420 research outputs found


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    It is shown that one can fit the available data on the a0(980), f0(980), f0(1300) and K*0(1430) mesons as a distorted 0++ qq bar nonet using very few (5-6) parameters and an improved version of the unitarized quark model. This includes all light two-pseudoscalar thresholds, constraints from Adler zeroes, flavour symmetric couplings, unitarity and physically acceptable analyticity. The parameters include a bare uu bar or dd bar mass, an over-all coupling constant, a cutoff and a strange quark mass of 100 MeV, which is in accord with expectations from the quark model. It is found that in particular for the a0(980) and f0(980) the KK bar component in the wave function is large, i.e., for a large fraction of the time the qq bar state is transformed into a virtual KK bar pair. This KK bar component, together with a similar component of eta' pi for the a0(980) , and eta eta, eta eta' and eta' eta' components for the f0(980), causes the substantial shift to a lower mass than what is naively expected from the qq bar component alone. Mass, width and mixing parameters, including sheet and pole positions, of the four resonances are given, with a detailed pedagogical discussion of their meaning.Comment: 35 pages in plain latex (ZPC in press), 10 figures obtainable from the author ([email protected]) with regular mail or as a large PS fil

    Does A Narrow Tetraquark ccuˉdˉcc\bar{u}\bar{d} State Exist?

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    The existence of a shallow or virtual tetraquark state, ccuˉdˉcc\bar{u}\bar{d}, is discussed. Using the putative masses for the doubly charmed baryons (ccu/ccdccu/ccd) from SELEX, the mass of the ccuˉdˉcc\bar{u}\bar{d} state is estimated to be about 3.9GeV3.9 GeV, only slightly above the DD∗DD^* threshold. The experimental signatures for various ccuˉdˉcc\bar{u}\bar{d} masses are also discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 16 page

    Estimating sigma-meson couplings from D \to 3\pi decays

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    Using recent experimental evidence from E791 on the sigma meson in D \to 3\pi decays, we study the relevant couplings in D \to \sigma \pi and \sigma \to \pi\ pi within the accepted theoretical framework for non leptonic D decays. We also review the linear sigma model, finding that it gives a description which is consistent with the experimental data.Comment: 6 pages, no figures. Final version accepted for publication as a Brief Report in Physical Review

    On Deusons or Deuteronlike Meson-Meson Bound States

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    The systematics of deuteronlike two-meson bound states, {\it deusons}, is discussed. Previous arguments that many of the present non-qqˉq\bar q states are such states are elaborated including, in particular, the tensor potential. For pseudoscalar states the important observation is made that the centrifugal barrier from the P-wave can be overcome by the 1/r21/r^2 and 1/r31/r^3 terms of the tensor potential. In the heavy meson sector one-pion exchange alone is strong enough to form at least deuteron-like BBˉ∗B\bar B^* and B∗Bˉ∗B^*\bar B^* composites bound by approximately 50 MeV, while DDˉ∗D\bar D^* and D∗Dˉ∗D^*\bar D^* states are expected near the threshold.Comment: Invited talk at the Hadron93 International Conf. on Hadron Spectroscopy, Como, Italy 22.-25.6. 1993. 5 pages in LATEX HU-SEFT R 1993-13

    Measuring rates of present-day relative sea-level rise in low-elevation coastal zones: a critical evaluation

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    Although tide gauges are the primary source of data used to calculate multi-decadal- to century-scale rates of relative sea-level change, we question the usefulness of tide-gauge data in rapidly subsiding low-elevation coastal zones (LECZs). Tide gauges measure relative sea-level rise (RSLR) with respect to the base of associated benchmarks. Focusing on coastal Louisiana, the largest LECZ in the United States, we find that these benchmarks (n=35) are anchored an average of 21.5&thinsp;m below the land surface. Because at least 60&thinsp;% of subsidence occurs in the top 5&thinsp;m of the sediment column in this area, tide gauges in coastal Louisiana do not capture the primary contributor to RSLR. Similarly, global navigation satellite system (GNSS) stations (n=10) are anchored an average of &gt;&thinsp;14.3&thinsp;m below the land surface and therefore also do not capture shallow subsidence. As a result, tide gauges and GNSS stations in coastal Louisiana, and likely in LECZs worldwide, systematically underestimate rates of RSLR as experienced at the land surface. We present an alternative approach that explicitly measures RSLR in LECZs with respect to the land surface and eliminates the need for tide-gauge data in this context. Shallow subsidence is measured by rod surface-elevation table–marker horizons (RSET-MHs) and added to measurements of deep subsidence from GNSS data, plus sea-level rise from satellite altimetry. We show that for an LECZ the size of coastal Louisiana (25&thinsp;000–30&thinsp;000&thinsp;km2), about 40 RSET-MH instruments suffice to collect useful data. Rates of RSLR obtained from this approach are substantially higher than rates as inferred from tide-gauge data. We therefore conclude that LECZs may be at higher risk of flooding within a shorter time horizon than previously assumed.</p

