137 research outputs found

    Analysis of co-located MODIS and CALIPSO observations near clouds

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    This paper aims at helping synergistic studies in combining data from different satellites for gaining new insights into two critical yet poorly understood aspects of anthropogenic climate change, aerosol-cloud interactions and aerosol radiative effects. In particular, the paper examines the way cloud information from the MODIS (MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) imager can refine our perceptions based on CALIOP (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization) lidar measurements about the systematic aerosol changes that occur near clouds. <br><br> The statistical analysis of a yearlong dataset of co-located global maritime observations from the Aqua and CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation) satellites reveals that MODIS's multispectral imaging ability can greatly help the interpretation of CALIOP observations. The results show that imagers on Aqua and CALIPSO yield very similar pictures, and that the discrepancies – due mainly to wind drift and differences in view angle – do not significantly hinder aerosol measurements near clouds. By detecting clouds outside the CALIOP track, MODIS reveals that clouds are usually closer to clear areas than CALIOP data alone would suggest. The paper finds statistical relationships between the distances to clouds in MODIS and CALIOP data, and proposes a rescaling approach to statistically account for the impact of clouds outside the CALIOP track even when MODIS cannot reliably detect low clouds, for example at night or over sea ice. Finally, the results show that the typical distance to clouds depends on both cloud coverage and cloud type, and accordingly varies with location and season. In maritime areas perceived cloud free, the global median distance to clouds below 3 km altitude is in the 4–5 km range

    Scale dependence of cirrus heterogeneity effects. Part II: MODIS NIR and SWIR channels

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    In a context of global climate change, the understanding of the radiative role of clouds is crucial. On average, ice clouds such as cirrus have a significant positive radiative effect, but under some conditions the effect may be negative. However, many uncertainties remain regarding the role of ice clouds on Earth's radiative budget and in a changing climate. Global satellite observations are particularly well suited to monitoring clouds, retrieving their characteristics and inferring their radiative impact. To retrieve ice cloud properties (optical thickness and ice crystal effective size), current operational algorithms assume that each pixel of the observed scene is plane-parallel and homogeneous, and that there is no radiative connection between neighboring pixels. Yet these retrieval assumptions are far from accurate, as real radiative transfer is 3-D. This leads to the plane-parallel and homogeneous bias (PPHB) plus the independent pixel approximation bias (IPAB), which impacts both the estimation of top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) radiation and the retrievals. An important factor that determines the impact of these assumptions is the sensor spatial resolution. High-spatial-resolution pixels can better represent cloud variability (low PPHB), but the radiative path through the cloud can involve many pixels (high IPAB). In contrast, low-spatial-resolution pixels poorly represent the cloud variability (high PPHB), but the radiation is better contained within the pixel field of view (low IPAB). In addition, the solar and viewing geometry (as well as cloud optical properties) can modulate the magnitude of the PPHB and IPAB. In this, Part II of our study, we simulate TOA 0.86 and 2.13 µm solar reflectances over a cirrus uncinus scene produced by the 3DCLOUD model. Then, 3-D radiative transfer simulations are performed with the 3DMCPOL code at spatial resolutions ranging from 50&thinsp;m to 10&thinsp;km, for 12 viewing geometries and nine solar geometries. It is found that, for simulated nadir observations taken at resolution higher than 2.5&thinsp;km, horizontal radiation transport (HRT) dominates biases between 3-D and 1-D reflectance calculations, but these biases are mitigated by the side illumination and shadowing effects for off-zenith solar geometries. At resolutions coarser than 2.5&thinsp;km, PPHB dominates. For off-nadir observations at resolutions higher than 2.5&thinsp;km, the effect that we call THEAB (tilted and homogeneous extinction approximation bias) due to the oblique line of sight passing through many cloud columns contributes to a large increase of the reflectances, but 3-D radiative effects such as shadowing and side illumination for oblique Sun are also important. At resolutions coarser than 2.5&thinsp;km, the PPHB is again the dominant effect. The magnitude and resolution dependence of PPHB and IPAB is very different for visible, near-infrared and shortwave infrared channels compared with the thermal infrared channels discussed in Part I of this study. The contrast of 3-D radiative effects between solar and thermal infrared channels may be a significant issue for retrieval techniques that simultaneously use radiative measurements across a wide range of solar reflectance and infrared wavelengths.</p

    Quantifying lipid changes in various membrane compartments using lipid binding protein domains

