представляют серьезную угрозу для здоровья человека. Целью данной работы является изучение распространения Trichinella spp. среди диких кабанов и свиней провинции Померания. С точки зрения ветеринарии и эпидемиологии, было необходимо в первую очередь установить причину нарастающего распространения инфекции среди диких кабанов, вызванной Trichinella spp. larvae, на протяжении 2008-2013 годов. Было проведено посмертное вскрытие и исследование ЖКТ животных для определения наличия Trichinella larvae. Проведено исследование образцов мышечной ткани под микроскопом, используя метод переваривания в искусственном желудочном соке. Наличие инфекции Trichinella larvae у человека определяется с помощью иммунного анализа, который позволяет обнаружить в сыворотке крови антитела к Trichinella spp. Наша оценка основана на официальных данных исследования ряда случаев трихинеллеза у диких кабанов и свиней, полученных из ежегодных отчетов Ветеринарной Инспекции г. Щецин и ежегодных бюллетеней Национального Института Общественного Здоровья и Национального Института Гигиены. Из 16 583 кабанов, обследованных в 2008 г. Trichinella larvae была установлена в 92 случаях что составило 0,55 %. Однако, в 2013 г. было зарегистрировано 158 инфицированных животных, что составило 1,19 %. В 2005, 2006 и 200г г.г. на территории Польши были отмечены крупные вспышки эпидемии трихинеллеза. Наиболее сильная вспышка трихинеллеза была зафиксирована в провинции Западная Померания, где было госпитализировано около 300 человек. Диагноз трихинеллеза ставился на основании клинической картины, эпидемиологического анамнеза и лабораторных исследований. Природа цикличности эпидемий трихинеллеза изучалась в процессе мониторинга, проводимого на протяжении ряда лет


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    The main reservoirs of trichinosis in the province Pomeranian (Polish) are wild boars and pigs which are still a serious threat to human health. The aim of the study was to investigated the prevalence of Trichinella spp. among wild boars and pigs in province Pomerania. From the veterinary and epidemiological perspective it was of the prime importance to identify the reason for the increasing prevalence of Trichinella spp. larvae infections among wild boars observed in the years 2008-2013. In the animal study of parasitology for Trichinella larvae presence were performed post mortem by digestion method. Evaluation of microscopic samples of muscle preceded by digestion tests in artificial stomachs. Trichinella diagnosis in humans was based on immunoassay for the detection of presence Trichinella specific antibodies in serum. The assessment was based on official data on the number of cases of trichinosis in pigs and wild boars, derived from the annual reports of the Veterinary Inspectorate in Szczecin and annual bulletins of the National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene. In 2008, 16 583 tested boars Trichinella larvae were found in 92 cases, which accounted for 0,55 %. However, in 2013 it was 158 infected animals, which constituted the prevalence of 1,19 %. In 2005, 2006 and 2007 on Polish territory were major outbreaks of epidemic trichinosis. The largest of these took place in the province West Pomerania, where around 300 people were hospitalized. The diagnosis of trichinosis is based on the clinical picture, an interview with epidemiological and laboratory diagnostic examinations. The conducted monitoring over the years has shown cyclical nature of the occurrence of a tendency to create an epidemic