15 research outputs found

    Ultrasonic processing of molten and solidifying overview and outlook

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    Ultrasonic melt processing attracts since the 1930 a lot of interest both from academic researchers and industry. In the last 10 years the interest to ultrasonic melt processing grew with regard to understanding the underlying mechanisms of previously established effects, developing numerical models of ultrasonic cavitation and the development of nanocomposite technology. This review paper summarises the mechanisms involved in the ultrasonic melt processing, including cavitation, flows, nucleation, activation, fragmentation and their consequences for degassing, structure refinement and particle dispersion. Some typical mistakes made by researchers in performing experiments and in interpretation of the results are discussed. New advanced methods of studying ultrasonic treatment and phenomena are considered. The paper also gives an outlook to future developments and challenges.The results and data presented in this paper have been obtained within the ExoMet Project funded by the EC/FP7 (contract FP7-NMP3-LA-2012-280421); the Doshormat Project funded by the EC/FP7 (grant agreement 606090); UltraMelt project (contract number EP/K005804/1) and UltraCast project (contract number EP/L019884/1) funded by EPSRC

    A high-speed imaging and modeling study of dendrite fragmentation caused by ultrasonic cavitation

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    The dynamic behavior of ultrasound-induced cavitation bubbles and their effect on the fragmentation of dendritic grains of a solidifying succinonitrile 1 wt pct camphor organic transparent alloy have been studied experimentally using high-speed digital imaging and complementary numerical analysis of sound wave propagation, cavitation dynamics, and the velocity field in the vicinity of an imploding cavitation bubble. Real-time imaging and analysis revealed that the violent implosion of bubbles created local shock waves that could shatter dendrites nearby into small pieces in a few tens of milliseconds. These catastrophic events were effective in breaking up growing dendritic grains and creating abundant fragmented crystals that may act as embryonic grains; therefore, these events play an important role in grain refinement of metallurgical alloys

    A review of literature onTaraxacum koksaghyz Rod

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