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    One of the largest challenges in cell biology is to map the lipid composition of the membranes of various organelles and define the exact location of processes that control the synthesis and distribution of lipids between cellular compartments. The critical role of phosphoinositides, low-abundant lipids with rapid metabolism and exceptional regulatory importance in the control of almost all aspects of cellular functions created the need for tools to visualize their localizations and dynamics at the single cell level. However, there is also an increasing need for methods to determine the cellular distribution of other lipids regulatory or structural, such as diacylglycerol, phosphatidic acid, or other phospholipids and cholesterol. This review will summarize recent advances in this research field focusing on the means by which changes can be described in more quantitative terms. © 2016

    Influence of cloud retrieval errors due to three-dimensional radiative effects on calculations of broadband shortwave cloud radiative effect

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    We investigate how cloud retrieval errors due to the three-dimensional (3D) radiative effects affect broadband shortwave (SW) cloud radiative effects (CREs) in shallow cumulus clouds. A framework based on the combination of large eddy simulations (LESs) and radiative transfer (RT) models was developed to simulate both one-dimensional (1D) and 3D radiance, as well as SW broadband fluxes. Results show that the broadband SW fluxes reflected at top of the domain, transmitted at the surface, and absorbed in the atmosphere, computed from the cloud retrievals using 1D RT (F1D∗), can provide reasonable broadband radiative energy estimates in comparison with those derived from the true cloud fields using 1D RT (F1D). The difference between these 1D-RT-simulated fluxes (F1D∗, F1D) and the benchmark 3D RT simulations computed from the true cloud field (F3D) depends primarily on the horizontal transport of photons in 3D RT, whose characteristics vary with the sun's geometry. When the solar zenith angle (SZA) is 5°, the domain-averaged F1D∗ values are in excellent agreement with the F3D, all within 7 % relative CRE bias. When the SZA is 60°, the CRE differences between calculations from F1D∗ and F3D are determined by how the cloud side-brightening and darkening effects offset each other in the radiance, retrieval, and broadband fluxes. This study suggests that although the cloud property retrievals based on the 1D RT theory may be biased due to the 3D radiative effects, they still provide CRE estimates that are comparable to or better than CREs calculated from the true cloud properties using 1D RT.</p

    Helical Chirality: a Link between Local Interactions and Global Topology in DNA

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    DNA supercoiling plays a major role in many cellular functions. The global DNA conformation is however intimately linked to local DNA-DNA interactions influencing both the physical properties and the biological functions of the supercoiled molecule. Juxtaposition of DNA double helices in ubiquitous crossover arrangements participates in multiple functions such as recombination, gene regulation and DNA packaging. However, little is currently known about how the structure and stability of direct DNA-DNA interactions influence the topological state of DNA. Here, a crystallographic analysis shows that due to the intrinsic helical chirality of DNA, crossovers of opposite handedness exhibit markedly different geometries. While right-handed crossovers are self-fitted by sequence-specific groove-backbone interaction and bridging Mg2+ sites, left-handed crossovers are juxtaposed by groove-groove interaction. Our previous calculations have shown that the different geometries result in differential stabilisation in solution, in the presence of divalent cations. The present study reveals that the various topological states of the cell are associated with different inter-segmental interactions. While the unstable left-handed crossovers are exclusively formed in negatively supercoiled DNA, stable right-handed crossovers constitute the local signature of an unusual topological state in the cell, such as the positively supercoiled or relaxed DNA. These findings not only provide a simple mechanism for locally sensing the DNA topology but also lead to the prediction that, due to their different tertiary intra-molecular interactions, supercoiled molecules of opposite signs must display markedly different physical properties. Sticky inter-segmental interactions in positively supercoiled or relaxed DNA are expected to greatly slow down the slithering dynamics of DNA. We therefore suggest that the intrinsic helical chirality of DNA may have oriented the early evolutionary choices for DNA topology

    Measurement of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate in living cells using an improved set of resonance energy transfer-based biosensors

