734 research outputs found

    Friction as Contrast Mechanism in Heterodyne Force Microscopy

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    The nondestructive imaging of subsurface structures on the nanometer scale has been a long-standing desire in both science and industry. A few impressive images were published so far that demonstrate the general feasibility by combining ultrasound with an Atomic Force Microscope. From different excitation schemes, Heterodyne Force Microscopy seems to be the most promising candidate delivering the highest contrast and resolution. However, the physical contrast mechanism is unknown, thereby preventing any quantitative analysis of samples. Here we show that friction at material boundaries within the sample is responsible for the contrast formation. This result is obtained by performing a full quantitative analysis, in which we compare our experimentally observed contrasts with simulations and calculations. Surprisingly, we can rule out all other generally believed responsible mechanisms, like Rayleigh scattering, sample (visco)elasticity, damping of the ultrasonic tip motion, and ultrasound attenuation. Our analytical description paves the way for quantitative SubSurface-AFM imaging.Comment: 7 pages main paper + 11 pages supplementary material

    Fabrication of comb-drive actuators for straining nanostructured suspended graphene

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    We report on the fabrication and characterization of an optimized comb-drive actuator design for strain-dependent transport measurements on suspended graphene. We fabricate devices from highly p-doped silicon using deep reactive ion etching with a chromium mask. Crucially, we implement a gold layer to reduce the device resistance from ≈51.6\approx51.6 kΩ\mathrm{\Omega} to ≈236\approx236 Ω\mathrm{\Omega} at room temperature in order to allow for strain-dependent transport measurements. The graphene is integrated by mechanically transferring it directly onto the actuator using a polymethylmethacrylate membrane. Importantly, the integrated graphene can be nanostructured afterwards to optimize device functionality. The minimum feature size of the structured suspended graphene is 30 nm, which allows for interesting device concepts such as mechanically-tunable nanoconstrictions. Finally, we characterize the fabricated devices by measuring the Raman spectrum as well as the a mechanical resonance frequency of an integrated graphene sheet for different strain values.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Tunable mechanical coupling between driven microelectromechanical resonators

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    We present a microelectromechanical system, in which a silicon beam is attached to a comb-drive actuator, that is used to tune the tension in the silicon beam, and thus its resonance frequency. By measuring the resonance frequencies of the system, we show that the comb-drive actuator and the silicon beam behave as two strongly coupled resonators. Interestingly, the effective coupling rate (~ 1.5 MHz) is tunable with the comb-drive actuator (+10%) as well as with a side-gate (-10%) placed close to the silicon beam. In contrast, the effective spring constant of the system is insensitive to either of them and changes only by ±\pm 0.5%. Finally, we show that the comb-drive actuator can be used to switch between different coupling rates with a frequency of at least 10 kHz.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Limits on the Mass, Velocity and Orbit of PSR J1933−-6211

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    We present a high-precision timing analysis of PSR J1933−-6211, a millisecond pulsar (MSP) with a 3.5-ms spin period and a white dwarf (WD) companion, using data from the Parkes radio telescope. Since we have accurately measured the polarization properties of this pulsar we have applied the matrix template matching approach in which the times of arrival are measured using full polarimetric information. We achieved a weighted root-mean-square timing residuals (rms) of the timing residuals of 1.23 μs\rm \mu s, 15.5%\% improvement compared to the total intensity timing analysis. After studying the scintillation properties of this pulsar we put constraints on the inclination angle of the system. Based on these measurements and on χ2\chi^2 mapping we put a 2-σ\sigma upper limit on the companion mass (0.44 M⊙_\odot). Since this mass limit cannot reveal the nature of the companion we further investigate the possibility of the companion to be a He WD. Applying the orbital period-mass relation for such WDs, we conclude that the mass of a He WD companion would be about 0.26±\pm0.01 M⊙_\odot which, combined with the measured mass function and orbital inclination limits, would lead to a light pulsar mass ⩽\leqslant 1.0 M⊙_\odot. This result seems unlikely based on current neutron star formation models and we therefore conclude that PSR J1933−-6211 most likely has a CO WD companion, which allows for a solution with a more massive pulsar

    Field theory of the photon self-energy in a medium with a magnetic field and the Faraday effect

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    A convenient and general decomposition of the photon self-energy in a magnetized, but otherwise isotropic, medium is given in terms of the minimal set of tensors consistent with the transversality condition. As we show, the self-energy in such a medium is completely parametrized in terms of nine independent form factors, and they reduce to three in the long wavelength limit. We consider in detail an electron gas with a background magnetic field, and using finite temperature field theory methods, we obtain the one-loop formulas for the form factors, which are exact to all orders in the magnetic field. Explicit results are derived for a variety of physical conditions. In the appropriate limits, we recover the well-known semi-classical results for the photon dispersion relations and the Faraday effect. In more general cases, where the semi-classical treatment or the linear approximation (weak field limit) are not applicable, our formulas provide a consistent and systematic way for computing the self-energy form factors and, from them, the photon dispersion relations.Comment: Revtex, 27 page

    Collective learning in schools described: building collective learning capacity

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    Processes of collective learning are expected to increase the professionalism of teachers and school leaders. Little is known about the processes of collective learning which take place in schools and about the way in which those processes may be improved. This paper describes a research into processes of collective learning at three primary schools. Processes of collective learning are described which took place in small teams in these schools. It is also pointed out which attempts can be made in order to reinforce these processes in the schools mentioned

    Extremely high precision VLBI astrometry of PSR J0437-4715 and implications for theories of gravity

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    Using the recently upgraded Long Baseline Array, we have measured the trigonometric parallax of PSR J0437-4715 to better than 1% precision, the most precise pulsar distance determination made to date. Comparing this VLBI distance measurement to the kinematic distance obtained from pulsar timing, which is calculated from the pulsar's proper motion and apparent rate of change of orbital period, gives a precise limit on the unmodeled relative acceleration between the Solar System and PSR J0437-4715, which can be used in a variety of applications. Firstly, it shows that Newton's gravitational constant G is stable with time (\dot{G}/G = (-5 +- 26) x 10^{-13} yr^{-1}, 95% confidence). Secondly, if a stochastic gravitational wave background existed at the currently quoted limit, this null result would fail ~50% of the time. Thirdly, it excludes Jupiter-mass planets within 226 AU of the Sun in 50% of the sky (95% confidence). Finally, the ~1% agreement of the parallax and orbital period derivative distances provides a fundamental confirmation of the parallax distance method upon which all astronomical distances are based.Comment: 11 pages, 1 Figure, submitted to ApJ

    Direct evidence of the failure of electric-dipole approximation in second-harmonic generation from a chiral polymer film

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    Second-harmonic generation from Langmuir-Blodgett films of a polythiophene is strongly influenced by the chirality of the polymer. The polarization dependence of the process cannot be explained in the elec.-dipole approxn. Evidence of contributions beyond elec. dipoles is obtained directly from individual second-harmonic signal
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