    X(3872): Hadronic Molecules in Effective Field Theory

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    We consider the implications from the possibility that the recently observed state X(3872) is a meson-antimeson molecule. We write an effective Lagrangian consistent with the heavy-quark and chiral symmetries needed to describe X(3872). We claim that if X(3872) is a molecular bound state of D^*0 and anti-D^0 mesons, the heavy-quark symmetry requires the existence of the molecular bound state X_b of B^*0 and anti-B^0 with the mass of 10604 MeV.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, RevTe

    BB Intermeson Potentials in the Quark Model

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    In this paper we derive quark model results for scattering amplitudes and equivalent low energy potentials for heavy meson pairs, in which each meson contains a heavy quark. This "BB" system is an attractive theoretical laboratory for the study of the nuclear force between color singlets; the hadronic system is relatively simple, and there are lattice gauge theory (LGT) results for V_BB(r) which may be compared to phenomenological models. We find that the quark model potential (after lattice smearing) has qualitative similarities to the LGT potential in the two B*B* channels in which direct comparison is possible, although there is evidence of a difference in length scales. The quark model prediction of equal magnitude but opposite sign for I=0 and I=1 potentials also appears similar to LGT results at intermediate r. There may however be a discrepancy between the LGT and quark model I=1 BB potentials. A numerical study of the two-meson Schrodinger equations in the (bqbar)(bqbar) and (cqbar)(cqbar) sectors with the quark model potentials finds a single "molecule", in the I=0 BB* sector. Binding in other channels might occur if the quark model forces are augmented by pion exchange.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, revtex and epsfig. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Unquenching the Quark Model and Screened Potentials

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    The low-lying spectrum of the quark model is shown to be robust under the effects of `unquenching'. In contrast, the use of screened potentials is shown to be of limited use in models of hadrons. Applications to unquenching the lattice Wilson loop potential and to glueball mixing in the adiabatic hybrid spectrum are also presented.Comment: 6 pages, 3 ps figures, revtex. Version to appear in J. Phys.

    A new Perspective on the Scalar meson Puzzle, from Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking Beyond BCS

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    We introduce coupled channels of Bethe-Salpeter mesons both in the boundstate equation for mesons and in the mass gap equation for chiral symmetry. Consistency is insured by the Ward Identities for axial currents, which preserve the Goldstone boson nature of the pion and prevents a systematic shift of the hadron spectrum. We study the decay of a scalar meson coupled to a pair of pseudoscalars. We also show that coupled channels reduce the breaking of chiral symmetry, with the same Feynman diagrams that appear in the coupling of a scalar meson to a pair of pseudoscalar mesons. Exact calculations are performed in a particular confining quark model, where we find that the groundstate I=0,3P0qqˉI=0, ^3P_0 q \bar q meson is the f_0(980) with a partial decay width of 40MeV. We also find a 30% reduction of the chiral condensate due to coupled channels.Comment: 17 pages, Revtex, 8 eps figures, and several eps diagrams in equation

    Conformal Phase Transition and Fate of the Hidden Local Symmetry in Large N_f QCD

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    It is observed that the Hidden Local Symmetry (HLS) for the vector mesons in the ordinary QCD with smaller N_f plays the role of the "Higgsed magnetic gauge symmetry" for the Seiberg duality in the SUSY QCD. For large N_f where the conformal phase transition with chiral restoration and deconfinement is expected to take place, we find that the HLS model also exhibits the chiral restoration by the loop corrections (including the quadratic divergence) in a manner similar to that in the CP^{N-1} model, provided that the bare HLS Lagrangian respects the Georgi's vector limit at a certain N_f (\approx 7).Comment: 4 Pages (RevTeX), 3 PS figures are included Minor corrections are made for the introductory part. This is the version to appear in Physical Review Letter
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