3,034 research outputs found

    Various Approaches to Cosmological Gravitational Lensing in Inhomogeneous Models

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    Gravitational lensing of distant objects caused by gravitational tidal forces from inhomogeneities in the universe is weak in most cases, but it is noticed that it gives a great deal of information about the universe, especially regarding the distribution of dark matter. The statistical values of optical quantities such as convergence, amplification and shear have been derived by many people using various approaches, which include the linear perturbational treatment in the weak limit and the nonlinear treatment considering small-scale matter distribution. In this review paper we compare the following three main approaches: (a) the approach in the multi-lens-plane theory; (b) the approach due to the direct integration method; and (c) the perturbational approach. In the former two approaches inhomogeneous matter distributions are produced in the CDM model using NN-body simulations (the P3^3M code and the tree-code, respectively). In (c) the power spectrum corresponding to the CDM model is used for the large-scale matter distribution.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figure

    Motion of the Tippe Top : Gyroscopic Balance Condition and Stability

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    We reexamine a very classical problem, the spinning behavior of the tippe top on a horizontal table. The analysis is made for an eccentric sphere version of the tippe top, assuming a modified Coulomb law for the sliding friction, which is a continuous function of the slip velocity vP\vec v_P at the point of contact and vanishes at vP=0\vec v_P=0. We study the relevance of the gyroscopic balance condition (GBC), which was discovered to hold for a rapidly spinning hard-boiled egg by Moffatt and Shimomura, to the inversion phenomenon of the tippe top. We introduce a variable ξ\xi so that ξ=0\xi=0 corresponds to the GBC and analyze the behavior of ξ\xi. Contrary to the case of the spinning egg, the GBC for the tippe top is not fulfilled initially. But we find from simulation that for those tippe tops which will turn over, the GBC will soon be satisfied approximately. It is shown that the GBC and the geometry lead to the classification of tippe tops into three groups: The tippe tops of Group I never flip over however large a spin they are given. Those of Group II show a complete inversion and the tippe tops of Group III tend to turn over up to a certain inclination angle θf\theta_f such that θf<π\theta_f<\pi, when they are spun sufficiently rapidly. There exist three steady states for the spinning motion of the tippe top. Giving a new criterion for stability, we examine the stability of these states in terms of the initial spin velocity n0n_0. And we obtain a critical value ncn_c of the initial spin which is required for the tippe top of Group II to flip over up to the completely inverted position.Comment: 52 pages, 11 figures, to be published in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Syste

    Quantum Electrodynamics at Large Distances III: Verification of Pole Factorization and the Correspondence Principle

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    In two companion papers it was shown how to separate out from a scattering function in quantum electrodynamics a distinguished part that meets the correspondence-principle and pole-factorization requirements. The integrals that define the terms of the remainder are here shown to have singularities on the pertinent Landau singularity surface that are weaker than those of the distinguished part. These remainder terms therefore vanish, relative to the distinguished term, in the appropriate macroscopic limits. This shows, in each order of the perturbative expansion, that quantum electrodynamics does indeed satisfy the pole-factorization and correspondence-principle requirements in the case treated here. It also demonstrates the efficacy of the computational techniques developed here to calculate the consequences of the principles of quantum electrodynamics in the macroscopic and mesoscopic regimes.Comment: latex, 39 pages, 2 Figures included as uuencoded, tarred, gzipped, encapsulated postscript files, uses math_macros.te

    Cyclotron radiation and emission in graphene

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    Peculiarity in the cyclotron radiation and emission in graphene is theoretically examined in terms of the optical conductivity and relaxation rates to propose that graphene in magnetic fields can be a candidate to realize the Landau level laser, proposed decades ago [H. Aoki, Appl. Phys. Lett. {\bf 48}, 559 (1986)].Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Deformable self-propelled particles

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    A theory of self-propelled particles is developed in two dimensions assuming that the particles can be deformed from a circular shape when the propagating velocity is increased. A coupled set of equations in terms of the velocity and a tensor variable to represent the deformation is introduced to show that there is a bifurcation from a straight motion to a circular motion of a single particle. Dynamics of assembly of the particles is studied numerically where there is a global interaction such that the particles tend to cause an orientational order.Comment: 4pages, 4figure

    RegPT: Direct and fast calculation of regularized cosmological power spectrum at two-loop order

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    We present a specific prescription for the calculation of cosmological power spectra, exploited here at two-loop order in perturbation theory (PT), based on the multi-point propagator expansion. In this approach power spectra are constructed from the regularized expressions of the propagators that reproduce both the resummed behavior in the high-k limit and the standard PT results at low-k. With the help of N-body simulations, we show that such a construction gives robust and accurate predictions for both the density power spectrum and the correlation function at percent-level in the weakly non-linear regime. We then present an algorithm that allows accelerated evaluations of all the required diagrams by reducing the computational tasks to one-dimensional integrals. This is achieved by means of pre-computed kernel sets defined for appropriately chosen fiducial models. The computational time for two-loop results is then reduced from a few minutes, with the direct method, to a few seconds with the fast one. The robustness and applicability of this method are tested against the power spectrum cosmic emulator from which a wide variety of cosmological models can be explored. The fortran program with which direct and fast calculations of power spectra can be done, RegPT, is publicly released as part of this paper.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figure

    Momentum-Dependent Hybridization Gap and dispersive in-gap state of The Kondo Semiconductor SmB6

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    We report the temperature-dependent three-dimensional angle-resolved photoemission spectra of the Kondo semiconductor SmB6_6. We found a difference in the temperature dependence of the peaks at the X and Γ\Gamma points, due to hybridization between the Sm 5d conduction band and the nearly localized Sm 4f state. The peak intensity at the X point has the same temperature dependence as the valence transition below 120 K, while that at the Γ\Gamma point is consistent with the magnetic excitation at Q=(0.5,0.5,0.5) below 30 K. This suggests that the hybridization with the valence transition mainly occurs at the X point, and the initial state of the magnetic excitation is located at the Γ\Gamma point.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Generalized Jarzynski Equality under Nonequilibrium Feedback Control

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    The Jarzynski equality is generalized to situations in which nonequilibrium systems are subject to a feedback control. The new terms that arise as a consequence of the feedback describe the mutual information content obtained by measurement and the efficacy of the feedback control. Our results lead to a generalized fluctuation-dissipation theorem that reflects the readout information, and can be experimentally tested using small thermodynamic systems. We illustrate our general results by an introducing "information ratchet," which can transport a Brownian particle in one direction and extract a positive work from the particle

    Quantum-number projection in the path-integral renormalization group method

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    We present a quantum-number projection technique which enables us to exactly treat spin, momentum and other symmetries embedded in the Hubbard model. By combining this projection technique, we extend the path-integral renormalization group method to improve the efficiency of numerical computations. By taking numerical calculations for the standard Hubbard model and the Hubbard model with next nearest neighbor transfer, we show that the present extended method can extremely enhance numerical accuracy and that it can handle excited states, in addition to the ground state.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.