789 research outputs found

    Quantum Phase Transitions in the Itinerant Ferromagnet ZrZn2_2

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    We report a study of the ferromagnetism of ZrZn2_{2}, the most promising material to exhibit ferromagnetic quantum criticality, at low temperatures TT as function of pressure pp. We find that the ordered ferromagnetic moment disappears discontinuously at pcp_c=16.5 kbar. Thus a tricritical point separates a line of first order ferromagnetic transitions from second order (continuous) transitions at higher temperature. We also identify two lines of transitions of the magnetisation isotherms up to 12 T in the pTp-T plane where the derivative of the magnetization changes rapidly. These quantum phase transitions (QPT) establish a high sensitivity to local minima in the free energy in ZrZn2_{2}, thus strongly suggesting that QPT in itinerant ferromagnets are always first order

    Cosmology as Geodesic Motion

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    For gravity coupled to N scalar fields with arbitrary potential V, it is shown that all flat (homogeneous and isotropic) cosmologies correspond to geodesics in an (N+1)-dimensional `augmented' target space of Lorentzian signature (1,N), timelike if V>0, null if V=0 and spacelike if V<0. Accelerating cosmologies correspond to timelike geodesics that lie within an `acceleration subcone' of the `lightcone'. Non-flat (k=-1,+1) cosmologies are shown to evolve as projections of geodesic motion in a space of dimension (N+2), of signature (1,N+1) for k=-1 and signature (2,N) for k=+1. This formalism is illustrated by cosmological solutions of models with an exponential potential, which are comprehensively analysed; the late-time behviour for other potentials of current interest is deduced by comparison.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, journal version with additional reference

    Gravity a la Born-Infeld

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    A simple technique for the construction of gravity theories in Born-Infeld style is presented, and the properties of some of these novel theories are investigated. They regularize the positive energy Schwarzschild singularity, and a large class of models allows for the cancellation of ghosts. The possible correspondence to low energy string theory is discussed. By including curvature corrections to all orders in alpha', the new theories nicely illustrate a mechanism that string theory might use to regularize gravitational singularities.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, new appendix B with corrigendum: Class. Quantum Grav. 21 (2004) 529

    Thermodynamic Studies on Non Centrosymmetric Superconductors by AC Calorimetry under High Pressures

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    We investigated the non centrosymmetric superconductors CePt3_3Si and UIr by the ac heat capacity measurement under pressures. We determined the pressure phase diagrams of these compounds. In CePt3_3Si, the N\'{e}el temperature TNT_{\rm N} = 2.2 K decreases with increasing pressure and becomes zero at the critical pressure PAFP_{\rm AF} \simeq 0.6 GPa. On the other hand, the superconducting phase exists in a wider pressure region from ambient pressure to PAFP_{\rm AF} \simeq 1.5 GPa. The phase diagram of CePt3_3Si is very unique and has never been reported before for other heavy fermion superconductors. In UIr, the heat capacity shows an anomaly at the Curie temperature TC1T_{\rm C1} = 46 K at ambient pressure, and the heat capacity anomaly shifts to lower temperatures with increasing pressure. The present pressure dependence of TC1T_{\rm C1} was consistent with the previous studies by the resistivity and magnetization measurements. Previous ac magnetic susceptibility and resistivity measurements suggested the existence of three ferromagnetic phases, FM1-3. CacC_{\rm ac} shows a bending structure at 1.98, 2.21, and 2.40 GPa .The temperatures where these anomalies are observed are close to the phase boundary of the FM3 phase.Comment: This paper was presented at the international workshop ``Novel Pressure-induced Phenomena in Condensed Matter Systems(NP2CMS)" August 26-29 2006, Fukuoka Japa

    A novel coupler design and analysis with shielding material tests for a CPT system of electric vehicles based on electromagnetic resonant coupling

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    In this paper, a contactless power transfer (CPT) system using a novel geometrically enhanced energy transfer coupler with three different shielding materials has been built and analysed, along with the evaluations from aspects of electromagnetics and RMS power transmitting based on electromagnetic resonant coupling. A CPT system design improvement with the proposed H-shape ferromagnetic cores and the combined semi-enclosed passive electromagnetic shielding methods have been investigated in terms of generated electromagnetic field characteristics, system power transfer ratings, system efficiency optimization and performances of shielding materials. The results have shown that, across the range of operating frequency of the CPT system, aluminium shielding as a metallic material method could deliver better overall CPT system performance than other two ferromagnetic materials, steel 1010 and ferrite. In addition, the coupler prototype design limitations, misalignment tolerance and the passive shielding design considerations including distance between windings and inner surfaces of shielding shells have been discussed

    Cosmology from Moduli Dynamics

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    We investigate moduli field dynamics in supergravity/M-theory like set ups where we turn on fluxes along some or all of the extra dimensions. As has been argued in the context of string theory, we observe that the fluxes tend to stabilize the squashing (or shape) modes. Generically we find that at late times the shape is frozen while the radion evolves as a quintessence field. At earlier times we have a phase of radiation domination where both the volume and the shape moduli are slowly evolving. However, depending on the initial conditions and the parameters of the theory, like the value of the fluxes, curvature of the internal manifold and so on, the dynamics of the internal manifold can be richer with interesting cosmological consequences, including inflation.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures; references adde

    A note on accelerating cosmologies from compactifications and S-branes

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    We give a simple interpretation of the recent solutions for cosmologies with a transient accelerating phase obtained from compactification in hyperbolic manifolds, or from S-brane solutions of string/M-theory. In the four-dimensional picture, these solutions correspond to bouncing the radion field off its exponential potential. Acceleration occurs at the turning point, when the radion stops and the potential energy momentarily dominates. The virtues and limitations of these approaches become quite transparent in this interpretation.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. References adde

    Ferromagnetic Properties of ZrZn2_2

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    The low Curie temperature (T_C approx 28K) and small ordered moment (M_0 approx 0.17 mu_B f.u.^-1) of ZrZn2 make it one of the few examples of a weak itinerant ferromagnet. We report results of susceptibility, magnetization, resistivity and specific heat measurements made on high-quality single crystals of ZrZn2. From magnetization scaling in the vicinity of T_C (0.001<|T-T_C|/T_C<0.08), we obtain the critical exponents beta=0.52+/-0.05 and delta=3.20+/-0.08, and T_C=27.50+/-0.05K. Low-temperature magnetization measurements show that the easy axis is [111]. Resistivity measurements reveal an anomaly at T_C and a non-Fermi liquid temperature dependence rho(T)=rho_0+AT^n, where n=1.67+/-0.02, for 1<T<14K. The specific heat measurements show a mean-field-like anomaly at T_C. We compare our results to various theoretical models.Comment: submitted to PR

    Accelerating Cosmologies from Exponential Potentials

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    An exponential potential of the form Vexp(2cϕ/Mp)V\sim \exp(-2c \phi/M_p) arising from the hyperbolic or flux compactification of higher-dimensional theories is of interest for getting short periods of accelerated cosmological expansions. Using a similar potential but derived for the combined case of hyperbolic-flux compactification, we study the four-dimensional flat (and open) FLRW cosmologies and give analytic (and numerical) solutions with exponential behavior of scale factors. We show that, for the M-theory motivated potentials, the cosmic acceleration of the universe can be eternal if the spatial curvature of the 4d spacetime is negative, while the acceleration is only transient for a spatially flat universe. We also comment on the size of the internal space and its associated geometric bounds on massive Kaluza-Klein excitations.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures; minor typos fixe