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    Improved versions of inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) sensors were created to follow intracellular InsP3 changes in single living cells and in cell populations. Similar to previous InsP3 sensors the new sensors are based on the ligand binding domain of the human type-I InsP3 receptor (InsP3R-LBD), but contain a mutation of either R265K or R269K to lower their InsP3 binding affinity. Tagging the InsP3R-LBD with N-terminal Cerulean and C-terminal Venus allowed measurement of Ins P3 in single-cell FRET experiments. Replacing Cerulean with a Luciferase enzyme allowed experiments in multi-cell format by measuring the change in the BRET signal upon stimulation. These sensors faithfully followed the agonist-induced increase in InsP3 concentration in HEK 293T cells expressing the Gq-coupled AT1 angiotensin receptor detecting a response to agonist concentration as low as 10 pmol/L. Compared to the wild type InsP3 sensor, the mutant sensors showed an improved off-rate, enabling a more rapid and complete return of the signal to the resting value of InsP3 after termination of M3 muscarinic receptor stimulation by atropine. For parallel measurements of intracellular InsP3 and Ca2+ levels in BRET experiments, the Cameleon D3 Ca2+ sensor was modified by replacing its CFP with luciferase. In these experiments depletion of plasma membrane PtdIns(4,5)P2 resulted in the fall of InsP3 level, followed by the decrease of the Ca2+-signal evoked by the stimulation of the AT1 receptor. In contrast, when type-III PI 4-kinases were inhibited with a high concentration of wortmannin or a more specific inhibitor, A1, the decrease of the Ca2+-signal preceded the fall of InsP3 level indicating an InsP3-, independent, direct regulation of capacitative Ca2+ influx by plasma membrane inositol lipids. Taken together, our results indicate that the improved InsP3 sensor can be used to monitor both the increase and decrease of InsP3 levels in live cells suitable for high-throughput BRET applications. © 2015, Public Library of Science. All rights reserved

    COVID-19 prevalence and mortality in patients with cancer and the effect of primary tumour subtype and patient demographics: a prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with cancer are purported to have poor COVID-19 outcomes. However, cancer is a heterogeneous group of diseases, encompassing a spectrum of tumour subtypes. The aim of this study was to investigate COVID-19 risk according to tumour subtype and patient demographics in patients with cancer in the UK. METHODS: We compared adult patients with cancer enrolled in the UK Coronavirus Cancer Monitoring Project (UKCCMP) cohort between March 18 and May 8, 2020, with a parallel non-COVID-19 UK cancer control population from the UK Office for National Statistics (2017 data). The primary outcome of the study was the effect of primary tumour subtype, age, and sex and on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) prevalence and the case-fatality rate during hospital admission. We analysed the effect of tumour subtype and patient demographics (age and sex) on prevalence and mortality from COVID-19 using univariable and multivariable models. FINDINGS: 319 (30·6%) of 1044 patients in the UKCCMP cohort died, 295 (92·5%) of whom had a cause of death recorded as due to COVID-19. The all-cause case-fatality rate in patients with cancer after SARS-CoV-2 infection was significantly associated with increasing age, rising from 0·10 in patients aged 40-49 years to 0·48 in those aged 80 years and older. Patients with haematological malignancies (leukaemia, lymphoma, and myeloma) had a more severe COVID-19 trajectory compared with patients with solid organ tumours (odds ratio [OR] 1·57, 95% CI 1·15-2·15; p<0·0043). Compared with the rest of the UKCCMP cohort, patients with leukaemia showed a significantly increased case-fatality rate (2·25, 1·13-4·57; p=0·023). After correction for age and sex, patients with haematological malignancies who had recent chemotherapy had an increased risk of death during COVID-19-associated hospital admission (OR 2·09, 95% CI 1·09-4·08; p=0·028). INTERPRETATION: Patients with cancer with different tumour types have differing susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 phenotypes. We generated individualised risk tables for patients with cancer, considering age, sex, and tumour subtype. Our results could be useful to assist physicians in informed risk-benefit discussions to explain COVID-19 risk and enable an evidenced-based approach to national social isolation policies. FUNDING: University of Birmingham and University of Oxford

    Recombinant family 3 carbohydrate-binding module as a new additive for enhanced enzymatic saccharification of whole slurry from autohydrolyzed eucalyptus globulus wood

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    By-products resulting from lignocellulosics pretreatment affect the digestibility of resulting whole slurries, but this can be minimized by additives supplementation. In this work, a family 3 carbohydrate-binding module (CBM3), recombinantly produced from Escherichia coli, was used as additive in the enzymatic hydrolysis of the whole slurry from autohydrolyzed Eucalyptus globulus wood (EGW). At the higher dosage used (30 mg/gsolids), CBM3 led to an increase in glucose yield from 75 to 89%. A similar result was obtained for bovine serum albumin (BSA) (11% increase), which has a well-documented additive effect. CBM3 had no effect on the non-productive binding of enzymes, since it could not bind to EGW lignin, while it rapidly bound to cellulose, as shown by fluorescence microscopy. CBM3 is a valid additive for enhanced lignocellulosic saccharification and a valuable alternative to costly additives (e.g. polyethylene glycol) as it can be affordably produced from heterologous bacterium, thus contributing to more cost-efficient biomass valorization bioprocesses.This work was developed under the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit, COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020—Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. The research leading to the reported results has received funding from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the project MultiBiorefinery (POCI-01–0145-FEDER-016403) and through grants to C. Oliveira (SFRH/BPD/110640/2015) and D. Gomes (SFRH/BD/88623/2012).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio